“Enough Cariño”

I was pleased the Spanish vet was on duty. 
She agreed with me about an ultrasound and has a lovely way about her.
She told that me my face looked sore. 
She’d be a good candidate for a hospice nurse. 
Practical, kind and straight to the point.

Dorothy refused to be led away from me so I was allowed to accompany the staff to scanning.
I clicked my fingers and Dorothy followed me and I couldn’t contain my pride when the vet said
“ You’ve trained her well”
Even I could see the size of the tumour on the scan and when the vet aspirated bloody fluid from her abdomen with a 2 mls syringe, she held it out for me to see
“Enough Cariño” she said quietly 
“She has a few days” the Spanish vet said “ Take her home and spoil her with anything she wants to eat”
And that’s exactly what I’ve done
We stopped at the village shop in Caerwys where I found a packet of cocktail sausages and then side by side, I popped one into her mouth at a time as she chewed them with closed happy old eyes.I didn’t cry until she leant up for a kiss well after she was sure all of the sausages had been finished, and not used to being free of her crate in the car I let her stand with her paws on the dashboard, as Roger does so much when we go out every morning.
She couldn’t believe her luck.

I stopped one more time to buy a cooked chicken for more dog dinners and some expensive flowers for myself. (It’s Mothers’ day) and we went home.
My email light was flashing on my laptop when we entered the kitchen,
I’d received an email from MIND , 
I have got the counselling placement.


  1. Oh, John. I'm sorry to hear this news about Dorothy. She knows she's loved and I know you'll make her comfortable and happy in whatever time she has left. Hugs. xx

  2. Anonymous1:26 pm

    That is heartbreaking news for you. Enjoy your time together, she has been so lucky to have you to care for her. Hope your abscess is getting better. Hugs to you all. Noreen

  3. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Very sad news about Dorothy, keep spoiling her. On the other hand very good news about your placement. Give dorothy a kiss on the top of her head for me, and do look after yourself. Xx gigi

    1. Anonymous8:52 pm

      Fuck me, I remember the recent troll who delighted in john sometimes treated Dorothy to a McDonald’s which could have affected her illness …what an arsehole …let her eat anything the vet sad xxx

    2. John doesn't need your troll comments Anonymous, you're the arsehole in this case.

  4. Bless you John, sending hugs for you all. You've given Dorothy a lovely life, and she's repaid it with love for you. xx

  5. I am so sorry to hear the news about Dorothy. Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. Treasure these days that you have with her. And congratulations on your new job. Life is filled with good news and bad news, isn't it?

  6. I'm so sorry about Dorothy. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet; to me, they are my family. What a wonderful home you've given her. Hugs from Ohio.

  7. Anonymous1:37 pm

    Hi John, I was so very sorry to hear the news about Dorothy, but you are giving and have given her the best life. Excellent news about your placement with MIND ~ you will be a super counsellor. My thoughts are with you ~ hugs Ro xx (n.w. Italy)

  8. The vet sounds good and kind. I’m sure you will love and spoil Dorothy til the end. X

  9. Such lows and highs for you in the same day, John. Take care, Dearheart. xx

  10. Anonymous1:43 pm

    I was expecting something similar ,
    And on a day you need caring for yourself
    I wish I lived closer


  11. Anonymous1:44 pm

    Blessings for your sweet Dorothy. You spoil your furr- babies every day. Congratulations on your well earned counsellor position. Jen

  12. It only hurts so much because we care. In my mind, people who do not suffer when they lose a pet never loved them enough in the first place and probably should not ever have another. Thankfully, but sadly, all my family consider their pets their children and I will weep with them when the time comes. And time is coming for one of them, our sweet Miya Louise, my granddaughter Hannah's 12+ pit bull mix, who has a noncancerous tumor overtaking her body. Congratulations on your new position - I am sure you will do really well in that job.

  13. Good news and bad news John. We know that you will make Dorothy's last few days as happy and comfortable as possible. Congratulations on the new job - they will be lucky to have you.
    Wendy (Wales)

  14. I've tears in my eyes, of sadness for Dorothy and happiness for your placement. We all know you will make Dorothy's final days as comfortable and as loving as possible, and when the end does come, I hope she just slips away, surrounded by love. I hope the antibiotics are working their magic and you feel better soon. A bittersweet day for you, John. xx

  15. krayolakris1:58 pm

    Oh Dorothy, sweet pup. Oh John…thank you for taking such good care of her.
    I hope your pain is bearable (the abscess and the love of Dorothy). Congrats on the job offer. We all knew you’d get it.

  16. Anonymous1:58 pm

    Thank goodness for kind vets. On my Archie's last day I fed him all his favourites, including vanilla ice cream, dear Dorothy, thinking of you John x
    Alison in Wales x

  17. Dear, dear, John, such a bittersweet time for you. Dorothy won the lottery when she came into your life, as do all of the animals in your care, and as all of the people you will counsel. A full of life experiences, and a wise and gentle soul is what people long for in a good counselor. You will bless many souls, John.

  18. Oh poor little Dot. She may not have had the best start, but she's had a wonderful life with you, and I know she'll love and be loved until her last moment. Take care of her, and yourself. XXX
    P.S. Congrats on the Counselling job.

  19. Anonymous2:05 pm

    Oh dear. Your vet sounds wonderful, it must be terrible for them too, delivering bad news like this and experiencing all the pain from patients and humans.

    What a roller coaster day for you. Hope your face is getting better.


    1. Anonymous9:35 pm

      She sounds wonderful

  20. So sad to hear, rest assured you have helped her live the best life possible. The placement is lucky to have you.

  21. So sad to hear Dorothy's diagnosis. Spoil her rotten, she totally deserves it. What a lovely life you gave her. I had to say goodbye to my old girl last weekend so know only too well how it feels. We are so lucky to have our animals to bless us with their unconditional love. Well done on your placement xxx

  22. Anonymous2:24 pm

    The rollercoaster of life - good news and bad news. So sorry that your fears about Dorothy are confirmed. She has had a good life with you and will have a good ending. Stay strong. Athene

  23. A day in the life. My heart is broken and I’m so happy for you regarding the job.

  24. I am sorry about Dorothy. I am glad about your position.life is such a mix, isn't it? Thinking of you and yours. It is a tough week coming up.

    1. Anonymous8:53 pm

      Oh john , you don’t complain much and you are coping all alone… where are your sisters ???

    2. They have enough on in their own lives Tina

  25. Anonymous2:47 pm

    We all have the capacity to just cope. You have that too as well as having a skill to share the sad times and the happy ones. I hope everyone here shares their good wishes, you, deserve them.
    And I hope the troll has the sense to gracefully bow out of the limelight for one and do the right thing
    Sending my love.



  26. Sorry to hear such sad news about Dorothy. Yes, spoil her rotten in her remaining time. Glad you got the counselling placement. The ups and downs of life, eh.

  27. The lines of a now favorite poem you told me about several year ago, always comes to mind at times like this.

    ".... You’ve given your heart to a dog to tear."

    I know you wouldn't have it any other way or live any other way. I know you're staying strong, and just know that your world wide fan club are sending our love and comforting vibes and a lot more for you and your precious girl too. ❤❤

  28. Anonymous2:49 pm

    congratulations on the job but my heart is sad and heavy at hearing the news of Dorothy. I'm so sorry, John
    Susan M

  29. Anonymous2:57 pm

    So sorry to hear about Dorothy pets really do break your heart I don’t know how you manage to keep going through it. Sending massive hugs for you both. Heather

  30. I can feel the pain in all of your words. 😔 You have the weekend to spoil your girl with all her favourite things, the best of which of course is being with her Dad. My heart is literally aching for you. ❤️‍🩹 Congratulations on getting the job, tell Dorothy all about it while hugging her close. 💖

  31. I was so hoping an operation of some sorts would fix Dorothy's "growth", my heart aches.
    Congratulations on your job, you'll make a grand counselor !

  32. Mundi Smithers3:10 pm

    I came across this yesterday; it certainly ‘spoke’ to me and I hope , to you as well.

    The Broken Heart Dog
    Most of us know what a heart dog is: that special dog that we connect with on a deeper level. The dog that we know and that knows us forwards and backwards. Our four legged other half and in some ways, one of the great loves of our lives. These dogs are talked about often, placed on a pedestal against which future dogs are judged and revered by their owners for the lifetime of the human lucky enough to have spent their time with them. Some people are lucky to find that one heart dog. Some are blessed enough to have two or even several in a lifetime. Some people will describe them differently. Referring to a heart dog, a soul dog, a spirit dog, etc. All are just as important as the first and all can change the life of the person fortunate enough to have found them. Praise and honor is given to these dogs on a daily basis and today will be no different for many, but today I want to take a few minutes to talk about a different type of heart dog. The broken heart dog.
    These are the dogs that follow our heart dogs. Maybe they survive them in this life or maybe they find us after we have suffered that profound loss of that “once in a lifetime” dog. It doesn’t matter how they arrive in our lives or why, it just matters that they do. They are there. They are there at our worst and they stay at our sides until we find that new version of ourselves. They help us discover our new normal and they never ask to take over the place of the dog before them. When we are broken, they are the guardians of the pieces. When we are whole again they are elated to be there and experience that with us too. As we move on in the world and we no longer need them to plug the leaks and fill the cracks, they are honored to still be by our sides as we grow and face new challenges. These dogs are irreplaceable in their own right and equally deserving of recognition and celebration.
    I’m sure you can think of who this dog (or dogs) are in your life. Some of them may have grown to become heart dogs in their own right. Others may have quietly done their job of support and regrowth, quietly and with dedication that allowed us to change and grow without seeming to realize it. It’s hard not to be reminded of your past, of your history and what you lost with the passing of time. Our history is what formed us and shaped us into who we are now, heart dogs and broken heart dogs included. Our history will repeat itself because such is the nature of the beast. I think what we need to remember, with these broken heart dogs, is that sometimes the most important history, is the history that we are making today. Because of these dogs we find ourselves ready to take those steps and make that history. Their accomplishment in that moment and in that victory is not to be overlooked. They remind us who we are and why we love the things that we did with those heart dogs.
    So here’s to the dogs that clean up the messes that this life makes of us. The dogs that may not be the best looking, the most talented or the ones that catch everyone's eye. These dogs are the therapists, the mechanics and the keepers of the soul. Their value known only to the one person fortunate enough to have found them through chance or sheer desperation. Maybe they are great dogs, known to the masses and legends in their own right. Maybe they are a little tall, a little too shaggy, a little too leggy or they have a crooked ear. It doesn't matter. This is the perfect work that can be done by dogs both imperfect and otherwise. The mending of a broken heart that requires the love of a heart so pure that it can repair, rebuild and cleanse the scraps that it finds itself responsible for. I see you and the work you do. We all do. This is your day to shine for the beautiful work you do, even if you do your job in the shadows. Today is your day for the pedestal.
    Written by Jen Rainey, CPhT

    1. I’ve never seen this to beautifully expressed. Thank you 💗

    2. Anonymous11:04 pm

      I love this. Thank you for sharing. Tina in west oz

  33. Hugs John, be with her as she has been there for you. A bittersweet day, in some respects but one founded and grounded in love and the purest of intent. Family comes first. Congrats on the MIND. Hugs to you and Dorothyxx

  34. Holding you close to my heart.

  35. A tough few days ahead. Will be thinking of you.

  36. You cried when Dorothy leant up for a kiss,and then received the MIND email saying you got the job ....what an emotionally
    intense combination to go through within a short period of time! As I read that feeling profound empathy words seem
    inadequate vessels to carry my good wishes to you.Through your illness, sorrow and contemplation of all involved with the
    career change know I realize the weight on your tired shoulders isn't light or insignificant.May you be given comfort, robust health,success,and peace of mind,-Mary

  37. Anonymous3:48 pm

    John, I sometimes struggle with the right words to say. I will quote the late great Harry Chapin - "sometimes words can serve me well, sometimes words can go to hell for all they do". Just know that I care and I am thinking of you.

  38. So very sorry to hear the sad news about Dorothy, she is such a beautiful, affectionate girl and it's good that you can make her last few days happy by spoiling her.
    Congratulations on the counselling job with MIND.

  39. This is always very hard. My thoughts are with you and Dorothy.

  40. That's life. So much pain and sorrow and little joy. I think of you.

  41. I'm so sorry. Dorothy could not be more loved than she is with you. Ranee (MN) USA

  42. I don't comment often but please know that my thoughts are with you, a loss of a dearly loved pet is such a wrench to the heart. One of my old girls is heading that way............

    Congratulations on the job, when you feel more like talking about it I'd love to hear about it, for instance is it full time or will you still continue to do some hospice work? Will you be able to work from home?

    1. Rick
      I’ve been taken on as a trainee counsellor with mind , it’s a volunteer role to gain the required 100 hour counselling experience
      Then it will be reviewed . My hope, if I like it, and they like me, and I pass my exams and if there’s a Rvin the month , I may be taken on ,when I complete

    2. Thanks for your reply, don't worry there's sure to be an R in the month.
      In the meantime, as you spend this last precious time with your girl take solace knowing many readers have you in their thoughts right now.

  43. Tears for a beautiful old dog soul called Dorothy. Bless her. X

  44. Anonymous4:42 pm

    We took Purdy our cat to the vets yesterday, she did not come back home with us, I feel your pain, enjoy the time you have with her. They break your heart. Marlene, Poppypatchwork

  45. John, I am so sorry, please take comfort in the fact that you have given her a wonderful life. Congrats on the counseling position.

  46. Long distance hugs xx

  47. Anonymous4:54 pm

    No words❤️‍🩹. Not anonymous just not technosavvy Teresa

  48. Barbara Anne4:56 pm

    Oh, John, I am so sorry about this sad and unwelcome news about Dorothy's diagnosis and the short time she has left. I remember how damaged she was when she first came to live with you and the wonderful life she's had with you and the pack. You've blessed her with kindness, love, good food, a stable home, and your love. She is one lucky girl.

    Cheer for your new and perfect job!!

    Many hugs

  49. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Another lurker here and one that wants to thank you for sharing the shitty times with us all as well as the gloriously funny and interestingly mundane times in your life and village.
    I feel for you today
    Unwell but still sharing your crappy day with us.
    I hope it helps a little


  50. What a mixture of emotions. So sorry to hear about Dorothy, but we know she will be in loving company. Wonderful news about the job. Something to focus on for the future. xx

  51. Tears for Dot 😭
    Smiles for you and your new job! 😊

  52. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Sad for you, sad for Dorothy. X Deb

  53. My heart is breaking for you and at the same time I want to give you a bottle of the best bubbly. You have done a wonderful job with Dorothy 💖 and for yourself👍🏻. Love and prayers and hugs for both of you and your little family..

  54. Anonymous5:43 pm

    A day of two halves typically Gemini, so sad to hear about Dorothy but you know you gave her the best life and so bloody happy for you on getting the job. Lots of love to you. Jan in Castle Gresley🙏

  55. I'm sorry to hear the news about Dorothy John. Your emotions must be all over the place especially with the good news of your counselling placement. I hope your poor swollen face is feeling a bit better. X

  56. Congratulations on the MIND placement!
    What a lovely vet you have. Be kind to yourself as you care for and spoil Dorothy in these last few days.
    Hugs to you, and soft head rub rubs to Dorothy, as well as Mary & Roger.
    Thinking of you all.

  57. A bittersweet day. I'm sorry about Dorothy. I think probably the only good thing about a dog dying, is that they don't worry about it ahead of time. They truly do live each day, without worrying about the next. What a wonderful vet as well. As long as Dorothy isn't in pain and she gets to hang out with her favorite human, and eat sausages, she's a lucky girl.

    Sending hugs John.

  58. I have adored reading about Dorothy. What a loss.

  59. Anonymous6:10 pm

    Hugs and love and also a well done X
    Libs x

  60. I'm so sorry, John. And in the next breath, glad for your placement. A bittersweet day.

  61. Hugs, you must be in need of some.

  62. So sorry, John. Please give Dorothy a kiss and hug from me, and extra for you. Sending love and healing to you both, From Julie in L.A. xoxoxoxo

  63. Tears from here both sad and happy. I send lots of love and a giant hug for all of you.

  64. I join everyone in expressing my sorrow for Dorothy and you. Your equanimity bodes well for your counseling career, though. My thoughts go out to you and your brood.

  65. My comment seems to have disappeared. So sorry to hear this sad news but she has had the best life with you and you will spoil her to the end and congrats on the job x

  66. I don't comment often John but I read your blog every day. You're as much a part of my life as if I lived next-door and this breaks my heart as if I'd loose one of my own. Hugs and remember you are loved, even from afar.

  67. The good and the bad. I'm so sorry about Dorothy. At least she is still eating and clearly getting some enjoyment from that.

  68. Fortunately, you are a realist and you have dealt with the deaths of several other beloved pets. Of course you will get through this with a heavy heart but in the certain knowledge that in her maturity you have given Dorothy a happy, peaceful home.

  69. Anonymous7:00 pm

    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  70. Thank you all for your best wishes , here and via email .

    Just to clarify a few things for you.
    Dorothy has a large tumour pressing on the liver. It’s already bleeding into her abdominal cavity which , according to the vet will eventually cause her death, I have pain killers here, but the vet reassured me that the end would be quick and essentially painless .
    Her abdomen has increased in size since midday
    She is eating , but remains very clingy and is somewhat bad tempered with the others.
    She’s had chicken for dinner and is presently sat with me.
    Trendy carol’s husband has come to say a kind of goodbye which was hard to watch.
    If she looks in pain or goes off her food , I will euthanise her

    I shall miss her

    1. Gut wrenching. This is basically what happened to our dog ; it seemed liked overnight it was noticeable. I am so so sorry.

  71. Love to you, John. Getting the job is great but it was still a horrible day

  72. John, my heart goes out to you during this most difficult time - you always know precisely how to take care of your little ones. They can't have gotten anyone better than you to give them a loving home. So good to have a sensitive vet caring for Dorothy. Hugs and luv from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. (P.S. Of course, congrats on landing the job - you deserve it.)

  73. Darkness and light, John. Congratulations on the placement, but my heart goes out to you and Dorothy. Hugs. Jan xx

  74. so sorry to hear about Dorothy, I've enjoyed all your stories about her antics xx congratulations on your placement xx

  75. Anonymous7:23 pm

    Coming out of lurkdom here to say how sorry I am. They really do find their way into our hearts, don't they and losing them is just so hard. Carol.

  76. Thank you for your comment(3 above this one) letting us know the current situation.As always you will do what's needed with love, -Mary

  77. I am so very sorry John, Dorothy has felt such love with you that I hope it offers some comfort in the coming days and weeks that you have given her a wonderful life filled with kindness, patience, affection and warmth. What a gift you have given her and what a gift she has been to you.

    Congratulations on the placement with MIND, as muted as it must feel now, it is an accomplishment that you should be proud of as it is one step further into the future you have grabbed with both hands and made your own.

  78. Anonymous7:47 pm

    I am so sorry....my thoughts will be with you.
    Linda from Alabama

  79. Anonymous8:06 pm

    I’m sorry. I must have been reading your blog longer than I realized. I thought you just got Dorothy after losing your other bulldog. Has it been that long that she is old now?

    1. No Winnie was with me then

  80. The pictures you have painted of your relationships with animals have been a lifeline for me and others in blogland. You have brought out the true characters of these special darlings. Winnie and her rubber chicken and her love of workmen , Roger’s dim but sweet nature and Dorothy’s damaged and wounded soul .
    You do this with humor and with charm and I, for one value your stories.
    I feel Ive know Dorothy ever since she burst into your home, and my heart is breaking that she is fading as I write this .
    I am not a brainless sycophant as other cold fish bloggers maker me out to be.
    I am a lover of stories and of imagination and of love.
    That’s why I come

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. So sorry to read this John. It seems like five minutes ago that Dorothy arrived, but must be four or five years? Is she a 'rescue' dog? (apologies, can't recall). I cried so much when my old Border Terrier died. It's part of having a dog as a companion but it doesn't get any easier when they go. Take care x

    1. She was indeed a rescue dog and a needy little lady she was too . It was indeed 5 years ago

  83. Aww John I'm so sad to hear about Dorothy. Sending you both lots of love ❤️

  84. You are so right about how they break one's heart. Keeping you all close in mine.

  85. Heartbreaking , so saddened to read about Dorothy.

    Wonderful news about the MIND placement. Is this a sort of internship, practice run or will it be a fulltime career move instead of the hospice?

    Sending love to you and D. lizzy

    1. Starts as the first hopefully leading to the second

  86. It’s nine pm and we are off to bed. I’ve given Dorothy some painkillers and a muscle relaxant and she’s now asleep . Unfortunately the Welsh terriers have been banished to the kitchen , as she cannot tolerate them near her which is sad, all she wants is me .
    I’ve lifted her and her belly is full , and bloated
    But She had chicken for tea
    I have had a great deal of welcomed support by your messages, humbled that a funny little neurotic bulldog could capture so many hearts

    Thank u

  87. Rest well with peace in your heart, -Mary

  88. weavinfool9:39 pm

    What an awful day for you. I hope the antibiotics work quickly for you. It’s lovely you got your placement with MIND.
    The wrenching news about Dorothy is so very sad. A good cry can’t change the outcome but may help a tiny bit. Soooo sorry.

  89. Shelly Williams9:48 pm

    Very sorry to hear the news about Dorothy , I am thinking of you xx

  90. Anonymous10:43 pm

    So sorry, you gave her a family

  91. Anonymous11:07 pm

    So sorry John. She got to know true home and love, but not for long enough, but then it's never long enough. Xxx Tina in West Oz.

  92. Anonymous11:11 pm

    I am so sorry to read this John. I don't comment often but read your blog every day. Thinking of you and sending love to sweet Dorothy xx Sue P

  93. I'm in tears writing this. Poor you coping with this, and poor dear Dorothy - I'd hoped she's have longer with you. I remember what a handful she was at the beginning, and what a wonderful transformation it's been. May the end be quick and painless.

    Congratulations on the placement - when you can score that after a rushed start you're showing your class!

  94. Oh John I’m so sorry. Sweet Dorothy how loved you are x

  95. Anonymous12:16 am

    So, so sorry to hear the news, Dorothy has been loved and adored by you and many others. Sending hugs xx Lynda

  96. Anonymous12:32 am

    I’m crying asi read about Dorothy. Sending my heartfelt thoughts. Congratulations on the placement.

  97. Hi, John. I've read you every day for years; I even comment from time to time. I am so sorry about Dorothy, but happy you have the placement. Love her to the end of her days, and you will.

  98. Before our ancient Boxer, Pearl died, the night before I knew she was going to be euthanized the next day, I fed her fried salmon skin- her favorite. I hope the taste was still with her when she passed from here to there and that it tasted of love.

  99. Anonymous3:14 am

    A bittersweet day indeed. Congrats on the MIND placement. And my heart is sad for you and Dorothy. What a fabulous life she has had with a most caring parent. Hugs, A.K.

  100. Anonymous4:06 am

    ❤️ from reader Olivia

  101. A gentle local vet eased me and my old cat to the Rainbow Bridge recently -- I'm relieved that you and Dorothy experienced similar kindly treatment at that last appointment. The Spanish vet treated you both well.

  102. So very sorry to hear about Dorothy. Very sad. Hope she is comfortable.
    Good news re placement.

  103. Good news and bad news; what a day. Give Dorothy a tickle from me. We'll all miss her when her time comes. xx

  104. MarisAna7:20 am

    It is as you feared then. She has had such a good life with you and such love has been shared. I am so sorry.

    Congratulations on the placement. Grief and hope all in one day.

  105. How terribly sad. Poor Dorothy. She's got the best Dad though. I know you will ease her from this world gently. She will go gently. Xx

  106. elle a eu une si jolie vie avec vous ! ce n est qu une petite consolation ,je sais...Du fond du coeur avec vous

  107. Oh bless. My thoughts are with you ❤️

  108. Our hearts are breaking for our dear little Dot. When her time comes may she be pain-free and leave in the loving bliss she has deserved.

  109. weaver1:12 pm

    Tears (never far away these days) of joy that you have your placement. Of sadness - always hard to part with a dear pet - but you have given her the best possible life - she has been a very lucky dog. Give her love and cuddles and you will know when the time comes. x

  110. weaver1:14 pm

    May she leave this life dreaming of cocktail sausages.

  111. I've been thinking of Dorothy and you since I read this yesterday. I remember when you got Dorothy and the work you put into calming her fears. You created a bond and a safe place for her to land. This stranger across the pond feels privileged to have had a window into that bonding. And I'll be thinking of you as you say goodbye.

  112. thinking of you and Dorothy - during this time.

  113. I'm so sorry about Dorothy.

  114. Anonymous3:49 pm

    What sad news about Dorothy. She’s been blessed to have had such a wonderful home with you. May she have peace and little pain (I work in Hospice too)

  115. Anonymous5:27 pm

    So sorry to hear about Dorothy, John. Broken hearted at the news. I know only too well the pain of losing a fur member of the family. Innocent and unconditional love. As so many have said, she has had the best life with you. Sending you a HUGE hug and much love. Congratulations on your placement. Louise (Mids) XX

  116. Two big changes at the same time in your life. I'm sorry to hear about Dorothy; and congratulations on the new job co ming up. Dorothy has had a great life with you, and you'll be great in your new position. -xoxo Kate

  117. Oh the ups and downs of life. Sometimes it all gets too much. I'm very pleased you got your placement, you've worked hard. But I'm so sorry to hear about the little chonk Dorothy, dear little creature that she is. Thank goodness she has you.

  118. The bitter and the sweet in life. So sorry to hear about Dorothy. I know you'll miss her deeply. Congrats on the new position.

  119. I too am sorry to read and still in shock about Dot. I feel as though you haven't had her very long. Spoil her rotten indeed!!!!

  120. Anonymous2:28 am

    Read daily, comment very occasionally. So do very sorry Kathy near Chicago


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes