All About………Me

 Right, let’s get away from the wonderful Madrid
However I have just left a video and a link of two of the encores 
The link especially will give a proper flavour of the event .
No doubt I will post more as their arise.

It’s my birthday on Saturday, and I’ve planned a few things. For the past 5 years I have made the effort Not to celebrate the day, going to lengths to work, stay in and play the martyr. Some of that stems from the fact that a had lost a bit of myself in my divorce 
Some of it stemmed from the fact that  I couldn’t be arsed.
Whatever the reason
I’ve changed this year. 
On Thursday Chic Eleanor and I am going out for supper. Friday I am meeting up with Colin and Sunday my friend Ruth are catching a rerun of that classic old Spanish ( what else) drama All about My Mother in Chester followed by a Japanese lunch, and on Saturday night I’m meeting my sisters and family for a meal at La Ricetta.
As you can see it’s all about Me !!

Yesterday I went to see the prequel to Mad Max Fury Road , Furiosa  A Mad Max Saga

Violent, action filled and beautifully filmed this movie had the difficult job to fill some very big shoes and although it tried, the original with Charlze Theron and Tom Hardy ( who apparently hated each other) has remained king not only for how the main actors gave it some gravitas and style but also for the fact the movie had a heart in the guise of a mainly female cast filled with old lady warriors

The prequel bored me which was sad. 


  1. About time you put yourself front and centre! I know you'll have a great time with family and friends.
    I'll pass on the Mad Max film. Not my thing at all. I thought the first one (the little I've managed to watch) was just silly! Still, doesn't do for us all to like the same thing. If it floats your boat - go for it and enjoy! I'll just pop back to watch those videos again instead.💃xx

    1. Sometimes I like a big boys movie !!! This wasn’t it though

  2. Yes, pull out ALL the stops for your birthday! Celebrate YOU! And your twin sister too, of course!

  3. Yorkshire Liz12:37 pm

    Critical and audience have the same opinion as you, as apparently this blockbuster has bombed. Worry not - at least you gave it a chance. And it failed.
    Your birthday plans sound like a great world tour! About time you went out and enjoyed yourself. Trying to be invisible is all very well, but it hunkers you down a bit too far and gets you too attuned to not caring any more. So get back to yourself and enjoy everything life has to offer. After all, birthdays are the best excuse!

    1. Please call by for a cuppa when in flintshire xx

  4. Glad you have a fun week planned to celebrate your birthday.

    1. If I didn’t it would be a dreadful anticlimax

  5. Have fun!
    And I'm sad the prequel was not as good as the Charlize Mad Max! I wanted to see it. Now I'll wait until it streams...


    1. Go and see it, there are two excellent set pieces worth a look

  6. It is good to have some more treats to look forward to.

  7. I can relate to that empty feeling of not wanting to celebrate, but also to the turn around of being ready to invest in yourself and in pleasure.

    1. I’m fucking sick of martyrdom

    2. Anonymous7:28 pm

      Recognising that someone else will not save you is a part of this realisation my friend . My wife just left me, she never made it easy, and I so wanted her too, I still do ….
      ( lesbians never forget )


  8. I love this month of all about you. Although, you must admit the family celebration is all about you and your twin sister. You should probably consider sharing the spotlight that night. Happy days leading up to your birthday. Mine will be here in less than 3 weeks -- which I’m sure means I’m younger than you.

    1. Anonymous5:40 pm

      I suspect you feel mindful not to overshadow your sister. You speak so highly of both of yours, something that always seems to move me.



    2. Both right chaps xx

  9. Barbara Anne2:58 pm

    What lovely plans you have to celebrate your place on the planet and how well you're doing and feeling! It's the right thing to do. It's healthy, too.


  10. OMG Tom Hardy. An excellent -- amazing, even, actor -- but since seeing him play one particular nasty, violent, cruel rapist in a long scene I didn't have the stomach to watch and had to leave the room till it was over -- that's how good he is, that I can never forget him in that scene and now, months later, I feel sick to think of it. I must get over that if I can.
    Wishing you Happy Birthday a little early. Glad you're doing things to celebrate. It looks like you have a lovely life, and it's you who make it so.

    1. He’s never been shy of playing the nasty
      A true gent and a proper actor

  11. We pretty much decided not to go see it... We loved the first one with Charlze Theron. I'am not a fan of Prequels... why not just start there if you plan on going there.. semper deinceps...

    1. Don’t bother, just see the original again

  12. Anonymous4:11 pm

    Your birthday should last at least a week and yes it all about you, good to hear that now you feel you can put yourself out front, go kick up some dust and enjoy every fecking minute!!
    Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I think I will be a bit tipsy with the family ( usually I drive)

  13. Anonymous4:15 pm

    That is a lot of birthday partying! 🎈🎉🍰

    1. I’ve had the last five years of doing nothing

    2. Anonymous7:21 pm

      Then you are overdue.

  14. Happy birthday you old fart:) I'm only three months behind you. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  15. Happy Almost Birthday! Celebrate each year, each decade, each day. It is a wonderful life. Love it and enjoy it.

  16. Anonymous5:39 pm

    I loved the feminine dominance of Fury Road.
    Owning your birthday say you value yourself, something my guessing you haven’t done in a long time John


    1. The battling old ladies, without a hint of being victims or weak were an inspired choice of hero

  17. Yes, celebrate...and there being two of you, you can make an even better job of it!! A celebration doubled, not divided 😎😀

    1. I’ve always been aware I am louder and more showy than my sister , so am aware that I don’t want to dominate the proceedings

    2. No....but teamwork...

  18. Anonymous6:19 pm

    I’ts my youngest child’s 59 birthday today so my other child phoned to remind me that I must be really old to have 2 that are close to retirement age. I hope you and Janet and rest of family have a nice lunch out for your birthdays. You have some good plans for the week along with last weekends trip to Madrid. Good for you! Gigi

    1. My sisters and their husbands will be there, my sister in law too and my nephew and great nephew will along …a nice mixture

  19. Birthdays should be noted and celebrated Have fun! Happy birthday.
    One of the saddest days of my life, when knew my marriage was hopeless, I asked my now-ex what we should do for my birthday [it was a landmark, maybe 35?], and he said I should go to my workout class as usual, because I needed the exercise more than I needed food, wine, or cake. I sat in my car that night, on my bday, after work and cried.
    Now all birthdays are celebrated.

    1. Yes I have a similar story and was offered a meal out in what would have been a night of silence ..I refused

    2. Jo in Auckland7:05 pm

      Similar story here .... best that was offered was a McDonalds... I said no thanks.

    3. We are hurt the most by those we love, I think. Now I plan holidays and landmark days myself. John here is setting a great example.

    4. That has always upset me the most lizzy, about my separation ….not what was done but HOW it was done

    5. Yes, but in the end we are strong and positive---looking forward not back. Your birthday sounds perfect, enjoy it! You are loved, you are celebrated. xxx

  20. The only way I would go to see "Mad Max Fury Road , Furiosa A Mad Max Saga" is if somebody paid me £20 and then I would probably fall asleep. What a load of tosh! Have a wonderful birthday weekend. Has someone let BBC Wales know?

  21. I feel as if you are being reborn in a way.

  22. Happy birthday, kid. Lol...I hope you have a great time, my youngest g-daughter's having her third bday Saturday also! I may pause my birthdays for 18 years to let you catch up. Cheers my friend.

    1. I was thinking of you when I was over there and was going to text xx

  23. Traveller7:05 pm

    It sounds wonderful.

    You should give yourself a great big Pat on the back……sorry had to leave it like that because of the unintentional capital P.

    1. Traveller7:58 pm

      lol….it was a Pat on the back that I was thinking about!

    2. Anonymous10:26 pm


  24. I now know that life is just too darn short. Celebrate every day as if it is your last. You are worth it,my soon to be life partner. You are still considering it , aren't you?

  25. Happy Birthday John. I am glad that you are celebrating. I just read about your trip to Madrid. It sounds like you had a lovely time.

  26. Your birthday plans - excellent. The Mad Max prequel, not so much, Happy Birthday John!!

  27. If a birthday is not all about you, what is? Enjoy yourself, John.

  28. Anonymous2:06 am

    Party on! Happy Birthday John.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  29. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Sorry to ask but do you know anything about the lady from The Weaver of grass as she hasn't posted for ages-thinking the worst unfortunately.

    1. She commented on another blog on the 27th, for what that's worth.

  30. I read that this movie was a big flop in its opening weekend. I guess word got around that it wasn't that good. I never saw the first Furiosa so I'll skip it. I do, however, love anything by Almodovar!


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