Outland (1981)

One of my favourite actresses died yesterday 
Frances Sternhagen a renown stage and screen actress died aged 93. For many people she was known to play tough talking mothers( and grandmothers)  in the likes of Cheers, ER and Sex and the City but for me her film roles as the tough talking and loyal doctor to Sean Connery’s hero cop  in Outland and as Irene Reppler the 80 year old feisty home made flame thrower  heroine in the monster movie horror The Mist that stand out for me 
She will be missed


  1. Anonymous9:34 pm

    I’ve just read about her,
    A large loving family too
    A much respected woman
    And Bunny in SATC



  2. I thought I remembered the name, looked at some letters from my late wife Cary...her mom was a classmate at Vassar, one of the 'sister schools'. They remained friends, and exchanged letters.

    1. OMG HOW wonderful and what a small world

  3. Oh, I really liked her. Had no idea she was 93.

  4. Anonymous10:25 pm

    When I first "heard" the news, I said to myself "I know that name." Yet, I couldn't place the face. When I read her full obituary and saw the photos....yee Gods, yes! She was fantastic. I loved watching her. A wonderful hard act to follow for others; truly talented professional. Having studied acting in high school and being a fan of so many wonderful early TV drama productions, as well as fortunate enough to have seen many excellent plays in New York, how could I have not been able to place the face to the name? She really had a wonderful life, didn't she?

  5. Sandra Day O'Connor, first woman on our Supreme Court, 93, also passed today! It has been a busy week or so with folks giving up the ghost and in their 90s. Kissinger was 100 and hated!!

    1. Anonymous11:07 pm

      Rosalyn Carter also

    2. Rosalynn ... Two "n"s!

  6. Yorkshire Liz10:53 pm

    Always sad to lose a hero, and she was a very special actress. Sadly the obits she deserved may be missed by many, as yesterday was a very heavy day - Henry Kissinger, Alistair Darling and Shane Magowan of the Pogues, as well as Dean Sullivan from Brookside.

  7. We seem to have lost so many over the past few days.

  8. Not an actress I'm familiar with, but RIP all the same.

  9. Anonymous5:49 am

    What a life she led
    Siobhan x

  10. Not familiar with her but seems like an excellent actress from that scene. I can see why she would be a favourite.

  11. I only know her from Cheers. She was brilliant as Cliff's mum.

  12. She's one of those wonderful actresses that carry every scene they are in so well, and yet you need to put a face to her name when you hear. We've lost a lot of famous people in the last few days. 😔

  13. I knew her most as Charlotte's mother in law in Sex in the City. A great actress.

  14. I loved Ms. Sternhagen as well. Mostly in the tv show The Closer. When she would talk to her daughter, Brenda Lee, there was nothing like it. She will be missed

  15. I remember her in the tv show, The Closer also. I was so sad when she died in the show and get tears every time I see that episode in the reruns.
    She had a full life.


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