Meet 2

 The meeting today was quieter thanks to the cheese and a handful of Sausage. 
No barking, no silliness , just some careful good looks and sniffing . 
After half an hour Mary settled and minutes later Roger finally sat down, but the kittens remained in the carrier. 
Day 2 ( tick)
I met up with village Elder Ian and we revamped the flower show posters which will be placed at either ends of the village 
I mopped the bedroom floor, made avocado salad and opened every window except those in the kitten’s bedroom 
A quiet Sunday all told


  1. Getting there, slowly but surely. Do the kitties like cheese? One of my old cats loved it. I used to grate some for him whenever we had it. xx

    1. All the cats I have ever been a human to would die for cheese.....

    2. I also once had a cat who loved crisps. Ever tried eating crisps quietly? He could hear a bag being opened from miles away! xx

  2. Barbara Anne4:19 pm

    Progress! Baby steps count and it certainly helps with Mary and Roger being calm.
    There is a lot to be said for a quiet Sunday. We await a possible storm.


    1. Anonymous4:23 pm

      Mary and Roger were not calm! John clearly says it took even Mary half an hour to settle down

    2. Traveller4:39 pm

      Just bog off!

    3. No you are wrong anon, they were very calm , alert, but calm

    4. Anon did you read the first line

      “ The meeting today was quieter thanks to the cheese and a handful of Sausage.
      No barking, no silliness , just some careful good looks and sniffing . “

  3. Anonymous4:22 pm

    "After half an hour" Mary settled? My goodness you let the kittens be traumatised for all that time and longer? No wonder they stayed in their carrier That's not the kindest way to introduce animals to each other.
    Read the comment from Haven't Got One on the last post - a slow sensible way to go about it.
    Poor scared little kittens who have probably never seen a dog in their life and you go barging in their safe space with 2 unruly dogs. One even barking.. You're treating the situation as if it's a sport.

    1. Traveller4:41 pm

      Yes, John is expert in traumatizing animals. I have been reading his blog for 12 years or so and can think of numerous occasions when he has talked about it!

      PS…just in case you didn’t realize I am being sarcastic

    2. Oh, big sigh
      The kittens came from a home with 4 dogs ( 2 Jack Russell terriers and a lurcher..their foster mothers house from the animal shelter)
      Mary settled after half an hour ( from watching the carrier from my knee to curling to sleep)
      Not one dog barked today not once
      This need to make me the bad guy is somewhat obsessive and wrong, you make yourself look foolish

    3. John, dealing with these ridiculous anonymous comments must be harder than introducing the animals to one another! It would help if they took time to actually read what you've written, rather than jumping to their erroneous conclusions. Big sighs indeed! xx

    4. Anonymous5:12 pm

      Anon is a rabid cunt


    5. Anonymous8:45 pm

      Really Lee, is that the best your education gave you? It's like something a child would scrawl on a wall. You impress nobody but yourself.

    6. Anonymous8:51 pm

      Eat shit and fuckyourself


    7. Yorkshire Liz7:49 am

      Eh up, Lee lad! Tell it like it is - you always make me grin. Keep it up.

  4. Yorkshire Liz5:15 pm

    But dear deluded Anonymous is only here to stir things so she CAN enjoy herself with every and any excuse to preach and be jumping to all the wrong conclusions. Her conclusions. No-one else's. So much like my late unlamented mother - it is as laughable and predictable as it is tragic.

  5. anon - (but not Quite so anon as she thinks) - has the same intention as my deceased troubled mil -

    1. Anonymous8:43 pm

      Not quite so anon? Consider your own position flis, have you forgotten previous events?

  6. I've applied for another rescue dog today - I am anxious as I may soon be in a similar position again but with cheeky dogs x

  7. Progress! Will there come a time soon that the twins are given free reign [rein?] in the house while you and dogs go about your days?\\Recipe---avocado salad?

  8. I'm surprised those kittens are still taking refuge.

    1. I'm not. It's early days yet and although there may have been dogs in the foster home, these dogs are strangers. I've had cats all my life, we had dogs too when I was a child. I can't remember how my parents introduced them but the first pair were a pup and kitten so probably easier. I have however spent my life introducing adult adopted cats to my adult cats, kittens to my adult cats and recently adopted cats to my adopted kittens. It takes time and patience, little and often. It's important I read, not to have first accidental meetings and that hasn't happened. Yes the kittens will be afraid, they are smaller and this house is not their "turf".
      John before my recent new cats met my new kittens, they saw each other from a short distance, me holding one kitten at a time, but you are now past that and the dog sniffing, first step. My next step was two kittens and bowls of food, and whilst they were eating, I let the adults wander in inquisitively. One kitten turned round, gave a little hiss and carried on eating.
      May I suggest kittens, two bowls of food and eating, two bowls of dog food, further away, two dogs on leads and see if that gives the twins more confidence. Worth a try, you will all get there In the end. . Hugs to all four furballs. X

    2. What I don’t want to happen and ( Haven’t got one will understand this ) is for the kittens to run and elicit the chase response . The Welsh are terriers after all .
      When Albert finally walked off the dining table into the living room full of sleeping dogs , he did on his terms when he had confidence to do so and when he knew the dogs were relaxed enough not to chase

  9. Jo in Auckland7:01 pm

    Sounds like a perfect second meeting. Only gets better!

  10. Perhaps the third meeting will be the charm.

  11. John, John, John. Can you even break wind without inciting controversy? Ye gods, man!

    1. Anonymous9:11 pm

      English English & American English! I had to Google that one. ;) Pat in Pennsylvania

  12. That made me laugh. 😸😹

  13. Good lord...all these asinine comments over two kittens. Who knew they had such power to enrage anon posters.
    Tell me again (I've forgotten) why you don't limit anon posters?

  14. Once it all gets sorted out it will be a nice little family like any other: good times,bad times, fights, love, hate , but it all works out in the end and its a family.

  15. You have had pets for so long, John, that I know that you know what you are doing. Your little family will settle soon with your care. xxoo

  16. I love a quiet uneventful day as well. It is like an uncut diamond in the middle of the noise of our everyday lives I find.

  17. Progress! We met tonight on FaceTime two of our nephew and niece-in-law’s three new kittens. Littermates. Feral. Rescued at 3-1/2 weeks at a friend’s farm. Now 7-1/2 weeks old. Adorable and unbelievably cuddly and sweet. Wish it could have been in person.

  18. Anonymous10:30 pm

    second meeting sounds very promising indeed...... as the Veterinarian I worked for many years ago often said *time, patience, and TLC will take care of pretty much everything
    Susan M/ Calif.

  19. Things are going along
    swimmingly,no surprise
    with your being the planner,John.The kittens
    will acclimate as they adapt to the nice home you're providing .I hope you all have a lovely evening -Mary xx

  20. Day 2 shows promise. Cheese makes anything better. Your salad sounds delicious.

  21. I would be inclined to introduce the kittens to the dogs by hand. You'd need to hold them and let them sniff each other. You might find they get on with each other at once. If not.....

  22. It's going well I think with slow, patient steps and good ideas as how to go forward. I would not have known how best to approach this as have no experience with kittens.

    I love avocado salad. Especially on a summer day.

  23. The way you are doing this is splendid. Perhaps the UN should employ you to sort out the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Ukraine will be the kittens and Russia the dogs.

  24. Softly and slowly does it. I think that they will all get along,especially as the kittens will continue to grow.
    Btw could you block the horrid anon person, it adds nothing to your blog.

    1. Anonymous8:35 pm

      what is horrid about them, i read the comments didn't see anything bad , just because people don't share your views doesn't mean they need banning, might be better to ban the aggressive ones instead, such as 'Travel' that person has some serious anger issues, just a though, love from Esme

  25. Patience and understanding goes a long way. Many would have given up by now.

  26. Oh gawd, the Anon comments are getting so boring, from not reading posts properly to spouting absolute crap they are just pathetic in every way.

    The kittens will come round in their own time as you well know John, and you are handling it perfectly. We had to introduce our three dogs to Ginger, an adult cat who had never lived with a dog before and they quickly found a level playing field. We also introduced my ex-feral cat Toby to Sophie, the Border Collie when we first moved to the farm, that took longer ... but no animals were harmed or even traumatised in the developing mutual friendships.

  27. Anonymous7:54 pm

    I did one something similar for my baby brother [15 years my junior, who I pretty much raised as my mother decided I was going to be my brother's #1 baby sitter - she shouldn't have had him, she was 38 and she really didn't want another child, but my father so wanted to try one more time for a boy. And I believe she resent all of us kids, as she said many times thru the years she wanted no children! Anyways, my brother became a truck driver at the tender age of 21 and I did him a large cross stitch for Christmas that year for him with truck drive theme and all about him. Now to top off this long brother, after my mother passed in 2019 and left her HOME to my brother and her 3 year old car and $10,000 cash to him, he decided cut me out of his life because I would not fight my mother's will to get him more money (which would have come me and my sister's share and her estate was split 1/3 each) so he has not spoken to me since January 2019. Broke my heart but I think he hurts him even more as I was his # one supporter all his life, besides my Dad. Anyways, I have to post ANON as I have no other way to post to you. But I never say anything ugly !!! BE WELL ALL. Dawn P. Albany, GA USA (and I always put my name !)


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes