
 “ You’ve got to be fucking kidding!”
My first words this morning, looking in the mirror . 
I have a right facial abscess which came from nowhere overnight.
My face is hot and swollen and I look like Russell Crowe on steroids.
I was supposed to be at a funeral in Ormskirk at 11am but at that time found myself trying to be polite to my GP who has all the bedside manner of Nellie Oleson.
It looks bad and if it gets worse go to A&E” he said without a goodbye.
I’m now on three types of strong antibiotics and popped some painkillers down with them at the pharmacy after Ravi the pretty pharmacist gave me much overdue sympathy and my prescription .
I may not comment and blog for a day or do
Hey ho. X
Ps for Debby, Col and Steve


  1. Anonymous12:50 pm

    Take a break from blogging. We will be here when you return. Best wishes.

  2. Oh, John, it never rains, but it pours! Hope the antibiotics get to work quickly. Take all the time you need to get better. Sending healing vibes and virtual hugs to you and Dorothy (and a hug and a head rub for the rest of the gang!) xx

  3. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Get well very soon and rest as much as you can x
    Alison in Wales x

  4. I hope that clears up soon and you feel much better.

  5. I can see a shady figure reflected in the noticeboard. Perhaps it is the author of that note. I hope "a lifetime resident" comes out of the shadows and stands for some kind of local office. It is easy to stand on the sidelines grumbling.

  6. Anonymous1:20 pm

    I am really sorry to hear you are not well. I hope the antibiotics kick in fast. It sounds pretty grim. WOW what a notice! I had been sitting trying to imagine what it said, my imaginings did not come close!! How to stir up a hornets nest and not disclose who you are. Jean in Winnipeg

  7. Hopefully it's ok to be taking 3 kinds of antibiotics...?I dearly hope you recover quickly and completely, Mary

  8. You don't do things by halves, do you? Take care of yourself.

  9. It's better that you are staying home. You need to rest and relax.


  10. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sending hugs John.

  11. I think a lot of us could have written something similar about where we live!

  12. Little House On The Prairie is not what I would have thought of first of a GP. Get well.

  13. Barbara anne2:39 pm

    Oh, poor you! What a misery and hope some friend will take Dorothy to her vet appt tomorrow.
    3 antibiotics all at once? Never heard of such but hope they doo you a world of good.
    Take good care of you.


  14. Oh no!
    Why now?

    And that 'if it gets worse...' does not sound encouraging...
    Get better!


    did you say Russell Crow???

  15. This sounds terrible. The timing could not be worse. 24 hours of antibiotics should hopefully resolve the infection. Take care.

  16. Anonymous3:47 pm

    F*cking hell John, it is really is one thing after another at the moment, as my mother would say ‘you are just being greedy’๐Ÿ˜‰. Take care of yourself and come back soon. Jan in Castle Gresley

  17. Sounds highly unpleasant. Get well, John.

  18. Oh my, what next? Take care of yourself.

  19. YIKES! Sounds awful do feel better, and soon.

  20. That note fits very well in describing the same political situation we're struggling with over here in America.

  21. Hydrate and rest. Hope you're feeling better very soon.

  22. Jo in Auckland4:53 pm

    Blimey it never rains but it pours eh. How on earth did that come up overnight; the body is a very strange entity all be told. I hope the antibiotics kick it well up the chuff and you feel almost human in a couple of days. Rest and repeat.

    Jo in Auckland

  23. That will be enough of that! Hope you feel better soon and are back to your beautiful self.

  24. I hope you feel better soon.

  25. Wishing you better x

  26. Nelliegrace5:51 pm

    “It never rains but it pours.” We haven’t half had some rain!

    The writer of the pompous notice in the village sounds like the chosen victim in an Agatha Christie novel. Next there would be an original and suitably humiliating end for the bully.

    Best wishes to you and the dogs.

    1. Anonymous10:59 pm

      I think John previously said he was the writer....?

    2. Anonymous6:15 pm

      Or not. I see I was mistaken...

  27. So sorry - hope you are not in too much pain and heal fast John. Take a break - we all love writing but sometimes we just have to take a break.
    I'm no longer under the weather health wise but now have major home problems, including having the entire house re-plumbed this weekend due to piping failure and leaks.
    Mentally I'm screaming and wishing I could run away! They have to cut out large sections of walls!
    You're in my thoughts - get lots of rest.
    Mary x

    1. Anonymous6:30 pm

      I hope your home repairs go well but please remember that health is more important than bricks and mortar.

  28. Anonymous6:06 pm

    You will be fully aware that these type of infections can be incredibly serious. Life threatening in fact .
    Your body is run down .
    Be careful please.


  29. Your not writing for a little while makes sense, I do hope you reach out for help if you need it ,Mary

  30. Anonymous6:32 pm

    We all hope you're soon feeling much better.

    Please let us know how Dorothy goes on at her vet's visit tomorrow.

  31. one thing after another. Hope it gets better soon. Take care of yourself and only return when you are ready. We will still be here.

  32. Anonymous6:47 pm

    What’s happening to you ?
    THREE lots of antibiotics ?
    Is one your usual one ?

    I’m worried about you, am I allowed to say that ?



  33. Take care John, sounds like you're a bit run down at the mo. Look after yourself. xx

  34. Anonymous8:24 pm

    Please slow down and give your body time to heal. You, a nurse, should know that you have been running on empty for awhile now. Hugs. Gigi

  35. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issue. It sounds scary and miserable.
    Thank you though for posting that notice. It did give me a good laugh. People!

  36. Take care of yourself. As for your note-posting troll - in FL we say they can take a long walk on a short pier.

  37. Hugs from across the pond. Get well soon John.

  38. You really didn't need that! And three sets of antibiotics will rip your innards to pieces... real live culture yoghurt may help but you may be very uncomfortable. I feel for you. You ought to be asleep now, so I'm praying you have a restful night. XX

  39. Shelly Williams10:50 pm

    Rest , rest and rest, me deario x

  40. Take care. Just don't know what else to say. love Beth

  41. Ugh. John! It never rains but it pours.

  42. Anonymous4:35 am

    It’s 8:34pm I. SFO. Hope you’re feeling.better. Take care of yourself.

  43. Hoping things improve soon for you. So much to struggle with at the moment! You must just wish you could press a "pause" button on your busy schedule and stay in bed! So sorry.

  44. Thanks for putting the note up for us to see, passive aggressive indeed, although they may have a point!
    What are you doing to yourself man? Stop, rest, eat well, do a lot less of the running around in circles, give yourself time to recover from all these recent health problems.
    If I was less polite, and/or you were my family, I'd say "you're being stupid, pack it in and get better"!
    I'm just recovering from a mystery rash, arms legs, back, Dr has no idea at all what it is! Great hey? Super strong antibiotics upset my stomach terribly, but persevered, and then got thrush, so be grateful you're a bloke, at least you'll be safe from that! X

  45. Oh John, poor you ...... that's not nice. It might need draining and root canal treatment after the course of antibiotics ..... a trip to the dentist is needed. A bit of looking after yourself is needed and a slower pace of life for a while maybe. Take care ..... sending healing vibes and a hug. XXXX

  46. You look like a very sore, hot hamster on your FB photo ... nothing like Russell Crowe. Sorry to disillusion you, but I love hamsters and hate Russell Crowe so you are good. Take care of yourself ... and watch out for rabies. ;-)

  47. Anonymous6:42 pm

    After just getting my council tax and seeing Flintshire have increased it by 9% maybe the writer of letter should have a go at the county councillors being as we don't get much done . Mr coops


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