
 Roger woke me up around 4.30pm, he pawed at the duvet. The skies were black and the mood of the weather had suddenly changed. We went downstairs and I cooked a jacket potato with beans and we sat in the kitchen , ( me in my underpants) as the storm rolled in from the South.
It was, what I describe, as one of those Hollywood storms , full of constant rolls of thunder and occasional lightening. Roger sat behind the kitchen door, with his head peeping around the opening, and allowed himself a tiny bark at each clash of thunder. 
The storm was a good one with the thunder rolling against the basin of hills that surround Trelawnyd.
It was loud and dramatic, as storms should be , and I moved my chair into the doorway to watch.
The electricity went off, then flickered back on, then off again.
Mary quietly walked up and sat on my knee, and I remembered a recent meeting with the grieving son of a patient who just needed some physical contact in his pain. 
He allowed himself a handshake which I prolonged a couple of seconds longer than normal

The storm was over by five fifteen with Roger bravely walking the flooded patio on tip toe afterwards.
Mary remained knee sitting as after a break, the rain started to fall again.


  1. The storm has just made it to here. The best way to water the garden - a really good downpour. I do love a proper thunderstorm. Sweet Mary, just wanting some contact for reassurance, and Roger, showing his bravery. xx

  2. My lily shuts it out, terrier nervously on guard and the others look to me - I pretend to be brave - As a young teenager my best friend and I were walking home from school and a large fork of lightening struck the ground very closely in front of us x

    1. Anonymous12:53 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. No storm passed by on both sides of us, just gusty winds.
    But the rain from a thunderstorm really boosts plant growth.

    Physical contact is just what is needed, even briefly to say We are Here for you. Not everyone is a hugger.

  4. Anonymous6:14 pm

    My dog also tiptoes out to the grass after a storm, she hates getting her feet wet, but loves a bath. She isn’t bothered by thunder but she goes nuts if she hears a squeak. I was always afraid of storms, especially on the boats, but since my hubby died I have had to put on my big girls pants and just get over it. Was Roger afraid or was he just protecting you by waking you up? Gigi

  5. Traveller6:24 pm

    I now have the urge to listen to The Doors

    1. Anonymous11:22 pm

      Or Jethro Tull...StormWatch

  6. So beautiful. I could watch and listen to a storm like that forever. SG would be like Mary and Roger.

  7. Anonymous7:00 pm

    What a lovely garden! Olivia

  8. Anonymous7:07 pm

    Lovely garden and video John, thank you for sharing. Storm just hit us after rumbling around for quite a while, heavy dusk sky and walloping thunder and lightning, wonderful to just sit, listen to Smooth Chill and watch it happen (forgot to mention the glass of wine). Jan in Castle Gresley

  9. Your garden looks so dense and lush and beautiful. Here the rain is gentle today but it is quite cold and windy.

  10. Your garden is exquisite and the videos of the rain falling were very pleasant.

  11. Jo in Auckland7:51 pm

    When we were children if there was a thunderstorm my mum was terrified of them and used to usher us into the cupboard under the stairs. I remember on more than one occasion my Dad coming home from work to be with us as he knew how bad she got. Personally I love a great thumping thunderstorm and the lightening that goes hand in hand. Your garden from your window is a restful view and looks like a wonderful place to sit with a glass of something nice and a book. Roger being a bit brave is a sweet thought, and Mary keeping you company also.

  12. I quite enjoy a dramatic thunderstorm. It seems to have missed us though.

  13. So, you were sitting in the doorway in your underpants with the light flashing on and off. Did anyone else see the storm?

  14. Your garden looks lovely. We're supposed to get thunderstorms this afternoon. The thunder has started but no rain yet and Charlie is terrified, pacing around the house.

  15. A good storm can be very entertaining. And therapeutic in its own way too.

  16. The storm missed us in far SW Wales, dry all day. I quite like a good storm too.

  17. Everything is well watered and the storm brought a bit of everything with thunder and lightening. I rather like seeing the sky light up. The air is nicely freshened as well.

  18. I raise my hand too. I love a good thunder storm!

  19. Barbara Anne12:32 am

    Our first dog jumped into the bathtub and howled during stormy weather. None of our other dogs or cats have been bothered by storms.


  20. Anonymous12:53 am

    Our dog gets trembly afraid of thunder and lightening and worst of all the generator turning itself on during power failures. We give her a veterinary tranquilizer (Sileo?)which gets us through the night. Poor thing.


  21. Anonymous1:18 am

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us. I do love a storm. My dog has recently become afraid of storms so I do dread them for her. Dramamine and soothing music helps but I do feel sorry for her and find myself not enjoying storms as much now. - Jackie

  22. Not so down here. It remained hot and sultry all night. I do like a good storm, and, like you, I can watch for hours.

  23. So refreshing seeing the garden in the rain.

  24. It was wonderful wasn't it, I do love a good thunderstorm and downpour. Both dogs didn't even realise that it was happening, with Suky being totally deaf and now Mavis is also very hard of hearing I doubt she heard a thing, and they were tired out from a walk along the prom at Fleetwood, and the excitement at having a sausage each while Alan had a bacon bun.

  25. There is quite a bit of water out there on that patio!


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