Old Man

 I cannot abide people behaving badly in public
Men can be lumbersome and stupid when drunk but women, can be just as bad in their own way and can infuriate me more by hiding behind their sex.
Last night before getting home, the sanctuary and quiet of an intercity train was broken by joining aviva trails wales. 
It’s like the Wild West.
A large good natured hen party got on the train and the crowded carriage grew loud with squeals and laughter. 
That was mildly annoying but acceptable, it went with the flow but as the hen party separated into two groups, one younger faction joined a load of Irish scouts on the floor of the vestibule next to the loo and outside doors. Sending people wanting to get off in the opposite direction. 
Near our stop , one man in his forties was stopped in his tracks when he tried to get past the party sat on the floor, something I wasn’t having, so I moved past him with a not unfriendly but assertive “Come on  People EVERYONE UP! “
No one moved, and I was faced by twenty pouting lip faces
We are getting off EVERYONE UP ! Now !” I repeated 
Somewhat groggily the girls got to their feet but still filled the aisle so no one could get passed 
So like Hattie Jaques in a Carry On film I bellowed Everyone to the right” and I led the passengers towards the doors like Moses did with the Israelites out of Egypt
It was was then that the how dare he ‘s ? started
One woman yelled “That rude old man can’t speak to us like that!” 
And Janet suddenly pissed herself laughing as did I ! 
We mouthed “ Old man” together at each other and laughed loudly.
The Scouts and girls started muttering and geared themselves up for a fight, but was wrong footed by our chuckles
By the time we walked onto the platform, we were hysterical in laughter
Janet pointing to me cackling “ You RUDE OLD MAN!” 


  1. They were the rude ones

  2. Glad all was calmed by the giggles.

  3. Bravo, they tangled with the wrong gentleman of a certain age. Back in 2020 when we took the train from Wales to London, there was a very loud, very drunk "hen party" filling two tables across the aisle from us all the way to London. They were harassing the man with the drinks trolley something terrible, and that was a 10:00 AM train.

    1. I will not be intimidated by drunk women

  4. I wonder what their reaction would have been if you and the other passengers had just stepped all over them. Mind you, drunken girls are not to be tangled with....

    1. Anonymous1:53 pm

      We had a similar to do on the local subway and a girl knifed a mom of 2 for being asked not to vape


    2. Food for thought Lee and Jc

  5. I would have been laughing too:)

    1. Ithink both Janet and I find the same self effacing humour funny

  6. Girls behaving badly. They needed a wake up call!

  7. I remember the days when a train conductor walked through and made sure everyone was in their place.

    1. We could have travelled home for free, no one checked anything

  8. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Oh John you never take yourself too seriously do you?
    The laughing defused the situation nicely.
    I love that your siste found the words funny too



    1. Why would I ? Laughing at yourself is so therapeutic

    2. Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused. Words I seem to live by:)

    3. Most nurses do in my experience

  9. Anonymous2:02 pm

    Love that you and Janet were good natured about the issue, I wonder how proud the parents are about the behaviour of their offspring? Good to hear the London trip was fun. Jan in Castle Gresley

  10. Something similar happened to my bestie who is the nicest person you could ever meet. She has looking for a birthday card in Target and a woman was sprawled on the floor reading cards. She asked her to get the hell off the floor and the woman called her a rude bitch. unbelievable.

  11. The best way to handle any confrontation is to burst into laughter. The women were ridiculous, and should have been laughed at. By the whole train. There really ought to be a way to let a train employee know that there is a problem which needs addressed though.

    1. We never had our tickets checked, many trains were being cancelled due to lack of staff

  12. You could use the NY Subway method, Getting off! Getting off! Excuse me, getting off! and just wade into the crowd. They move or get stepped on. [altho I have never seen anyone actually sit on a train floor here, ick.]

    1. Try Welsh Avila trains , never enough carriages

  13. Best story in a while! RUDE! I love being both old and rude.

    1. I do too now ….( trolls do your best

  14. Very well done John - I love being older like Linda too - I find young people look and talk to me in a kindly way mostly - a bit condescendingly sometimes though - I find it amusing x

    1. I just don’t think of myself as old , Janet is my twin sister so she doesn’t either

  15. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Well done, John! I seem to come across these annoying, loud hen parties almost every time I take a train in the direction of Wales, especially if the train is passing through Cardiff. Must be a Welsh thing as I never seem to encounter them in England. Pam

    1. There are more local places to go in England

  16. It's astonishing how clueless some people can be, particularly when they've been drinking. Can we call you Moses now?

    (As some others said, there really should have been a conductor setting that group straight.)

  17. Well done, John for diffusing the situation with laughter. It could have turned very nasty, though. Only takes one idiot for things to get out of hand. Don't worry, you're still a young pup to those of us in the know! xx

    1. And I’m big
      Not a Queen to be crossed when tired

  18. Deftly handled "old man" :)

    1. It came as a shock but hearing “ old” spat out so nastily did make me giggle

  19. Anonymous4:26 pm

    It sounds lke one of flis's fantasy tales

    1. what a nasty thing to say.

    2. I am grateful not to live the land of darkness and jealousy where anon dwells - poor woman x 🌈

    3. Well Janet was there, and will vindicate the story if necessary …dear lord lol

  20. I'm all for having a good time, but purposefully blocking the isle on a train just for laughs is rude and disrespectful to all the rest of the passengers. You did good, smiling all the way. Having Janet by your side was important too.

    1. They were having fun, but it was selfish

  21. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Oh my goodness John, this made me laugh too as I have had similar experiences getting off the London train at Pulborough which was bound for Butlins at Bognor. The journey starts with vodka and orange and the hens are soon on the floor and I’ve often had to take a glassy-eyed youngster under my wing and make sure she had no more to drink. It’s during moments like these I can feel myself turning into my mum who when she was teaching in challenging secondary moderns in west London used to teach the girls to crochet to calm them down. Glad you and Janet got out alive and had a laugh. Sarah in Sussex

    1. I’ve had a lot of experience with drunks
      Be clear, and smile and be firm

  22. It seems to be the stock reply by the perpertrators of bad behaviour. I had a similar experience on a train. We had reserved seats but could not get to them due to a carriage length log jam of people in the aisle unable to move back or forwards. No way was I going to stand all the way from Crewe to London so I began to untangle the human knot in my best nurse in charge voice. At one point I picked up a suitcase and told the owner to follow her case. I put it on the lap of a seated passenger who accused me of stealing it. The owner was then able to wiggle through and retrieve her case. A lot of people were looking annoyed but then a wonderful young woman at the other side of the knot said "I see what you are trying to do" and started coordinating movements at her end. We successfully got things moving again but suitcase lap man was still glaring at me. I calmly said, "I am a nurse, I am trained to create order out of chaos". His companion laughed and I like to think the other guy slightly toned down his disdain. Sometimes we just have to step up.

    1. I like this
      And I agree nurses are pragmatic
      Like me when I instructed everyone to move to one side

    2. Anonymous8:59 pm

      I am a retired Office Manager and did a similar thing at a movie theater that was poorly laid out, leaving people waiting for entry to the theater mixed in with those wanting to buy refreshments. I literally could not stand it and began gently directing people to create proper lines.

    3. Anonymous11:25 am

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Anonymous12:14 pm


  23. Anonymous7:53 pm

    John you make lite of this encounter and I applaud you for its comical aside , but there’s something dark here, lurking


    1. Anonymous8:02 pm

      He said he would tell the story Lee and he did



  24. Good For Ya'll. Maintaining light civility in the face of adversity .. and a Good Laugh

  25. Bravo John! You did the right thing instead of cowering and keeping schtum!

  26. I too despise bad manners especially in public; good for you and your not stooping on this one.

  27. Jo in Auckland1:03 am

    I would have had a panic attack not being able to navigate a whole lot of bodies to get off at my stop so I salute you. Being short doesn't help either I generally get lost in a sea of people and I'm suffocated by everyone's backs in a crowd!

  28. Ah the young people these days. I've had two medical people to see me in my home in the past week. I was flabbergasted when I learned one was 40 and the other was 71! They both looked much younger. But at least neither of them called me a RUDE OLD MAN!

  29. As a modern-day Moses, all you need is a staff.

  30. Anonymous5:45 am

    Yes, Welsh trains.......
    I would have felt intimidated in this situation. It does need someone to take charge.
    Alison in Wales x

  31. You did the right thing. Someone recently said to me that "old" is 15 years older than I am now. I think there's truth in it

  32. I'm afraid I would have been intimidated and kept a low profile unless really pushed into a confrontation. I'm very much a coward. You seem to have handled things well with firmness and humour.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. weaver10:48 am

    Worry not- when you get really old like me-I'll still be the founder of your fan club.

    1. Now I know to whom I say Hail chief. I hope all the love we send your way helps you and the fanning we send John helps him.

  35. It's great to see a note from Weaver here today.
    John will you be getting
    the kittens Lily and Weaver today?-Mary

  36. You handled it well, you have to be in the situation to be able to way up the way to treat it, and you did just that. There are some perks to being older and with a sense of humour. Gawd, if we all stopped laughing the world would be an even sadder place. ;-)

  37. Anonymous12:12 pm

    I probably would have just said “excuse me” and stepped on them! Gigi

  38. Anonymous5:28 pm

    John, how about holding a hanky to your face whilst loudly declaring "I think I'm going to be sick ...." Bet that would shift them!

  39. Barbara7:55 pm

    ‘Growing old gratefully’ is the correct response!

  40. Anonymous1:26 pm

    And if that group had been males not females? What would you have done?

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