Shoulda, coulda woulda

 I should be in Hampton Court Flower Show today and should have been in the West End Of London last night. Unfortunately Ewan my dog sitter had a sudden change of plan and I’ve had to cancel which is a shame, especially as it was Nu , I was meeting up with. 

I’ve compensated by buying a bunch of flowers for myself and by making a fragrant curry with salmon and Phad Thai noodles, which I will box up and eat tonight. I’m doing and extra shift, the proceeds from which will pay for my hotel in August when Janet and I visit London .

It’s sunny ( ish) today and the insects seems to have suddenly emerged from their hiding places, to buzz around the cooking pots and kitchen, snapped at by Roger with his teeth as loud as any Spanish castanets. 
I’ve watered the pots, and hid for a short time as Islwyn , took Janet’s gardening clippings in their industrial sized bag over to the field ‘s bonfire
I never ask him to complete these jobs, he just takes it on himself to sort them out and I’m not ungracious by hiding, I just needed to time my cooking


  1. Oh now you know that last will bring Anon out of her corner snapping and criticizing...

    I'm sorry that you had to change plans though. I hate when that happens.

    1. Anonymous1:08 pm

      That is exactly what I thought Debby. - Jackie

    2. Anonymous1:36 pm

      get over yourself girls

  2. Last minute changes are disappointing. Can you and Nu reschedule the Flower Show meet-up?

    1. Anonymous8:32 am

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  3. You could always drop the dogs off here in future. I don't mind sharing my bed and garden with them x

  4. Oh, too bad, but at least you had a chance to catch up with other things.

  5. How deflating - Also for Nu too - not much to be done though - just lick your wounds and move on x 🌻

  6. I wonder what the name Ewan means? Probably "changeable" or "someone who is likely to let you down at the last minute".

    1. It is another version of John

    2. Anonymous1:34 pm

      Ha ha yes that fits.

  7. Sorry your plans with Nu got derailed. Better luck next time!

  8. The best laid plans et cetera...

  9. I was the substitute dog sitter for my bil and his wife just a week or so ago. They tried a new girl for their new pup and her dog didn't take to the pup. They were already at their vacation destination. So, I took over, moved into their house. The pup knew me and we did great. Good to get my mind of off just me, you know what I mean. Just what I needed to help me climb out of my mourning hole a bit further.
    I am SO sorry it didn't work out with Nu . I know how a certain person makes you feel whole. You need that sometimes, with a passion. love you.

  10. Oh, well, can't be helped. You've made the best of it. I hope next time goes smoothly. I know how much you and Nu enjoy your get togethers. xx

  11. Barbara Anne5:08 pm

    Well shucks! What a disappointment that you had to cancel your lovely plans for last night and thoday. Perhaps you need to have one or two back-up dog sitters on speed dial?
    Hope you can reschedule with Nu soon.


  12. Perhaps Mary and Roger needed time alone with you , Mary

  13. How disappointing for you and Nu.
    I have found that carers esp dog carers and house cleaners, however wonderful, let me down just when needed most. I am constantly lining up back up plans.

    Is the flower show ticket online, you could transfer it to someone to go w Nu?

  14. What a disappointment John. But you've turned the time to good use, and hopefully you can reschedule soon. Nu will be disappointed too. I swear I could hear Roger's teeth snapping! When I was a child we had a corgi who could catch flies. She then chewed them up with gusto - disgusting! On the flip side, our son's Golden would snap in the vague direction of the fly and look amazed that she hadn't caught anything... she wasn't even in the queue when the brains were being distributed!

    Hope your extra shift is uneventful.

  15. Anonymous12:00 am

    Our collie/shepherd cross used to lie on the porch and catch carpenter bees (maybe you have them there? Like bumblebees but as big as my thumb and not at all aggressive). Every once in a while he would get stung and have a swollen lip for a while, but he never learned not to snap at them. He was the best dog we ever had out of a long line up! Sorry about your missed outing.


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