

I’m buggered
On the train home and it’s been too hot in London
Beautiful weather but too humid
A Chorus Line was a hoot. A tad overlong, but full of belters, tits and sass 
it was a quality piece.
All the gays cheer for Shiela and Paul
They always did 
We went to a nice, unpretentious Italian in Soho called Polpo too
And drank Apropol spritzers and ate meatballs to die for

Buckingham Palace was a treat too. Janet preferred the state rooms whereas I Loved the garden tour but all was interesting and very well organised.
The Royals do like their red and gold
Very 1990s common gay 

Many of the support staff were young Muslim women, beautifully made up in their hijabs, adorned with gold. 

One of the tour guides told us how Camilla organised a small garden tea party for a few people who had missed the years celebrations because of traffic problems and hospitalization

She sounds a good egg

We did have a laugh, and both of us was still laughing after I broke into an argument with a Welsh hen party on the train home



  1. So fun! And looks like you had perfect weather. I checked, temps in the mid 70s, delightful.

  2. I've booked tickets to see "Come From Away" in late September, going with three coworkers. I'm looking forward to it. Usually I don't go out much, my husband doesn't it enjoy it, but I do. I thought, fuck it, I'm going to put myself out there and ask people if they want to go, and now I'm going out with three friends:)

    1. Janet told me she loved this blog entry x

  3. I like Queen Camilla x 👯🍝 👑🌳

  4. Another successful adventure!

  5. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the Big Smoke. Sounds like it was pretty good.

  6. I saw that Queen Camilla arranged a tea party for children who's missed the "official" tea party. Such a special occasion for them.
    You can have a well-earned rest now, and gather some energy for the twins' arrival. You're going to need it! xx

    1. I think that must of been the thing the staff was telling us about

  7. That all sounds absolutely wonderful. What a great few days.

    1. Nice meal, lovely musical , bit of history

  8. What a lovely trip ! I have been following a blog about the Kings Horse Guards and John (London City Walks) always show his walk to the Guards. So I get to see the weather and great views.
    woof, Winston and Agatha

    1. We did laugh a lot . Especially after I was called an “ old man” by some nasty Welsh hen night gals ( more about that tomorrow)

    2. Anonymous9:59 pm

      I hope that’s tomorrows blog



  9. That was a worthwhile visit..but still the best bit about London is leaving it behind!!

    1. I get that, today it was far too busy and humid , the tube was a nightmare

  10. Sounds like you had a great time. Good for you! And I think Camilla may have gotten a bad name over the years, perhaps undeservedly.

    1. The staff we spoke to , spoke very highly of bother camilla and Charles

  11. Thanks for sharing the mini vacay. It's so nice to see the world through someone else's eyes - especially when it is in another country. It always sounds so much more exotic than home territory.

    1. I know , typical social media’s all me me

  12. One August weekend in London, and I will never book a hotel without air conditioning again.

  13. You packed a lot into your visit! Good for you!

    1. Well the meal and show was Janet’s birthday and Christmas gifts

  14. What a wonderful time despite the heat and humidity.

    1. Anonymous9:58 pm

      I’m envious


  15. Anonymous11:27 pm

    It was 100 here today (37.7 to you all) and 83% humidity. Your weather sounds like fall, but it's all what you are used to! Your sister looks pretty as well as happy, and no food on her shirt!


  16. Jo in Auckland3:08 am

    Your London trip was a rip roaring success by the sounds of it. The cafe at Buck House sounds charming and the weather played ball for you obviously... my sister video'd me over night and told me the weather was "f**king hot and too bloody humid" her words not mine lol. Do the icecreams come in different flavours to Strawberry?? The musical looks wonderful but they are not my cup of tea usually. I couldn't imagine being stuffed in a sardine can (tube) in the humidity... I think I'd have a panic attack. Going to London is exciting... leaving London for home is fabulous (was in 1983 anyway)

  17. Sounds like your perfect day out. I've only seen Buck House from behind the railings, but my mother used to go to garden parties.

  18. I've just had heat, but also a lovely sea breeze on a short holiday and it was lovely. I also struggle with too much heat and humidity.

    Your visit to the gardens is my idea of a perfect day and Janet must have had a wonderful time.

  19. A grand day out. City heat is oppressive. X

  20. It sounds like it was a wonderful trip. Lovely photos too. Janet looks beautiful.

  21. Well now I want to hear about the argument with the Welsh hens. So glad you had a lovely time. (We were in London on Wednesday for Hello Dolly. Surprisingly, I didn't find the weather too hot.)

  22. Lizzie7:21 am

    What a Grand Day Out! I saw chorus line on Broadway, bought the tape (remember them 😂) and after playing it constantly I can still sing almost every song word perfect! My lovely dad was in the Irish guards band and often played on the palace forecourt and at garden parties x

  23. weaver7:57 am

    Sounds a super day out (and meat balls look delicious)

  24. That looks delicious!! It's been a hellacious, hot, humid couple of months here in NJ. Silly me got tickets to see Train & REO Speedwagon on Aug 1. Loved the show, but didn't love marinating in my own juices for a few hours. Glad you and your sister enjoyed your bday adventure!

  25. Was the hen party being too loud for a pair of sixty somethings?

  26. Hen party! I haven't heard that expression in years. I forgot about it. Welsh hen party sounds like a euphemism for something I can't determine what.

  27. Anonymous1:35 pm

    I love going to London, but then I love coming home again. Beverley.

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