
 Blind as a bat at work, sat on my specs


  1. Oh no! I keep a spare pair in my desk for just such emergencies! Maybe you can get some readers at Boots if that's all you need (as opposed to a special prescription).

  2. Yikes! I did that once, so I feel your pain. After that lesson, I never again put my glasses down on a sitting surface.

  3. Oh bugger! I remember forgetting my glasses one day. By the end of the day I had such a banging headache - my arms weren't long enough! Time to keep a spare pair in your locker at work, or in the car. xx

  4. Anonymous3:32 pm

    Where's the lens? If it's in one piece, you could probably just pop it back in.

  5. As long as your vision's still good enough to spot an abandoned scotch egg....

  6. Ouch, in more ways than one.

  7. You may want to call your optician,even if they're not open today,leave a message to order a new lens for those glasses,and order a spare set of glasses to keep in your car,Mary

  8. Barbara Anne4:09 pm

    Oh, NO! How inconvenient. Hope you can get 2 new pairs of glases asap.


  9. Damn! Hate it when I do that.

  10. Oh no John - What are you like x

  11. The picture made me laugh. You've got the right finger...

  12. Do you have an old pair you can use for a bit? Better than nothing, until you get your new pair - maybe order 2 pair?

  13. I have done that too.

    But still better then leaving your false teeth on a chair. Talk about getting bit on the ass.

  14. Why were your glasses on the chair?

  15. Yorkshire Liz7:21 pm

    I suppose it is o comfort to say - we have all done that at one time or another. Trouble is, that lesson is never learnt. even if you get those string things that keep them 'safe' round your neck when not wearing them!

  16. The worst!! So sorry.

  17. Anonymous9:05 pm

    Let us know you get home safely! I always keep spare glasses in my car.
    Lizzy d

  18. I feel for and with you.

  19. Wouldn't you know! How inconvenient, at work and all. I hope you have a back-up pair to carry you until you buy new or repair the old frames.

  20. Traveller10:20 pm

    I assume your specs are for reading only, in which case get thee to a poundland lad. Get 10:pairs and put them in your glasses tin (I remember you saying you had a tin for glasses, I adopted that)

    1. I was going to say that..... I have Poundland specs in every room of the house! ( They have gone up in price £1.50 !)

    2. Traveller2:17 pm

      I used to have them in every room and still couldn’t find them when needed. I, therefore, adopted the glasses tin John mentioned a while ago. I now try and move the glasses to the tin when I see them. I still have the escaped ones round about the house but can generally find a pair in the tin when in a rush.

  21. How frustrating that is.

  22. Looks like you popped the lenses right out. Did they crack?

  23. Oops! I'm presuming you've tried to snap the glass back in, unsuccessfully? I knocked my glasses off as I closed the car door, and the car parking next to me went right over them ... definitely beyond repair! I do hope you didn't end up with a gigantic headache by the end of your shift.

  24. Oh no! It's so frustrating, especially when you are at work!

  25. Crud! That must have been a frustrating shift.

  26. Anonymous8:39 am

    John, I see you asking Weaver whether she is up for a visit. I think that would be an awfully kind thing to do, if you can pull it off. Good luck 🤞

    1. She has said that Covid is "still taking it's toll" so I think any visits would be very tiring for her just now. Perhaps wait until she's recovered. Knowing Weave she would say yes of course do come. It would be exhausting for her and would be kinder to wait until she's properly better.

    2. It’s not feasible but we had fun talking about it

  27. Should have had your glasses on John.

  28. Anonymous1:16 pm

    You have my sympathy john. I had brilliant vision for years then suddenly needed glasses and now I'm absolutely dependent on them for everything. And the price of a new pair ( varifocals ) in my case - horrendous
    Alison in Wales x


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