All Of Us Strangers

Intriguing and emotional films, should in my mind, be seen with someone else in tow. 
Post Mortem’s need to be sat through. Points of view need discussion and raw nerves need to be soothed
As All of Us Strangers finished Chic Eleanor wiped her cheeks and tearfully lisped “Darling that was beautiful “ 
And she is right, it is….it’s a lovely film.

It’s a four handed drama that centres around a forty something gay scriptwriter (Andrew Scott)  , his tentative romance with a lonely brittle neighbour ( Paul Mescal) and his unexpected reunion with the  “ghosts” of his dead parents, ( Claire Foy and Jamie Bell) who died together in a car accident in the 1980s 
I will not explain it any more than that, as this hypnotic, beautifully shot and incredibly acted study of grief, childhood damage, and redemption through love can be viewed in a score of different ways. 

Suffice to say , that Scott’s painful memories of being a gay child in the 1980s are beautifully and from my perspective painfully portrayed as his loving but slightly clueless parents grapple with the “ reality” of how their 1980s parenting helped and didn’t help him through

It’s an intensely personal and heart wrenching study by director Andrew Haigh. Andrew Scott is magnificent in the lead role, he wears  a sad smile which could literally  break your heart, as he plays opposite his “ parents “ and one scene in particular when his dad realises that he has let his son down is a wonderfully powerful piece of cinema , made so much better by Jamie Bell’s subtle depiction of a kind man just out of his depth. 

Is it a ghost story? Or a love story ? Or a metaphor for therapy and forgiveness ? 
It doesn’t matter
As All of us Strangers is all of these things and more.
It’s a great piece of cinema.


  1. This review really makes me want to see that movie, good writing!

  2. I've just read other reviews of this film. All say it is excellent. The script, the cast, the acting. A real must-see. Thanks for your review. Hope your emotions aren't too ragged now! xx

  3. We're seeing it on Sunday, Sounds good x

    1. Let me know what you think, I think this movie has so many dimensions

    2. Well that was a feast of emotions, Beautifully acted by a small cast. I found the mums reaction incredibly unsettling, as my daughter came out to my husband and her sister before me. I have always felt this was a failure on my part as a mum. I cried at the ending x

  4. Anonymous10:25 pm

    I saw it yesterday and was confused by it
    Can I email you instead of posting my spoilers ?



  5. I took a look at the trailer and it does look like a lovely movie. It's got the yummy priest from Fleabag in it too:)

    1. It’s not an easy watch but it has lots to say

  6. Barbara anne12:05 am

    Am glad you and Chic Eleanor had each other to lean on!


  7. Of all the film reviews you've provided, this particular piece of work sounds exemplary. Definitely a must see. Thank you.

    1. I think it’s because I loved it so much, as most people will do….everyone will see a little of themselves in Adam

  8. I definitely want to see this one! Not least because Andrew Scott is an amazing actor. Thanks for your fab and insightful review of it!

  9. It seems that you and I share a bit of ESP, I was thinking about emailing you to ask you to prod an elderly friend towards
    sharing their recent ideas
    Then I wandered around the internet and saw a note from you to them,
    your being such a kind and wise long term friend makes me feel even
    prouder of you than I usually do xx,M

    1. Can you clarify this m ?

    2. Yes, sorry for being so vague before.I had been hoping that Pat would feel well enough to pen a new entry in her Weaver of -- blog,and since you and she have been friends for years I felt her trusting you would help her take your suggestion to write again
      as a supportive encouragement,if
      others that follow her
      (myself included) suggest she write a new post it might be perceived as if we are insensitive to her current circumstances, feel free to delete this note if you feel like it might be perceived as our gossiping even though it's really just us caring,

  10. Wow. This sounds amazing. Your review sent me off for a read, and this sounds like some powerful stuff. I'll keep an eye out for it here. I read one review that said that it is a melancholy ghost story where the ghosts are outhaunted by the words left unsaid. For some reason, that gave me goosebumps.

  11. This one I also want to see. It sounds excellent.

  12. Anonymous8:49 am

    I saw it last night! Unforgettable ! I saw it on my own.
    What's your opinion on the very last scenes? Did Harry and Adam join the starry galaxy?

    1. See the video in my next blog entry xx

    2. Anonymous11:12 am to this! Lesson learned

    3. Have you seen the link in the video to the film ?


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