International Nurses Day


To celebrate International Nurses day my hospice ward is holding a nurse baking competition tomorrow. Not to be outdone the night staff brought in our entires and decorated them before day staff arrived.

My chocolate Swiss roll was classically understated given the somewhat amateur competition  

Without access to ovens and with little time, we just wanted to join in, as one of the sisters had gone beyond things and had fashioned a lovely cake and prizes for the day. Her hard work in providing a little light in what has been a difficult time moved our little team on nights, seeing that most of the nurses hadn’t gotten round to joining in , hence the amateur cake decorating and high spirits.


  1. Happy Nurses Day - we are lucky to have good souls like you looking after us.

    1. 🥰👨‍🏭😷👨🏻‍⚕️💚

  2. Yes, Happy Nurses Day; I admire you all.

  3. My mother's Rehab hospital had festivities and surprise and delights all week for the nurses.

  4. Good luck to the night staff with their entries, especially to your Swiss roll. Lovely smiles ladies too! I admire and appreciate nurses everywhere.

  5. Happy Nurse Appreciation day. Don't eat too much cake!😋 xx

  6. A good celebration..and teamwork.

  7. What is the competition prize? A cake? Happy Nurses Day to all of you x

  8. Thank You from me too - Recently my outspoken cousin whilst in Hospital knew all of the Nurses by name - I liked how they joked and chatted to him and we visitors - It lifted the atmosphere at a sad time -'Thankyou x

    1. Anonymous4:07 pm

      Oh dear, sorry to hear you've another relative in hospital.

  9. Happy nurse day.

  10. Yorkshire Liz7:56 am

    Yes! We need to celebrate and appreciate all our wonderful nurses and their aides and associates. I love the idea of the competition. But that rather lovely and homely chocolate Swiss roll of yours brought back a terrible memory! In my first year Domestic Science class we were challenged to create a chocolate Swiss roll as if for a Christmas cake. I was so flustered by it all I had mine in the oven before I realised I had included every ingredient except for the flour. Teacher caught me trying to lob the strange flat and very sad effort out of the DS classroom window. I never lived it down. And not sure my baking skills have ever improved.

  11. It takes real skill to make a Swiss roll,I'm impressed

  12. There’s nothing like a classically understated Swiss roll.

  13. weaver9:34 am

    I could eat a slice of that swiss roll right now with my morning coffee!

  14. Mmm...Swiss roll. Yum.

  15. Anonymous10:15 am

    You all deserve to win, especially you John. Gigi

  16. krayolakris11:46 am

    Clearly a rose among thorns! Thank You with Love to all nurses.

  17. Nurses are true angels on this earth, they make such a huge difference to people when they need it the most.

  18. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Thank you for being a nurse. Now I am craving a Swiss Roll! - Jackie

  19. Nurses are angels. I respect them immensely.

  20. Such fun! And yummy, yummy calories!

  21. Happy Nurses Day. I sincerely appreciate all nurses.

  22. Replies
    1. ❤️😷👨🏻‍⚕️👩🏽‍🍳👨‍🏭

  23. Barbara Anne4:54 pm

    What delicious fun and I'd have enjoyed your Swill Roll, too. Long ago when I worked in a well staffed Emergency Room (as they're called here), we always brought a cake for the birthday person. A doctor once asked "What are we celebrating toy ...the sun came up?! Medical people so have morbid jokes but also always food!

    I so miss being a nurse as I had to retire early. Blasted lupus!


    1. The highs of nursing is the comradeship and friendships made

  24. Anonymous5:19 pm

    It sounds as you and your nurse colleagues were being kind. I like that . Your boss probably needed that support


    1. Support isn’t always given from above

  25. When you need to make your own fun...that is a great idea!

  26. Anonymous6:28 pm

    Not caring for your patients obviously , not so caring nurses I would say

    1. And I not surprised , the first thing I see when I sit down with the evening blog replies!
      The one thing about nurses is that they have a great ability to organise their caseloads.
      Our patients were asleep, pain free and comfortable. The care plans were up to date, the hospice tidy and the drugs checked.
      Why not decorate some cakes for our colleagues on days to enjoy xx

    2. Oh for fucks sake. As if nobody anywhere ever had a few minutes at work now and then to socialize.


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