

And there it was tucked into the flap of my passport cover.
A small piece of black string perhaps 8 inches long.
I recognised it as soon as I pulled it out .
2019 Sitges 
Snogging a guy called Jon on the beach lounger
That was my one and only proper venture into a recent romance 
Four years ago now.
He was getting over a destructive gaslighting  relationship and was not only brittle and very sad, but had insight and an openness to new beginnings 

He was staying on another two weeks on his own. 
I was flying back the next day
And so pragmatic me saw it as a holiday snog, nothing more, a couple of days after we me
But he was tall and good looking and emotionally intelligent and 
It did me the world of good, even though I thought he was out of my league 
To be fair to him, he never gave that impression.

He tied the black string around my left wrist when we were curled up on the sun lounger
It should be red, he told me, in order to ward off the evil eye
Black isn’t as powerful, but it will do the job well enough.
I’m not a lover of bracelets, I can’t even wear a watch, but I liked it’s simplicity even though as a nurse I couldn’t wear it full time 

And yesterday there it was , curled up in my passport cover. 

Jon lives in Brighton with his new boyfriend now, they met the week after I left.
We all met up in London a few years ago, for a drink between jaunts. 
Jon looked happy, but his boyfriend didn’t trust me as far as he could throw me
And it was what it was

I’ve been wearing the string, as will do so until my next shift
Funny what you remember.


  1. Gosh, they could even be my next door neighbours! But I won't mention their names.

    1. Nose to nipple there cro , my first bf lives there too

  2. A good memory, perhaps you could attach the string and it's memories to the rear view mirror in our car, so that you get to see it every time you are out and about. I have a weird collection hanging from mine. They make me smile.

  3. Anonymous11:34 am

    Oh he was just what you needed and visa versa
    You don’t take chances John?


  4. Often, the sweet memory of a holiday romance is something special to snuggle up with.

  5. Anonymous11:55 am

    I love it when I find an old memento as you have done. And then I think, when my son sorts through my old things someday, he will undoubtedly be wondering why in the world I saved this stuff. I also have some items that my sister asked me to keep when she could not bring herself to throw them away but did not want her son finding them. Hope you have a good day. So glad you are back to blogging x - Jackie

  6. Souvenirs as the French would say (memories.)

  7. Happy memories in a bit of string. Maybe frame it up with some other Sitges memorabilia - postcard/photo/menu. Then every time you look at it, you'll be back on that beach. xx

    1. It was a lesson learned HH that despite my fragile mental state, and low self esteem , someone very attractive could find me attractive

    2. Anonymous7:33 pm

      You both needed something. He needed a normal, non game playing bloke and you needed someone who genuinely found you attractive .


    3. Anonymous7:33 pm

      Sweet john

  8. Dearest John. If you need the company of someone or dare I say love in your older years, don't write people off readily.

  9. Mementos don't have to be fancy to trigger happy thoughts.

  10. Great memory of your beach encounter. Timing is everything.

    1. Yes, Jon referred to me several times as his Angel ..

  11. Nice that you've kept in touch with Jon and his new, insecure boyfriend.

    1. Anonymous3:47 pm

      you dont know this Debra
      looks like youve caught johns ability to psycho analyse people from afar

    2. Anonymous5:43 pm

      Anon, i think most regular people, ordinary folks can read non verbal language so I think you comment is therefore incorrect and not valid



  12. It's about time that you had another snog dear x

  13. A treasure with no bitterness to taint - is something to hold dear x

  14. Spooky - My end word was dear too as Mavis - ( but as in dear precious ) x

  15. Barbara Anne2:05 pm

    Friends of the heart stay with you but there's a lot to be said for friends of the road.


  16. A lovely memory.

  17. Tiny reminders to make us smile and think 'What if.....?'

    1. He was out of my class

    2. I can tell you that an old classmate of mine told me that about me...that I was out of his league he thought at the time. A heart of gold will win love every time. You have that dearest.

  18. What a great memory. It's cool that you met up with Jon afterwards -- the fact that his boyfriend was mistrustful makes me wonder what Jon told him?!

    1. Anonymous7:13 pm

      My thought was that Jon must have been very complimentary about John, making him feel a bit insecure.

    2. I hope Nina was right

  19. Anonymous4:24 pm

    I very rarely comment twice on the same blog post but I want to thank you for keeping politics out of your blog. - Jackie

  20. A souvenir turning up at the right time..they do xx

  21. I always wondered what it was about your blog that drew me in, and today I suddenly realized that it was your vulnerability - and your bravery in showing that. What a tender memory you shared. It made me want to reach out and give you a hug. I'll just bet the new boyfriend was leery of you! Vulnerability, and the willingness to share that, is a formidable trait.

    1. I have only good memories of Jon and am ok with my own role in our meeting
      Your comment was kind and I think you for it

  22. What a wonderful story and sweet memory... and silly new boyfriend.

    1. With very long permed hair , I must have looked rather country bumpkin to him lol

    2. You must have looked very real and too comfortable in your own skin.

  23. Sounds like Jon might have been stringing you along whereas you were looking for a "no strings" kind of relationship.

  24. thanks for telling us about is not fair is it? I had not been reading blogs much ;sending my best to her and to you ...people should just be nice in person and keyboards..what a week !

    1. She’s emailed me today and feels it enogh for a walk in her garden

    2. Please give her my/all our love John. I think of her daily.

  25. Might you be getting
    Weaver the kitten tomorrow? -Mary

  26. Nice memories that just pops up are lovely.

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    Nazgul William....

  28. A happy memory to treasure.

  29. I always get hung up on the wrong stuff. Long hair and a perm as recently as four years ago?! Pictures, or it didn't happen! ;) That was a sweet story.

  30. Anonymous4:10 pm

    What a good story.


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