Gala de Zarzuela.Orquesta Metropolitana Madrid.Grupo Talia.

I’ve very aware that I’m doing the Madrid thing to death but I will leave you to these two videos
The top one is the first of five encores at the concert
But if you have patience please have a look at this one as this was the final encore and it’s amazing


  1. Anonymous12:10 pm

    Loved both videos but I can only say WOW and I mean hairs standing up on my arm WOW for the second slip
    No wonder you cried


  2. Thanks, John. They make it all look so effortless, but then you think of the logistics of co-coordinating choir, soloists, orchestra, dancers, costumes etc. Marvellous! xx

  3. Both videos are amazing spectacles of song, music and dance, especially the finale! So glad you got to see your beloved Spanish choir in concert!

  4. I love the music, dancing and most of all the passion. Wonderful!

  5. Timeless. Stunning performance. Totally captivating. Thank you for sharing. Most of all Happy B-day...

  6. Wow! I can understand why you were drawn there. Maybe you should move to Spain and join the chorus.

  7. Nooo - Please don't stop talking about Madrid and posting photos x 🎶📯

  8. Wonderful! Thanks ever so much for sharing this wonderful experience.

  9. How wonderful! Thank you for sharing this experience. Joy is joy and it comes through loud and clear.


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