
 I fell asleep on the couch yesterday afternoon and woke in darkness. The tv had turned itself off ( it does this as it’s on some sort of timer I haven’t been able to figure out as yet) but the fire was still burning , just that much to give the room some warmth and some light. 
The dogs were asleep.
Dorothy next and on me, the other two in the cracks.
I wasn’t sure when it was, and lay there blinking. 
I could hear the wind, and the tick of the kitchen clock

Then Albert walked passed the couch. 
I heard him rub the couch as cats do with their sides when they are not in a hurry.
A muted rub and a vibration through the cushion 
Then nothing more
I blinked once again and didn’t move then closed my eyes again for a few moments 
before realising it was around 6 pm and time to get up for work


  1. Jo in Auckland4:58 am

    I wondered when the wee man would pay you a visit. How comforting is that? I am so glad for you.

    1. I’m pretty sure I was still dreaming

  2. My TV occasionally turns itself ON during the night, and I'm obliged to get up and turn it off again. Could it be Billy wishing to watch 'One man and his Dog?

  3. What a lovely experience. Please don't brush it off as a dream. Treasure it. He wanted to join in with the cosiness.

  4. Dreams can feel so real. I think those we love remain in our thoughts and so are close to us. Albert is still part of the family.

  5. After so many years of experiencing much loved pets, come and gone, I do believe dear Albert paid you a visit. How wonderful and comforting. X

  6. Whether it was a dream or a visit, treasure it. After yesterday's post - the power of love, indeed. xx

  7. John - you know when a lightbulb is shining bright - then you switch off - there is still the glow that remains - xx

    1. Anonymous3:57 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. of clarity dear

  8. The family altogether for a brief moment.

  9. I can remember laying in bed and a cat jumped up and laid down by me. Nothing there, but I knew it was Lucy-cat paying me a visit though she had gone over several years before . . .

  10. So kind of Albert to pay you a visit.

  11. My cat was black and Albert reminded me very much of him. Every morning at approx 4am he would knock our phone off the cradle and it would start beeping.
    The morning after he died that phone started beeping at 4am!!
    A last goodbye 😔

  12. I used to catch glimpses of my first black cat Bluey, long after he died. He would always be leaving the room right on the edge of my vision. The first couple of times I leapt up and dashed to the doorway to double-check my sanity. Then a couple of years later I was with my Mum while she visited a clairvoyant, I was just sat quietly in the corner until they finished. She turned to me near the end of the session and said 'Is that your black cat sat in the doorway?' 🐈‍⬛

  13. Those dreams of beloved
    furry friends that had become family before passing away were a great comfort to me last year. I never knew of anything I did to make the dreams come ,or why after several weeks they stopped.I do ,though. ,
    believe I needed those dreams as closure given gently to help me understand I had done my best to love all I had the opportunity to .-Mary

  14. Anonymous10:29 am

    I lost my cat in April last year and she most definitely came back to me for a last snuggle about six weeks later. She would snuggle up against my head when I laid on the couch and I woke up from a nap to feel her back there, purring up a storm and flicking my face with her tail, the way she did when she wanted attention. It might have been a dream but it was so incredibly real - the feeling faded away slowly but I’m convinced she came back to say goodbye properly.

  15. He's telling you the house needs a cat!

  16. The last kitty we had weighed next to nothing, yet when she walked, you could hear her thud thud thudding all over the house. When she passed last year, for days and days in the quiet mornings, I could hear her heavy steps. It made me smile.

  17. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Last night I dreamed about Albert and he was telling you to get another cat and it would be called Thomas! Wow! I kid you not. Gigi

  18. Anonymous1:05 pm

    This reminded me of an experience my mother had about a year after my Dad had passed. She awoke from an afternoon nap, only to see Dad standing just inside her room. They looked warmly at each other, neither speaking, until he disappeared.

  19. There is a hole in your heart that needs a kitty to fill it. Keep looking.

  20. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Lovely x
    Alison in Wales x

  21. I am happy for you that he is still watching over you.

  22. Being remembered, is immortality

  23. How nice of Albert to pop in from the afterlife for a wee visit!

  24. What a wonderful post.

  25. Anonymous3:35 pm

    When my black lab passed she walked by me while I was lying on the sofa. She had sparkles all over her. And the she disappeared. Love that dog so much.

  26. I woke up in the night many times after my dog was gone. I was sure that I heard him on the stairs.

  27. Nelliegrace4:20 pm

    My parent’s cottage by Y Lôn Goed was similar to yours. I heard them talking before dawn and went downstairs to see if there was a pot of tea. As I lifted the door latch the conversation stopped. It felt as if they had just looked up from their fireside chairs to say something, but there was nobody there. Just the faint glow of the fire and the night light.

  28. I still wake convinced I just heard the "Frrrnt?" purred comment from my cat Ben, who was 17 when he died in 2005. Lovely memories.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  29. I had a GhostKitty when we lived in CA in a brand new house.. go figure that.. We owned a cat at the time .. Jinx.. and while it COULD have been him anyone would argue but when i looked he was nowhere around.. Very nice description of the moment John.. I think Albert came for a visit.. Hugs! deb

  30. Treasure such moments. Albert will be with you always.

  31. Barbara Anne6:51 pm

    Love lasts forever and Albert loved you! How sweet to see home, awake or still dreaming.
    Hope it's a quet shift.


  32. Watson used to visit me often after he passed. I could hear his paws as he walked around the house on his walks to check up and make sure everything was safe. I miss hearing him. So much love. He knew I needed him.

  33. So happy that Albert is still looking out for you. I've seen several of my departed kitties from time to time. I always say hello! Our beloved fur babies are always with us. xo Julie in Los Angeles

  34. The joy of sleeping deeply and dreaming of beloved Albert. Dreamland is wonderful. Hopefully work will be easy.

  35. Very nice of Albert to come visit you, his favorite human.

  36. I also have had many experiences since very young so can relate

  37. Anonymous12:07 am

    Albert just letting you know he's there. Probably wants you to give another feline a home.

  38. Nice indeed! What a comfort.

  39. Well, I'm sitting here with tears running down my cheeks ..... missing pets that are no longer with me. Your writing often raises emotions in me, happy and sad. Thank you.

  40. Anonymous3:36 pm

    I Don't Believe A Word Of It.

    These are exactly the words you said to someone who was wanting some comfort at a difficult time, a few months ago.

    1. If I said it I meant it , and I put my name to it
      Now fuck off

  41. Another anonymous2:57 pm

    Oh dear....I remember reading both that post and comment and I felt sorry for the commenter before your comment but even more so after your reply

    I thought you were harsh and unkind it was uncalled for as they were expressing their distress and in no way were they criticising you.

    I wondered if you were having a bad day emotionally but after reading your reply today I realise I was wrong

    You could have just deleted the original comment or ignored it.

    Kindness and compassion John Grey, it's not difficult to practise once you get over your own ego

  42. How the visit from Albert brought a tear to my eye. Upon occasion I deeply miss our little deer-head chihuahua, Duckie Doodle, who gave us so much entertainment and love over the many years he was with us. We had him "put to sleep" in August at age 18, and while I haven't had the kind of visit you had, I like to believe he's often with us. Stories like yours help me believe. -Kate


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes