An Old Camera

The lisping choir at its best, look at Silvia at 1.46 when the harmonies merge, her face kinda breaks your heart. 
I found an old camera this morning in a travel bag on the wardrobe shelf. I used to film short videos on it for the blog before my mobile phone  when the Ukrainian  Village still stood and the mechanics of which  were so hokey that Tom Stephenson used to comment that he thought a helicopter was permanently hovering over Bwthyn y Llan .

The film was dreadful , a wordy, dull and improbable study of a dying Freud’s discussions with CS lewis about God’s existence, worthy I guess but terribly dull, sorry Freud’s Last Session

Back to work tomorrow , an extra shift to cover sickness .
Hey ho


  1. Anonymous7:21 pm

    Oh dear, life doesn’t like you to get too full of yourself does it ?
    I’m so sorry John

    Suck it up


  2. Barbara Anne7:37 pm

    Sorry for the happy times video that snuck up on you and the disappointment at the cinema. It's time to visit a bulldog puppy or a kitten to fill in for dear Albert.
    Hope it's an easy and pleasant shift tomorrow for everyone there.


  3. Oh John, I find it is exhausting to be brave so I hear you. You are brave, one step forward at a time. I am sending you hugs. I did enjoy that movie, by the way.

  4. I do a fixed smile on my face in public and even at home - It does work for me - until the pressure bursts - I then go with it awhile - brush myself down and continue along the yellow brick road with my Toto's x 🦄

    1. Anonymous1:40 pm

      Yellow brick road? Which fantasy are you in today?

  5. Traveller7:54 pm

    I think it will get easier as more time passes but will always be in the wings to smack you in the face when you least expect it.

    Like many other readers here, I am so impressed how you have dealt with this.

    As you always say “bra straps”.

  6. After a few ''up'' days, it must be extra hard to be brought so low. I wonder if your ongoing therapy will address such sudden grief or perhaps is entirely other. [not asking you to say , just hoping you'd find solace] Back to work will keep you busy if not happy, I suppose.


  7. What was on that camera was another life back in history. As The Duke of Wellington yelled, "Advance! Let the buggers have it!"

  8. It is memories, good and bad, that make up a rich life. Onwards is the only way.

  9. Yes, pack up the bad stuff, put it away and keep on with the good stuff.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Like land mines, aren't they? So sorry you had one of these today. Tomorrow will be better, you'll have had time to process it and the emotions will recede, I promise you.

  12. I too wish you courage and perseverance Hugs

  13. You don’t always have to be brave. It makes you human. Too bad about the crappy movie. Take care, hug a dog. - Jenn

  14. Oh heck! The old knife between the ribs trick, gets you every time. I'm sorry John, but there's nothing to cure it, and time only partially works. It's a pity the film didn't give you a pleasant distraction - I agree with the others who say 'hug a dog'. I hope the extra shift is an easy one. There's Covid and Flu over here too. XX

  15. Dealing with an ex is complicated. People change in relationships, nothing stays the same. Store those old joyous memories as just that and nothing more. Don't think loss. Think growth, change and a positive future.

  16. Anonymous3:30 am

    Everyone suffers from loss of some kind. We break down, have a good sob, then get up and face the world again. Being broadsided gets easier with distance. I hope you are exploring this betrayal with your counselor. Tits up!

  17. I too have just thrown out a few old 'digital cameras'. I hope you removed the cards first!

  18. No more moaning . Off to work

  19. You've come a long way, but there are still bumps in the road, waiting to trip you up. Stand tall, dust yourself down and move forward. Hope the shift passes quickly and smoothly. xx
    PS Thanks for the lisping choir video. A great start to the day!

  20. Have a wonderful weekend John. I remember the Ukrainian village.

  21. The choir was glorious - a tear or two!

  22. Yorkshire Liz8:40 am

    Yes, I also remember the village and it's very special inhabitants Hope the shift goes well.Sorry about the film, but we often learn more from stuff we don't enjoy than the ones we do. Suspect the casting might be the problem. No chemistry between Hopkins and Goode? Handsome but little interior life, which would be essential for this.

  23. How? How can music turn my insides into a tumble dryer of emotion?

  24. Based on the comments, I have a feeling there was an edit to this post before I read it. I often edit. Back when I was in high school, a choir director told me, you can't sing with emotion, unless you have really felt emotions. One must experience love and heartbreak to really sing about love and heartbreak.

    1. I feel as if something is missing too. But I like how Travel expressed this.

    2. Yes, the comments sound as if you were sad. Hope that's not the case and you are okay, John. xxoo

  25. I don't mind a talky movie but that sounds a little TOO talky.

  26. Jo in Auckland7:09 pm

    Late to the party as usual so I feel I have also missed an integral edit in this post. But as it was about finding an old camera and the seeing the Ukrainian village again with all the animals I can imagine the emotions going on at the first post. Life doesn't always go as we expect despite our trying's ; I had difficult marriage which I managed with difficulty to extract myself from which left me flat for a number of years trying to refind myself, so know those feelings very well. But as you say John ... bra straps! The film looks dull as dishwater unfortunately..I'd give it 10 minutes though as sometimes they surprise me.

    1. Sharing is too much sometimes , just shut up the get on x

  27. That choir concert is sensational. Thank you, dear John.

  28. Sometimes old photos and film catch us so unexpectedly with grief. Long distance hug from here.

  29. Amitiés de la montagne corse . Friendships from the Corsican mountains.

  30. Oh, how sudden and unexpected arrows can pierce the heart again.


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