Novelty Veg

Jennifer’s Entry 


  1. Ha, ha... love it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A certain ex-president? Although the hair on the orange is more realistic! xx

    1. That's got to "trump" the opposition!

  4. To portray the 45th president, I would have used a turnip. Even so - a fine effort from Mrs Barlow

  5. Well done Jennifer; the perfect portrait.

  6. Time to run him through a juicer

    1. krayolakris12:30 pm

      Haha! But he’s too rotten!

  7. Will make good compost!

  8. Anonymous12:50 pm

    I assume the tie is extra long?


  9. Please release me from "Spam"!

  10. Another idea is an old Potato for the sitting President, because the potato has more of a brain at this point.

  11. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Sadly true

  12. Creative genius. The open mouth signaling the lies spewing is priceless.

  13. I would love to talk to someone who will vote for him so that I could understand why they think he will make a good president.

    Having said that reading some recent blog posts on Southport makes me realize that people don’t look at facts, they just go with feelings.

    Have a wonderful time in London.

    1. Anonymous12:37 pm

      He will / has let companies drill for oil in the U.S. and can make the U.S. self sufficient in oil production, not need to depend on any other country to supply the U.S.
      Will continue permit lettings to build the pipeline that they started when he was in office before and was put a stop to by the government that is in there now.
      He will work his plan for the Southern Border with Mexico to keep illegals from crossing the border like they are now.
      He is a businessman who can run the country with that knowledge without owing anyone anything, like all the politicians now owe and depend on others owing them favors to get money for themselves.
      I for one am tired of "politicians" being in office forever and only looking out for their personal selves and not the country as a whole, which is their job when elected.
      We have become a country of so much violence and divisive laws that the government is controlling us for their individual benefits, when they are elected to do what it right for the whole country to make it prosper . Not just them as individuals.
      The "politicians" who will be afraid to be in politics for fear of being"outed "on their back door and behind the scenes money making schemes will retire.
      I am commenting as anonymous , John knows who I am , not a fly by or troll.

    2. Anonymous12:40 pm

      By the way, the oj man is clever Jennifer.
      Calling people names gets us nowhere though.

    3. So much of what is said here is easily refutable but in my opinion, Donald Trump is just a horrible human being. He demeans women (particularly women of color) and mocks the disabled and has an ego so huge he claims he is God's "chosen one." If he is elected, he has shown us he will never leave office willingly.

    4. Anonymous2:55 pm

      Just because a doctor is nice , doesn't make him a good doctor. Just because a president is "nice" doesn't make him a good president.
      You want the one with the most knowledge about a budget and how to balance it. How to cut costs , slim down the government jobs make the government more transparent. The one who can make the most money and spend the least. A lot of the "politicians" have no real life experience with a real job or a real life business. Have never had another job, besides life guarding in real life.
      I have never heard him say he is God's "chosen one". Have never seen the footage of that happening .

    5. Here you go. He even looks up to the sky when he says it.

    6. Anonymous3:55 pm

      What was said in the minutes before that...he may be saying he is the chosen one by Republicans to run for president.
      Refute anything else I have said. He has already done the things in the first statement I had . He did those things in his first presidential term

    7. Anonymous4:06 pm

      I have looked at your web site.
      Hope you find peace in your life and happiness. It hurts only you to be so negative.

    8. I don’t know who u are anon and I would prefer you putting your name to your comment

    9. If you don’t , I will delete the comments

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Very clever... and inedible.

    1. Anonymous7:44 am

      I want to smash it


    2. Anonymous3:28 pm

      So you're a violent person? Hmm.

    3. Anonymous5:49 pm

      Too fucking right


  15. Anonymous4:39 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Is it meant to be someone famous? Someone wearing a flat cap?


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes