Asleep on the table

 Another study day today, this time in Bangor along the coast. The drive in good weather is glorious and the defib part of our training was interesting so the day felt worthwhile. Our trainer was a woman from furtherest West wales who couldn’t have been more Welsh if you had dipped her in larverbread, she talked about drones being employed to fly defibrillators to wherever they were needed
A fascinating concept which seems closer than our class thought to reality.
How things can change for the better.

I fell asleep at the kitchen table when I got home, dreaming of drones, and dragons and the sunny North Wales Expressway
The Welsh watching over me as I snored on my forearms 


  1. I thought one or maybe two kitties were fast asleep on the table.
    woof !

  2. As a Luddite (ask my children!) I tend to resist tech changes, but that sounds like a really useful innovation. Not the most comfortable way to get some zeds, but you obviously needed them. My table would be covered in dribble, if it were me! xx

    1. I’m a tired for much of the time and have started taking vitamin d

    2. Yes, let us know when it starts helping. Shouldn't be more than a week at the most. There is always Geritol. :) Well, over here there is Geritol. Or try even treacle, it is high in iron.

  3. When will the kittens be released?

  4. Poetry! "....dreaming of drones, and dragons and the sunny North Wales Expressway" Lovely words and imagery.
    We have drones here now to watch for ''swimmers in distress'' and sharks. The drones scare the endangered birds and are rather hated. [Not sure how a drone could help a person drowning? buzz! buzz!]

    1. Yes we didn't use to have sharks....or we didn't know they were here.

  5. Forearms? Most of us have only got two!

    1. and I wonder whether On the kitchen table - there are four candles and four handles x

    2. Anonymous7:17 pm

      I will ask a sensible question
      Why train in resuscitation , you are a hospice worker


    3. You do make me laugh Lee,
      Certain patients may not have gotten their heads around their diagnosis and may request resus. That’s rare as hospice workers will sensitively address these issues.
      Some patients may not be for rescue but may be for escalation of care at a hospital ie to be be treated for an infection
      Also relatives can be stressed and unwell when visiting the hospice, training is for their benefit also

    4. Anonymous8:23 pm

      Ok I get it !


    5. Anonymous3:13 am

      Medicare in the USA will usually only pay hospice bills in a case with a formal terminal condition and a patient signed Do Not. Resuscitate order.

  6. Naked I presume all your clothes tossed on the Welsh' chair.

    1. I know I’ve been rather slovenly this week. Tonight all the clothes have been folded and put away or washed

    2. Wasn't at all criticizing . Was hoping to make you giggle. Take care.

    3. No it was a fair comment lol

  7. They are practicing with drones in Orkney, to go beyond line of sight for parcel delivery... research being done on behalf of six companies think the report said.. including of course the big A....

    1. Apparantly tge drones will be on an invisible motorway covering north wales and will be directed from the highway to where they are needed at around 100 miles an hour

    2. That will keep Air Traffic Control busy...

  8. Barbara Anne7:09 pm

    Do Mary and Roger suspect there are small cats in the house? They certainly look cozy in your chair.
    Remember Garfield the cat? He called those unexpected naps in unusual places the fault of 'nap attacks'. Sounds like you had one. :)
    Drones and defibs, how marvelous. What will they think of next?

    1. Not really, which surprises me, tomorrow I have time to introduce the twins to the dogs ( on their leads) Sunday I will repeat the meeting and the kittens will be given the run of upstairs

    2. Your dogs aren't aggressive, are they? Are you expecting difficulties, little territorial spats? We always had cats and dogs in my home when I was a child, they got on fine. Tho the dogs [German shorthaired pointers] were totally uninterested in anything except their humans.

    3. Not at all but terriers are ratters and will chase a small animal

  9. Anonymous9:28 pm

    If you were asleep snoring how do you know the dogs were watching?

    1. It's like that parents' second sense? And--my pug can glare so hard I wake up [and provide food.].

  10. Drones are coming up in all sorts of applications. The only drones I see are the ones my neighbors are flying and the ones at the beach watching for sharks.

  11. I visited friends today who have an 11-month-old Welsh Terrier. He's a going concern! Of course, I thought of Roger.

  12. Drones delivering medication? Sounds like The Jetsons.

  13. What joys and horrors will the technology of the next 20 years bring?

  14. People keep talking about drones doing all these things -- delivering packages and whatnot -- but it's hard for me to imagine. I'll have to see it for myself!

  15. A friend told me that a suitcase has been spotted pootling along a road and over a bridge - happily on its way - Whatever next x

  16. "dreaming of drones and dragons". Pure gold.


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