
 My brain is too big more my head to cope with ( that’s been said before lol) I’m counting down to my next lemsip like a junkie but at least the sun is shining. 
I found a moribund sleeping tablet at the bottom of the medicine box last night and took it at 8 pm 
I’ve slept all night since then.
I’m doing very little today, having said that I’ve just photographed a passive aggressive note on the village noticeboard  slagging off the Community Council ( not the community association that’s different) and have taken its 1980s passive aggression to task on the village website.,
I’ve got to pick up a prescription for a neighbour and a friend in the village is just out of hospital so I want drop in some goodies before taking Roger around to the Manleys so he can socialise with their English setter Skye
I’m diverting myself of course, 
No sub conscious working here
I should have booked Dorothy back at the vets today but
Ive arranged for her to go in for review on Friday. 
Tomorrow I’m attending a funeral.
I’ve still not heard from MIND regarding the counselling place
But checking the dairy I’ve just noted the date
March. 6th
My “wedding Anniversary” date 
Just crept into my my mind


  1. Hoping all goes well today, take care.

  2. Hope you feel better soon, and that Dorothy's diagnosis/prognosis is what we all hope for.🤞Hope you hear soon about the MIND placement. Waiting for news is always stressful. xx

  3. Glad you got a good night's sleep!

  4. Sometimes taking a pill to break the cycle works.
    Hi to the Manleys for me..looking forward to when we can see them sometime.
    Like Pirate says...act like a dog..scratch some grass over it and walk away...on to the future xx

  5. Anonymous12:55 pm

    It is so strange how those anniversary dates creep up on us. Mymother passed away at 92 on would have been my 42nd anniversary. Thankfully with each passing year the pain becomes less harsh. xx

  6. Why did you check the dairy? Most people check the diary. Maybe you were out of milk.

  7. And on top of it all, you just had to go and check the diary. Sounds like you’re doing an awful lot!

  8. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Gosh John that is a head full of stuff, no wonder your feelings are all over the place. Breathe and enjoy the sunshine. Jan in Castle Gresley

  9. Feel better and stay home to rest!

  10. Anonymous2:54 pm

    This is a good example of why you call your blog your online diary. Sending good wishes all the way from Georgia USA.

  11. Ooooooh, I want to see a picture of the passive-aggressive note!

  12. You are juggling so many things simultaneously. Try to rest and take on no more tasks. Your health ( and Dorothy) needs the priority.

  13. John, warmest wishes and support from the base of the mini-mountain in Maine. That's all...thinking of you and Dorothy. Take care. Hugs.

  14. Barbara Anne4:54 pm

    Sorry your head is still full of cold but you're starting the day with a night of good sleep behind you. How kind of you to get your friend's meds and to take goodies, too.
    Have a good meal toght with sausages for the crew.

    Big hugs, my friend, and only goohappy memopries today

    I so wish I could see and correct those typos. Sigh!

  15. Anonymous6:35 pm

    It seems people have different ideas of what is a priority. I would have been taking my dog to the vet today rather than taking a photo of a noticeboard message and replying to it.

    1. Anonymous7:02 pm

      He has a head cold but the dog is more ill than he is. His priorities are all wrong.

    2. Anonymous7:23 pm

      Well, at least you are being the perfect person by choosing to bash John at every opportunity. What do you possibly gain from this behavior?

    3. Anon is right, I couldn’t face the vet today so avoided tbe appointment , Dorothy is eating well and doesn’t look in pain, I just couldn’t face bad news today, if my priorities are all wrong so be it

    4. Anonymous9:15 pm

      John in his blog has already alluded to the fact he was prognosticating anon

      God you are a dim person and there’s nothing so sad as a dim person making trouble.


    5. Anonymous4:28 pm

      Lee - the religious amongst John's readers won't think kindly of you saying God is a dim person.

      Or wait - perhaps it's you that's dim as obviously your English and punctuation are rubbish.

  16. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Anonymous is a lot like a malignant growth.

    1. Anonymous4:29 pm

      Calling yourself a malignant growth Anonymous?

  17. With all that, you may need another sleeping pill.

  18. Rest well thinking good thoughts,then sleep dreaming of all the best for you and those you love
    and care for-Mary

  19. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Dear John, there is no affirmation that will ease you at this difficult time so I will leave you a cooks joke ‘I wish I had the confidence of a bay leaf, just strolling into every recipe and doing F all ! ‘ xx Jane

  20. Oh, gee, John, stay well, willya?

  21. Hoping you feel a bit better today - in every way. Difficult times.

  22. weaver11:18 am

    Good luck with the Counselling place John and thinking of you (and Dorothy) when you see the vet. Remember dear heart you have struggled through rocky places before and come out the other end smelling of roses. A good dose of sunshine and a drop of whatever you fancy as an antidote to your cold and soon the smell of roses will waft North Westward and arrive here!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes