Weaver and………

 I wasn’t swayed by the cuteness overload, I’ve never found kittens or puppies totally adorable if the truth be known , but Weaver turned up unexpectedly followed by a sister, on which I found a tiny hernia, only minutes after handing her.
12 week old kittens are vaccinated, chipped and spayed nowadays and after getting assurances the little one had gotten the hernia repair sorted, I have agreed to adopt them both next week. 

Meet Weaver and Lily


  1. Anonymous2:14 pm

    Ooh they are too cute, well done you big softie by adopting the two little beauties and in doing so preserving the legacy of Pat (Weaver of Grass), such an inspirational lady. Enjoy the kittens and the memories. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I’m not head turned by kittens
      Roll on the time they grow up , with adult personalities

  2. Aww, sweet! We always get two cats at a time.

    1. Albert came solo , I think he had a hard time

    2. The entertainment value of two kittens will be gold- for the kittens as well as their housemates

  3. Anonymous2:16 pm


  4. Anonymous2:17 pm

    Yay! Two kitties, hope they bring you and the Welsh lots of joy. Very much agree a house isn't a home without a cat, I look forward to lots more kitty content 😻

    1. Well, I am sure that two little cat brains will be more than a match for poor Roger x

  5. OMG
    Adorable! And kitties are low maintenance, right?


  6. Anonymous2:31 pm

    John. Do you know how/why Pat chose the name weaver of grass

    1. While out walking she saw a tiny creature making a web out of grass

    2. Anonymous7:45 pm

      That’s so interesting. I had always imagined her a basket maker or linen weaver
      lizzy d

  7. Anonymous2:37 pm

    Oh hooray for you. Feline siblings are the best. Once we rescued a tiny golden kitten along a wooded roadside with no homes for a half a mile. As we put him in the car, another little gold one emerged from the tree line. Tim and Tom were the best of friends for all of their 18 years. Llynn

    1. Another chapter
      Just two dogs in the cottage has never felt right

  8. Anonymous2:38 pm

    Gorgeous. I’m with you though - kittens are cute, but they still just grow into cats, I think they’re more interesting when they have developed a personality. Can’t wait to see what these two grow into.

    1. Puppies too can be just irritating and dim

  9. Oh, how could you not love those two little faces? Now get that cat flap repaired - pronto! Litter trays, food, toys - better get shopping, too. xx

  10. Anonymous2:40 pm

    How absolutely adorable, what delightful news! I'm not usually a cat person but have been being tempted lately and this isn't helping.


  11. Thank you,John, this all makes me very happy

  12. TWO kittens! TWICE the adorableness! What an exciting development!

  13. I've got no words - apart from falling in love X 2..

  14. I feel some interesting blogposts coming up soon... kitten chaos...

  15. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Let the games begin


  16. Anonymous3:02 pm

    What lucky girls they are
    Siobhan x

  17. Aren't they just, Siobhan. Love the names. So happy for you John.

  18. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Totally adorable - lovely names. My black cat is called Morgana, they will bring you so much pleasure. Ro (n.w. Italy)

  19. Traveller3:12 pm

    Another person who prefers cats to kittens, dogs to puppies and, if truth were told, adults to babies!

    Great that you got two of them. Always a danger, you go for one but end up saying “better take that one as well.”

  20. My 15 year old cat died last August. I've been wanting to get another cat but just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Today, my daughter is bringing me a female cat that apparently was dumped at her house. The vet checked it out and although it is FIV (feline AIDS) positive, at about 8 years old, it is healthy now. Since it can't be outside again because of the virus or be around my daughter's cat, it will be coming to live with me and my geriatric long-haired Chihuahua. I think every cat I've ever had has found me, not the other way around. :)

  21. Anonymous3:22 pm

    Happy, happy, happy times! Good for you John.

  22. Congratulations!!!!

  23. What lucky kittens,

  24. Barbara Anne3:33 pm

    What an adorable twosome you
    ll soob be brininging home! Won't the Welsh twosome be surprised?!


  25. They are wonderful, you won them and they won you.

  26. Gorgeous the pair of them. I wish I could have more but have been banned after having as many as seven. Now down to an elderly arthritic Jack Russell and a 11 year old kitten who was born to a stray I took in. Neither tolerant of newcomers. However these are beauties and look forward to hearing of their adventures. There is nothing nicer than to come home to a greeting from a cat or dog that unconditionally love you. Enjoy chuffed for you.

  27. They don't know it yet but those two have just won the kitten lottery! Have fun. X

  28. I love those names. Lily used to be one of my pseudonyms and I love the name:)

  29. Anonymous4:03 pm

    Bless you John ! You are going to have such fun ! I've had my Remy about a year and a half ( Tuxedo cat ) and he's a real buddy ! The dogs lives are going to change , in a good way , once they learn who's the boss ! from Barbara in Pa

  30. This makes my heart happy.

  31. How wonderful! I can't wait to read all about their adventures in their new home!

  32. They're adorable! What lovely additions to the Gray household. Looking forward to hearing many stories about this pair and the Welsh.

  33. thats lovely, looking forward to hearing about their adventures x

  34. It’s wonderful to adopt siblings. Congrats on the soon to be new members of the family.

  35. Well I never did expect that John - Double trouble 🐟🐟 xx

  36. Twice as BEEEAAUUTIFUL, oh they are adorable. I love all cats but black ones are my favourite. So pleased for them and you. I hope they soon settle and the Welsh aren't jealous. It will be fun to watch them play and learn. Hope you have lots of toys for them. You'll need lots of room on your lap too!

  37. Anonymous5:12 pm

    What type of hernia? My sister took in a street cat that had a hernia, after the surgery she had to keep her in a cage and mildly sedated with gabapentin for months while it healed.

    1. I’m presuming it was a surgical one that requires but a stitch

  38. Adorable. Let the fun and games begin. Can't wait to read about their adventures.

  39. Yellow Shoes5:17 pm

    Although I'm post cat-ownership now - through circumstance - I've shared a roof with at least one for most of my life - each one was a pearl in their own way.
    These two will be company for each other while they settle in.
    The names are spot on. x

  40. Double kitten energy! This should be wild! Enjoy!

  41. Anonymous5:39 pm

    John, this is so wonderful!❤️

  42. comme je suis heureuse pour vous et pour ces deux chatons !Les chats protegent les maisons, de meme que l aubepinier cet arbre benefique .Longue et bonne vie a tous. Amities

    1. Like the hawthorn, they WILL. protect the cottage

  43. Well done..I am looking forward to seeing their characters develop! Xx

  44. Congratulations, good to see you being a cat (cats) owner again x

  45. Jo in Auckland6:34 pm

    Well what do you do when you want one but theres an inkblot twin...you adopt them both YAY...they have no idea how lucky they are...YET!! Oh how the Welsh feel about it will make fantastic reading...well dobe!!

    1. Anonymous6:35 pm

      *sigh* Well done!!

  46. Think that's great adopting the two kittens, they will be company for each other. Hope you will put any thing valuable (to you) and breakable up high. Surprising how many people are not keep on black cats. Wonder what the dogs will think of Weaver and Lily.

  47. Two are twice as much fun as one, and well done for taking black ones as they're the hardest to home, I believe. Our Lulu had quite a big hernia, but it was dealt with when she was spayed and you'd never know she'd been zipped up!

  48. P.S. Perfect names, esp. Weaver . . .

  49. Double the fun ❤️❤️

  50. We have had four black cats over the last few years. The last two were sisters and identical. We re homed them and they had soft collars on. One was orange coloured and the the other one had a lilac collar. Before anyone jumps down my throat I hate collars but when they were tiny at least we knew which was which. We live in the country so the time came to let them out, off came the collars and out they went. However, we could not tell one from the other! we could close up, but down the garden and across the fields no chance. Sadly one of them died young, but the other one we had until she was 15 and diabetic, she used to let us know at 8 o clock that it was time for her second injection. I adore black cats, those lovely sooty faces. Love their names, esp Weaver, we shall miss the original Weaver. Good luck and enjoy them. Love Andie M xxx

    1. A nice story …andie.
      And some good advice

  51. I am sure they will bring you a lot of joy!

    1. And quite a few headaches, I’ve had two kittens before

  52. I prefer cats to kittens but am very, very glad to see you are extending your family. And they are beauties.

    1. I’ve always advocated succession planning but as a nurse manager or a pet owner

  53. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Hunker down and get ready for cuteness overload and antics galore, John!

  54. Had an evening out tonight
    Thank you for all of your comments , I’ve not managed to answer them all xx

  55. Twice the fun, Weaver and Lily.

  56. The cat (kitten) distribution network in action. Good for you.

  57. They are lovely, how fun to have two. I wonder if their eyes will stay that unusual soft grey blue, or that's just the baby color. I am imagining that little pair will be a handful---wonder how the dogs will deal with them. I am imagining Roger creating havoc w the used litter tray--and him teaching them to turn on the touch power stove top.

  58. Oh, they're gorgeous! And two will be such company for each other... and get up to way more mischief than one would manage! You'll need to put away all your precious pottery pieces (not just "out of reach" - NOTHING is out of reach)!! I'm so looking forward to hearing of their exploits.

  59. That's pretty exciting, John. You will have a full house there now! I wonder what your pups will think of the new pair.

  60. Wellup...you are going to be up to your armpits in blogposts and kitty hijinks.

  61. I once adopted sibling kittens, and named them after my local brewery back in England; King and Barnes. Sadly neither lived to see their 2nd birthdays.

  62. They look like a bundle of fun and mischief, with the best of names. Xx

  63. Great that they will have each other and I think it will feel so good to have them in your little family. Lily is a lovely name too, as well as Weaver.

  64. John, please who is the Spanish lady conductor so I can find more videos if her choirs singing? It's mesmerising

    1. Her name is Silvia sanz torre
      Enjoy, I love her

    2. Thanks so much, she's very special to watch

  65. Anonymous7:28 am

    We went to adopt a puppy and came home with two. We couldn’t leave that last puppy alone. They are a year old now and have amused us beyond measure.
    Congratulations on double chaos. I can see tipped over flower arrangements within a week or two. You’ve chosen lovely names. Good Luck!

  66. Is the second one named after Lily Savage? When she gets her needle-like claws into you it will seem a very appropriate name I should think!

  67. I'm glad you're adopting them both. They will benefit from having each other.

  68. krayolakris12:08 pm

    So exciting! Good on you for adopting both.

  69. I cannot WAIT to read about Weaver and Lily's shenanigans, and their effects on the house of Gray!

  70. sillygirl2:05 pm

    I am so excited for you - double trouble and you will have LOTS to write about!!!

  71. Bless you. Black cats are so often overlooked. I have a true love and affection for all black cats and have 2 myself and have had 3 others, back over the years. There is something special in the characteristics of black cats that can't be described and, in my opinion, make them stand out from all others. (I'm not totally biased, as I also have a calico and a ginger stripe that were abandoned under our gazebo a few years back.) There will never be another Albert, and I wish you great love with your new family members. Ranee (MN) USA

  72. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Double trouble but so adorable. Can’t wait to hear of their high jinx.

  73. Absolutely delighted for you and the new kittens. Enjoy!

  74. Anonymous12:47 am

    oh goodness! Two sister kittens! What fun you will have! Thrilled to hear it and can't wait for the stories that are sure to come!
    Susan M/ Calif

  75. Anonymous3:38 pm

    When you say you have agreed to adopt them both the reality is that the rescue centre has agreed to LET you adopt them both. People can't just assume they'll be allowed to be adopters these days, which is a good thing.

    1. I didnt assume, i offered to take both AFTER i agreed one, tgey then agreed

  76. I too cannot resist such a cutie-face !

  77. They are absolutely gorgeous, and happily they going to a very good home, with good pals waiting to meet them. Dogs and cats really are the best mix. xx

  78. Wow, wow, wow. Good on you John, it's going to be lively at yours.


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