Stand and Be Counted

 It’s been a catch up sort of day. I need to start an essay but typically found myself collecting flower show schedules, sorting Show bits and bats out and talking to villagers. 
The exotic Melinka LeVey sadly recalled the death of her poorly dog, the one who had a small pram all to his own, Village Leaders Ian and Helen have just had a holiday and Mr Jones is still finding his wife’s admission to a local nursing home incredibly difficult. 
I spent a long time with him, as he looks so lost 
Jo ( with the three whippets with 11 legs) showed me her latest pencil drawing of an Otter which was a  truly beautiful piece of work and Mrs Trellis told me that she planned to defend a local Muslim centre if any silliness kicked off, on the back of the nationwide reaction to the stabbing of the children in Southport 

Nice one Mrs Trellis…..nice one 


  1. Good old Mrs Trellis! The riots are absolutely nothing to do with the murder of the 3 little girls. It is just idiots out for a fight. They need to walk past the tributes to the victims, as I did a couple of days ago, and read the cards, see the chalk drawings of flowers and hearts, and just take a long, hard look at themselves. They should be ashamed of their behaviour. xx

    1. Asian most riots the “ rioters” mostly have their own agenda

    2. Apparently some are only there for the looting!

    3. Some will get a criminal record for looting Crocs!!!!

  2. Yes, nice one, Mrs. Trellis. We need more Mrs. Trellises in the world.

    1. There would be no protests if Mrs trellis was cloned

  3. John if there is still time I would like to enter the crazed and wonderful veggie and fruit contest.
    woof, winston and agatha

    1. Of course just email me your entry xx

  4. No Gigi , I’m just waiting for the cat manager to contact me, telling me lily is ready after her minor op

  5. I now have visions of Mrs Trellis standing guard outside the Muslim centre scaring off attackers with a fierce look.

    1. Anonymous8:39 pm

      Tally ho



  6. I think you may be an empath John - People are drawn to you but you need to find time for you too - just saying x

    1. Anonymous8:38 pm

      Flis, whoever you are, you are correct, I think John has a knack of warmth which helps people like him and what he has to share
      People are envious of this skill
      I am


  7. Sometimes you need to catch up with all the little odds and sods of life before you can sit down with a calm mind to write.
    Village catch ups are important

  8. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Yay Mrs. T!


  9. That's good to know thanks -Mary

  10. You are such a dear soul, John, to spend time with Mr. Jones as he struggles with this new chapter in his life. Hugs to you, him and Melinka. And brava to Mrs. Trellis!!!
    Wishing you all a calm, safe, and good week.

    1. I did very little. The stories I could tell you just how much village leader supports mutual friend Nick , how much Islwyn does for everyone in Erw Wen
      I could go on

  11. Traveller9:29 pm

    Good Mrs T. As you said the rioters have their own agenda, and it’s nothing to do with the three girls that were murdered. It’s unfortunate that people have jumped to conclusions. I read one blogger saying that they doubted the killer’s name was doubted his name was Dafydd or Evan or Aled. A lot of nasty stuff out there…as you say let’s clone Mrs T

  12. I hope their is enough love in the world as their seems to be hate, for all our sakes.
    I know the hate is surely more visible than ever , it seems.
    Your village trips are like a big warm hug. Thank you.

  13. I'm right behind Mrs Trellis. Deep in my heart I do believe that we shall overcome some day.

  14. You managed a very good community catch-up. Good for Mrs. T, we could all use more of her kind.

  15. I can just see Mrs Trellis in her bobble hat standing her ground. I'm too far away to stand with her but I hope others of integrity will stand shoulder to shoulder with her should it come to it. Of course I hope it doesn't.

  16. Anonymous4:32 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. So many personal lives are touched in village meetings and chats. I think we are all better for the closeness of a small and supportive community, and your village is such a good one. Mrs Trellis is a fine person.

  18. The world needs an army of Mrs Trellis'. ❤️

  19. weaver7:50 am

    There was a heartening piece on the news about a mosque somewhere (may have been Rotherham but not sure) where they cooked burgers and chips and once the worst had died down they invited the rioters in and fed them and talked about the issues. the leader of the mosque (Imam?) was invited by the leader of the rioters to meet for coffee the next day.
    Made a change from the hatred.

    1. I saw that.sadly the articulate iman made the protesters what they are, brutes

    2. What a nice story that is. It takes courage to meet hatred head on, doesn't it?

  20. Yellow Shoes11:07 am

    Couldn’t help feeling a bit proud of Sheffield for not joining in with the needless violence.

    1. Yes I saw that clip too and was proud also

  21. "three whippets with eleven legs" only on your blog! Made me chuckle. Bless Mrs Trellis, we need more sensible, decent people.

  22. Anonymous2:00 pm

    Read Elon musks latest tweet

  23. I like Mrs. Trellis, my kind of lady.


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