Asparagus and pea

 The bin men have just been.
As usual Roger has been bouncing up and down at the kitchen wall in order to greet them. 
They miss Dorothy and said so, as big gloved hands patted smiling bouncing Terrier on the head.

Mary can’t be bothered.

Last night I went to Chester with a friend and we say Ghost The Musical.
It was dreadful 
We walked out at the half time interval, but laughed a lot.
It was an amateur production, which of course, you make allowances for, but dire is dire is dire and We are too long in the tooth to waste too much time on crap.

The sun was still shining when we talked out so we sat in the still crowded market place and ate cake and people watched. 
It felt as though we were on holiday.

Today, I have nothing planned , no films, no lunches out, no company.
I’m working all day tomorrow, to today will be rest day
I am going to make an Asparagus and pea risotto now thickened with lots of Parmesan 

Bloody lovely


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    What time is dinner please? Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I do believe we would all be there , just name the time and place. ;)

  2. I love a day with no plans. Enjoy the time in the kitchen.

    1. Cooking is a great joy, risotto cannot be rushed too

    2. We used to grow lots of leeks, and I made leek risotto using a Nigel Slater recipe. I really enjoyed it. Haven't made one for ages, I must get round to making one. Not heard of pea risotto though, must look that one up.

  3. Yes, sometimes dire is just TOO dire.

  4. 'A friend'. It sounds like a strong connection. Should I read anything into that?

    1. No, Andrew, most bloggers are much more secretive than I, they often refer to a “ friend “ as “ a friend” just to either sound mysterious or doing the overkill with privacy
      I’m much more of an open book
      My friend Ruth came with me

  5. What a disappointment, but at least you had pleasant company. A day with no plans is good, just please yourself. If there are any leftovers from your risotto, I can give you my address!😋 xx

  6. In my humble opinion, risotto is overrated and invariably quite boring stuff to eat. In an Italian restaurant I would never order it. I would rather eat the tablecloth.

  7. At least you gave it til half time..which is less painful for the cast.
    Good to fit in some relaxed people watching

  8. A holiday feel without having to leave home, bloody lovely indeed.

  9. Barbara Anne5:16 pm

    Our 1st dot, Punkin, used to bounce up and down, barking, when the postman dared assult our front porch on a nearly daily basis!
    What a nice Friday you had and what a nice restful day you're having today. Perfect!
    Are you refreshed and ready for another shift?


  10. That risotto sounds so good. Although my first thought at the combination of asparagus and pea was what asparagus smells like when one pees.

  11. How long can you hold that risotto? Flight leaves in 45 minutes. :) (Just kidding of course.)

  12. The pea in your delicious risotto John may be a reminder for you to look beyond appearances - just saying x

  13. My God that risotto looks good
    I can almost taste it just looking at it.
    Moving with Mitchell's comment made me laugh 😅

  14. A day with no plans sounds as luxurious as the risotto.

  15. Who doesn't love a good risotto; and yours looks wonderful!

  16. Never had an asparagus and pea one, but I love risotto too.

  17. "Ghost" as in the Demi Moore movie? If that's it I can only imagine how dire a musical version might be, particularly performed by a local theater group. Dire is only tolerable if it's dire enough to be camp, like "Valley of the Dolls." (In which case it's pretty much art.)

  18. Risotto! I love them so! no matter what goes in one.


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