Thankful - Grupo Talia

It was warm when I got home, and dusk allowed me to lie on the damp grass of the front garden for a little while. Roger under my right arm, Mary under my right
After a 12 hour shift, it’s the best way to clear your head, 
Listening to my lisping choir, gently pulling their punches

I’m two thirds through my counselling course and am actually on track with my academic work and my practical assessments and experience.
I’m working to finish my final nursing revalidation this month ( the last time I will need to prove to the NMC that I am a nurse worthy of practice) 
I am expecting new kittens on Tuesday and the 49th Trelawnyd Flower Show takes place next month 
In ten days I’m in London seeing A Chorus Line at Saddler’s Wells followed by the trip around the gardens and state rooms of Buckingham Palace. 
Trips to see Come From Away, The Gangs Of New York, and some old friends from Sheffield plug some of gaps 
I’m 62

There’s a lot to be thankful for


  1. Barbara Anne9:09 pm

    Hurray for you and your progress toward your new career, your wonderful plans, welcoming Weaver and Lily to their new home, and the peace that comes from lying on the grass with Mary and Roger. Welcome home!


  2. Anonymous9:26 pm

    It is indeed your choir John !


    1. John Going Gently3:54 pm

      I am thankful for you Lee

    2. It’s odd someone is pretending to me me again

  3. Anonymous9:29 pm

    You have the envious habit and ability to regroup, recharge and rebound.



  4. Just wait until you've qualified as a counsellor. No more nights or 12 hour shifts. Now that will be something to be thankful for! xx

    1. John Going Gently3:56 pm

      I love you too x

    2. Thank you John. That touched me more than I can say. I love you, too. Let's spread the love! xx

    3. Although I care for you deeply I’m afraid the troll is or ending to be me

    4. My replies all have blog symbol to the left

  5. I have one more year of filling out my registration and proving the education I've had this past year (not really much I can think of). I'm supposed to work casual this coming year bit I have until the end of September to decide for sure.
    Well done on getting through so much of your course. Sending hugs to you.

  6. Anonymous10:00 pm

    And I’m envious of your ability to stand up for yourself when others may reply on a partner to do so.

    Good for you my good old guy xx


  7. I admire how you reinvent yourself John and move onwards and upwards with positivity x

  8. Sounds like life is pretty sweet and that's great!

  9. Look at all you've accomplished. You are an impressive and very capable individual. There is no stopping JG. Keep up the great work.

  10. Anonymous12:03 am

    I’m so happy for you and appreciate your hard work. Enjoy the rewards!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  11. A good combination of joys and hard work and dog cuddles! Applause! Applause!

    (I think that we should have a virtual graduation party when you get through all this. A giant zoom meeting! Wouldn't that be fun! We could raise a toast!

    1. Jo in Auckland6:29 am

      That's a cracking idea Debby! I'd be in even though it would mean getting up in the middle of the night hahaha!

    2. Anonymous10:16 am

      Great idea Debby, I'm in! Kath in Somerset x

  12. Anonymous12:47 am

    Come From Away is outstanding. Congrats on everything. You deserve it - Jackie

  13. Quite the busy schedule.

  14. Life is good. Xx

  15. Jo in Auckland6:33 am

    Today whilst getting something from my car I stopped and smelt the air. It had been raining but it was passing, I was in a rural area but also not 20miles from the sea and all I could smell was the sweet smell of trees, earth and the freshness of the air and a bit of that salt too. I too was very grateful... I'm also 62 and so happy to be alive... what a day it was.

    1. Jo in Auckland6:39 am

      I pressed enter before I had finished!

      All you have achieved in your 62 years is stupendous, despite setbacks you pull yourself up and move onwards towards the next chapter of your life whatever that is you choose. Still nursing and now becoming a qualified counsellor a swerve ball for you. Now taking on 2 kittens... what fun. Your zest for life is inspiring.

    2. Jo in Auckland6:39 am

      I pressed enter before I had finished!

      All you have achieved in your 62 years is stupendous, despite setbacks you pull yourself up and move onwards towards the next chapter of your life whatever that is you choose. Still nursing and now becoming a qualified counsellor a swerve ball for you. Now taking on 2 kittens... what fun. Your zest for life is inspiring.

  16. One of the moments in life which help us to be strong and happy. I like how you are able to "clear" yourself, not take on more worries which drain you, and simply fill yourself with gratitude and joy, and so regain some balance.

  17. I like this positive post. Reminds me of a song. 'Don't tell me not to live, I've simply got to. Don't rain on my parade'.

  18. We saw Come From Away some years ago in London and it was wonderful in many ways....hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  19. Another positive post to lift the mood this morning. Enjoy it all.

  20. It’s a full and interesting life. Can’t wait to meet the kittens... and to start reading the stories.

  21. That sounds like a perfect way to destress after a long tiring day, on your own lawn with a dog tucked under each arm.

    You have a lot to look forward to and a lot to be thankful for and it's all down to the effort you put into planning things and realising what you have. xx

  22. John, a friend told me years ago, that she could only respect someone who was interested, and interesting. You are both, my dear. You have a full and lovely life that you've intentionally created and I am thankful that you share it with us.

  23. Laying back watching the clouds is a great way to end the day. The State Rooms and Gardens are really worth the time.

  24. Anonymous12:19 pm

    This is a lovely post. Makes me want to give you a big hug and a cuddle. Bet I'm not the only one.You would be so easy to love.

  25. Sounds like you are really enjoying your life right now, John, and you are doing a good job balancing work, studies, and fun. xxoo

  26. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Beautiful man...I am fuĺl of admiration for you.

  27. Anonymous6:52 pm

    Ooops that was Sue C

  28. Anonymous11:14 am

    I wouldn’t go cancelling your nursing registration straight away. I imagine reregistration would be a whole other set of hoops to jump through if it lapses .. you may need to fall back on nursing in the short-term, until counselling ramps up.


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