Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love

The tongue in cheek video, somehow spoils the song, which was the backdrop to my psychiatric nurse days back in 1984. It was ironic , for despite being madly in unrequited love with my best friend two years before this date, I was not going to properly fall in love with someone for another decade or so. 
That decade taught me to make and nurture and love my friends
Most of whom I still retain to this day.
At the end of Les Mistersbles , Jean Valjean and Fantine sing “ and remember the truth that was once was spoken….to love another person is to see the face of God” 
That’s where the Frankie Goes to Hollywood video hails from, me now thinks.
I’ve been in love with three men in my life, only one of whom properly loved me back.
I’ve loved many more men and women, as friends and more, and I’m lucky those that love me back do so in a way that I can acknowledge and get comfort from.
My dogs love me too but in a different way as I love them 
They are animals where
Love is more a bond.

“ Dreams are like Angels,
They keep bad at bay, bad at bay, 
Love is the light,
Scaring darkness away”


  1. You put into words, things that many people never examine.

  2. 'Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.' When I was young, I thought it was a ridiculous saying. Now I realise its wisdom. xx

  3. and love emanates from within x

  4. It is said that every person has three great loves. The first by it very nature is unrequited, the second from which we learn the lessons on how to love and the third which is the love of a lifetime, pure and true and never ending. I have been lucky to have had all three and now, at my age, I can look back and see how lucky I have been. Much love to you my virtual friend.

  5. Alas, we live in such an imperfect world but all we can do is try.

  6. "All you need is love" is a phrase I sang to my children when they were bickering!

  7. He was mine, physically , life partners, best friend, mentally. I was lucky to have him.

  8. I'm not sure what's tongue in cheek about that video. It seems pretty earnest to me. Is it that it's using religious imagery for what otherwise might be a song about romantic love?

    1. If you knew the band you would know Kirk

  9. All right. Here's a sort of tangent. I have always felt that we have to be attracted to someone to fall in love. Of course, that sounds like common knowledge and belief when it comes to falling in love with a possible sexual partner. But when I think about my woman friends as a straight woman, I realize that I delight in their presence on a level which although not sexual is not quite NOT sexual. I don't want to have sex with them but I am somehow attracted to them. This is hard to explain, hard to define.that...charge? There is something about their physicality that attracts me. I don't know. I feel silly even writing this as I don't think I am explaining it properly.

    1. Tracy4:12 pm

      As another straight woman, I think you have explained that very well, as far as it can be explained.

    2. Anonymous11:15 pm

      I think we are meant to be with other women, to delight and support each other day to day, and have been all thru human history and before we were human. The nuclear family does women no favours and neither does commercialism in trying to make us be rivals. I am straight but I love the company of other women. The older I get, the more adorable they are to me.

    3. Anonymous11:15 pm

      Whoops, Tina jn West Oz

  10. After a divorce I was asked by a friend, "How's your love life?" I wasn't expecting that question from her given her staid religious background. My reply - In terms of love, it's full (given family & friends) but in terms of romantic love, it's zero."

  11. Barbara Anne4:46 pm

    Something I heard long ago (a lyric?) "Love isn't love 'til you give it away."


    1. Rodgers and Hammerstein, I believe!

  12. I am not sure that I have ever really been in love. I have experienced lust, infatuation and comfortable companionship but I don't know if any of those have been love.

    1. Anonymous5:36 pm

      I totally agree with you!
      Marcia in Colorado

  13. True love is hard to find. Even when found, it evolves and changes all the time.

  14. I can't remember seeing this video before. The lyrics are excellent.
    I think I'm with JayCee with her thoughts, although I think the latter is probably what long term love really is.

  15. Three loves so far!? More than most, lucky man!

  16. I think love changes if we are lucky it grows with us. Depends on your partner I would think. My love was a liar and a liar. I did not pick well.


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