A Gift From Mrs Smith From Herefordshire

It’s a small world 
Mrs Smith from rural Herefordshire was in London last week. 
In between French Fancies at Fortnum’s and a quick look at the tweeds at Burlington Arcade she ventured down the South Bank to peruse the books and fell in love with this ladybird book on the Honey bee
Inside carefully written in pencil was my name , written as a child would write it 
Strange as it may seem….

I did write it

I was around seven years old 


  1. Serendipity strikes again! I wonder how many children have owned that book over the years? xx

  2. How did she know it was you rather than any other John Gray?

    1. Anonymous1:34 am

      I think this means something.Don't want to alarm you but it could mean you will fall in love with a woman. Don't fret, I'm not always right.

    2. What a stupid comment. Haven’t you anything better to do?

    3. Anonymous1:34 pm

      Fiona - haven't you annythig better to do than replying to anonymous comments?

    4. Call it a hunch, Tasker. Something doesn't ring true to John's story. Still, suspending disbelief, it's a good story.


    5. For fucks sake strange as it would seem, it’s perfectly true , think what you like Ursula !

  3. Barbara Anne8:04 pm

    What an amazing and very personal miracle touched by magic for your book to come back to you!! You must have most excellent Karma, my good man!


  4. That is so wonderfully weird. I would love to find one of my childhood books with my name in it.

  5. Seems to be a message that you are on the right path x

  6. No way!! How wonderful! Xxx

  7. A definite Cosmic Chuckle

  8. A lovely coincidence!

  9. Anonymous9:12 pm

    Is she a blog reader who got in touch with you about it?

  10. A bit more magic. How charming.

  11. That book has had quite the journey, and found its way back to you!

  12. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Is this another connection to your Grandmother? - Jackie

  13. OMG
    That's quite the story! What are the chances????


  14. A few years ago I gave away one of my son's books. It broke my heart when I saw his writing of his name in it. It felt like I was giving him away. He is 33 now but still my baby. ❤

  15. The book has circled back to you. Amazing.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. How wonderful! You know that happened to me once. I was at an estate sale and was looking through children's books. I saw a library book from one of the elementary schools and it still had the library card in it. I recognized one of the penciled in names, and called him. He was so tickled to get that book. As soon as I told him the name of the book (it was about a cowboy) he remembered it and how he loved reading it. I hope you got your book back, but even if you didn't, what a cool connection. London is a much bigger place than my little home town.

  18. Oh I love that! And I love that she contacted you. I actually had that book when I was young and I still love bees. - Jenn

  19. What an amazing coincidence! It's a strange feeling to see your own signature in a book from your childhood.

  20. When I was small I had a white Lion, inside which I would place my pyjamas each morning. Many years later I saw this Lion on top of a wardrobe in an Interiors Magazine. I'm certain it was mine!!!

  21. Touchingly sweet

  22. I love this, what a wonderful coincidence.

  23. Tracy8:09 am

    How lovely!

  24. That's so cool!

  25. This warmed my heart, John. A once-treasured book finds its way back to you. One of the ways the Universe gives us a knowing wink.

  26. Anonymous11:44 am

    How lovely for both of you. I am interested in the journey the book took. Would you have received it as a birthday gift, and how long a geographical journey would it have been from a 7 year old you, to the South Bank? Jean in Winnipeg

  27. Anonymous12:49 pm

    How lovely is that x
    Alison in Wales x

  28. That is just magical, and how lovely of her to send it to you. I would love to get some of my childhood favourite books back, especially my fairy story books and my illustrated prayer book. I loved them.

  29. What are the odds ...???

  30. I love this story. Thankfully, my mother kept several of our favourite childhood books. I still keep mine lovingly shelved in my book case, (my name, printed messily, inside a few.) I've wondered how often old books find themselves back in the hands of the original owners or their ancestors.

  31. Anonymous3:59 pm

    I love this so much! Delightful for her to find your name in it, and lovely of her to send it to you. I would dearly love to find something like that from my childhood, especially my parents' bank book, which I used as a practice paper to learn to print my name. The bank tellers loved it.

  32. It’s those serendipitous moments that seem almost like magic and here they bring seven years old to life! Lovely!

  33. Very thoughtful of her, sometimes things are just meant to be.

  34. Traveller10:24 pm

    Serendipity indeed. time to rewatch that movie. Mr Cusak is rather nice in that one.

  35. That's amazing! What are the odds?!


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