Mexican Standoff

A minute later the dogs walked in on their leads and the kittens flew into their carrier, wide eyed and spitting . It was a long hour, with the kittens in defence and Roger in benign greeting. 
Every hiss had him bouncing back behind me, a worried look upon his face. 
Mary watched carefully , stepping forward, then back then forward again until she grew bored and at the 50 minute mark she sat down to sleep. 
Roger wined and barked some, then repeated his hopeful greeting before jumping back yet again. 
Both dogs turned their attention to me when I retrieved a small lump of cheese from my pocket, from which I gave each a morsel 

I will repeat the process tomorrow until boredom and cheese dominates 

I went to see Alien Romulus tonight

It was shite

Bit of the lisping choir to compensate 


  1. That cats will lose their fear and probably the dogs will lose their curiousity.

  2. Patience and gradual acclimatization are key, as you are demonstrating. A very good start today!!

  3. Baby steps. Still early days. xx

  4. Anonymous8:26 pm

    The kittens look like they will be quite capable of defending themselves..poor Roger, afraid of them.. the cheese is a very nice treat for behaving. Gigi

    1. Anonymous8:35 pm

      I’d be a nervous wreck . You have things under control , wise given they are so small


  5. I see the introduction process has begun, LOL! Those kittens are just too cute for words!

  6. Do you have something the dogs have slept on that you could place in the room with the kittens? A non-threatening "introduction" to the scents of Mary & Roger?
    I chuckled while picturing Roger bouncing behind you as Weaver & Beans hissed. Dear Mary seems to have right idea... a wee nap if the tykes don't want to be sociable. 😊😸

    1. Already done, the kittens sleep on a dog blanket

  7. Traveller8:48 pm

    They’ll get there as you know.

  8. Roger is trying so hard to be friends...but cheeeeese beats everything!! It is very useful 😎 xx

  9. Those are awfully cute kittens!

  10. Maybe divide the dogs? Put Roger out in the yard, let the twins get used to Mary. Then add Roger next time.

  11. Those kittens are so stinking cute! Poor dogs. The dogs and the kittens will come around, but you already know that. It's funny you just saw that movie, I just listened to an interview with the director and writer, Fede Alvarez.

  12. My Aunt had cats and my Uncle had his dogs - They got along mostly x ( Ps - I'm a little apprehensive considering another rescue - I do hope my cheeky ones can be on their best behaviour ) x

  13. I look forward to the day when the kittens fall in love with the dogs. Poor Roger having his feelings hurt.

  14. Anonymous10:05 pm

    Oh John I’ve seen the guy you fancy in the choir
    Right at the start, the expressive guy with the smiling face and beard
    He’s a cutie
    How do we introduce you?



  15. Anonymous10:51 pm

    I've been anticipating the gentle introduction of the kittens to the Welsh......sounds like a pretty typical *first* intro. Time and patience (and cheese) will prevail over time.
    Susan M/ Calif

  16. It might help if you introduced them more formally: "Weaver this is Roger, Roger this is Weaver and Beans, this is Mary, Mary this is Beans..." etc.. Manners cost nothing.

  17. Nicely done John! Time will help those four to
    become accustomed to and hopefully fond of each other . I had cats and
    dogs that preferred to
    sleep together, I look forward to your group's
    bonding .-Mary

  18. The twins look as if they have been practicing for the Welsh.
    Good luck to the dogs! ;)

  19. Anonymous12:38 am

    I feel quite sad for Roger, so perplexing when something doesn't want to be friends.


  20. Barbara Anne1:12 am

    Am so glad there was no chaos or mayhem and will keep fingers crossed for better results tomorrow ... or the day after or!
    When the stray cat had 3 kittens the very day she came to our door, our old Virginia Walker Hound was soon their source of warmth, snuggles, and there was never a problem because Toby had been in their lives from day 1.


  21. As I expected. The kittens would be terrified. It should be a gentle introduction. Perhaps you should have held Mary so they could see her for a moment or two in your arms. Just a short visit. Perhaps a sniff. Just getting used to the quieter pup would have been better . Two dogs and especially a barking one could be a real set back. The kittens were obviously terrified. A slow, short and careful introduction is best. Poor babies.

  22. Anonymous6:00 am

    The kit kats will have the upper hand as they will be able to jump onto shelves (watch out ornaments and pics) and other places to escape the dogs. I anticipate that they will end up tolerating each other and that hopefully they will all good friends. Lucky you having two black cats and two Welsh terriers. I had to have my 16 and a half terrier put to sleep on Friday.

  23. Please remind the kittens that one of them is recovering from an operation - not that it's holding them back! Lovely to see them playing!

  24. I remember first dates being like that. (I hope you find humor in this.)

  25. You know it will all work out ... in the end.

  26. I know I've had dogs and cats at the same time but I can't remember the introduction period. Did we just introduce them and hope for the best? Surely not.

  27. Kittens are terrified of EVERYTHING. That is there cautious nature. As they sort out that the Welsh do not eat small cats for tea, they will settle down. There is no way to do it but to let them get to know each other under a careful eye.

  28. The kittens are probably a little terrified of Roger's enthusiasm. In time things will settle. Roger less enthusiastic and kittens less terrified.

  29. Anonymous3:00 pm

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  30. Oh no... i 'm scheduled to go see the Alien movie in a couple days.... no? whats wrong with it? the acting? the creatures? I really just want to be entertained......good special effects a good scare now and then....???? Hugs! deb

  31. what sort of cheese?

  32. Oh no I was hoping Alien would be ok. I trust your judgment, and will avoid and save my pennies.

  33. Oh no I was hoping Alien would be ok. I trust your judgment, and will avoid and save my pennies.


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