The Vulture

Daily, I try to read a vintage post. 
One that is at least a decade old, if not older 
This one amused me today 
It was written in 2011

The shed behind the cottage, has always been nicknamed "The High Dependency Unit" by Chris, who is almost always  exasperated by the fact that it always seems to be populated with some sick animal receiving treatment.

Today Theresa is the patient. Theresa for those that don't know is the turkey that turned up two years ago sitting quite comfortably thank you very much in the boot of car. I was asked by her owner if I could mate her with Boris to he could rear some turkey poults. I agreed and Boris duly "did the deed", but then the owner seemed rather reluctant to collect her again........and bless she kind of ...well...just stayed

Presently, Theresa has a bit of a bad chest, so has been receiving intensive tit bit therapy as well as oral antibiotics. She has perked up quite nicely, and as she is one lazy bird, I think she has actually enjoyed the rest and comfort of a quiet shed with everything "laid on" as it were.

To give her a bit of UV therapy first thing, I opened the shed door for a bit and went to have my morning coffee, and as the shed opens up to the lane,any occupant can be seen by anyone passing the cottage.
A while later,through the window, I spied a man with his son out walking. The boy must have been around seven and I could hear him chattering excitedly as they both saw Theresa sunning herself by the egg boxes.

"Dadddddd....look! there's a vulture in that shed" the boy gasped
The father sounded like one of those new-age dads..encouraging and gentle natured. 
"I don't think it would be a vulture Ben" he said "they can be rather dangerous"
"Is it an eagle then?" Ben asked
"I am not sure" Ben's father said making things up as he went along "It's not a bird of prey"
"What is it then?" Ben asked " a white pheasant?"
"No I think it is some sort of exotic bird" his father continued to bullshit and started to sound testy
"He's got a bald head" Ben said "like a vulture...I bet you it's a white vulture" 
"I don't think he's a vulture" Dad repeated with a loud dismissive sigh....

I couldn't resist it...
I walked out of the cottage, pretending to put out the rubbish and said hello as the two of them continued to lean over the wall looking at Theresa who now was asleep
"What's kind of bird is that" the father asked brightly?
I didn't hesitate
"It's a white vulture" I said with a smile.


  1. Anonymous8:19 pm

    Just love it๐Ÿ˜‚, by far the only answer you could have given. Jan in Castle Gresley

  2. John, you made that little boy's day! xx

  3. Haha hahaha thanks for the laugh!

  4. Ben smiled all the way home!

  5. Anonymous9:53 pm

    I think this shows your Gemini side john
    A quick thinker and a challenger


  6. Anonymous9:53 pm

    Yep, no feeling person could have resisted that one!


  7. The proper dad reply would be, "We need to go home and try to look that up". BS answers should always bite you in the behind.

  8. Barbara Anne10:36 pm

    I bet that much older now boy remembers being right on that day in 2011!

    another one for the book ... okay?


  9. And in that moment the poor father's authority was for ever lost. At twenty years old, Ben is probably now a drug dealer in Rhyl with a gold tooth and bling.

    1. To be fair he laughed after the fact

  10. Hahahahaha, that's a great story!

  11. MarisAna6:42 am

    Love that!

  12. Anonymous8:34 am

    That made me smile John - thank you
    Siobhan x

  13. A perfect response. :-)

    I think you and I acquired most of our animals through these vague arrivals, it's as though they made their way to us magnetically. It was a shame we never got the sheep together, although we had fun trying.

  14. John, I am worried. I read your post in the very early hours of this morning. I have sat on it for a few hours, thought about it on and off. I still fail to see what's funny [or indeed clever] about your response.

    Basically you pissed on a father's parade and instead of telling the boy the backstory of the TURKEY (far more inspiring and educational) you take delight in shaming one and misleading the other.


    1. Don’t be worried. We are just different in the ways we enjoy humour .
      I wonder if it is the German in you?

      Making the boy the hero of the small encounter WAS the humour..of course after my punchline and the subsequent ( and mutual laugh) I conceded that Theresa was indeed a bald Turkey
      But that would have spoilt the flow and punchline of the story.

      I find it fascinating that you didn’t pick up on that

      Hey ho

    2. It's great, John, isn't it, when people adopt your persona. All the Anons I was accused of being when, in truth, I only ever comment under my actual name. So, commiserations - not least when you can't do anything about it. Vultures circling.

      My advice? Grow a thick skin. Only allow the truly special in your life to get under yours [skin that is]; though do listen to dissenting voices. There may be nuggets of gold among the rubble.

      On a side note: There is a dynamic within your blog and its readers which is most interesting. More on which another time should you be interested.


    3. You were the one “ worried” about my post Ursula

    4. Your discourse is descending into something surreal.

      You deleted your comment about someone impersonating you. To which I answered -- with empathy.

      Let's regroup. You say something to which I answer, you delete what you said and let stand my reply. Then leave some sort of reply which will make no sense to any of your readers without knowing what went on before.

      Sorry, John, you have lost me.


    5. Its not really important , any of it ursula dont you think?

    6. Anonymous8:46 pm

      John it is important
      Ursula is being a real pain in the ass


  15. weaver9:54 am

    You really do have the most wicked sense of humour John.

  16. Oh I love your naughty humor, John! You made the little boy's day, and that was a kindness.

  17. Hahaha! Perfect!

  18. And today a sweet 20 year old is studying orinthology and hoping to go in search of the elusive White Welsh Vulture.

  19. That experience for the boy may just have made him realise that adults are not always right on every occasion - not even well meaning ones x

  20. Anonymous12:11 pm

    I didn’t see that last line coming! I did chuckle. How lovely! Jean in Winnipeg.

  21. Anonymous12:12 pm

    This reminds me of something that happened years ago when we lived in Indiana and our son was in 4H. We were at a 4H fair and, for unknown reasons, they had decided to place the sheep in the hog barns. A young boy and his father were walking past when the boy saw a person leading a lamb out of the building. He said "what is that Dad?" The father looked up at the letters on the top of the building and said "that's a Swine, son" - Jackie

  22. Brilliant! That must have received a good laugh from the father… after the initial shock.

  23. Have you heard anything from The Weaver of Grass? She hasn't posted since the middle of June.

    1. She has said hello to me today

    2. Glad to know she is ok. I love your blog!

    3. ❤️๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿค—

  24. Isn't this world fun for most of us. We try to see positive in what is out there .

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