

My friend Ruth and I went out to do the Christmas Thing this afternoon and go to Erddig, a visit which turned into a hysterical sob fest during lunch where she found an extremely long blonde hair in her Turkey bap and proceeded to remove it from her throat like a magician pulling out a row of bunting.The moment was made more special by the fact it had a small knot of stuffing wrapped around its distal end.

We haven’t laughed so long in ages.

The house looked magical in the darkness of a winter’s day, and even though we could only see half of the rooms ( the house is for the most part without electric light so is unsafe to walk around ) what we saw was lovely 

It was good to see her x


  1. Oh my god. I would have vomited.

  2. Glad you could both see the funny side, but - YUK! I'm gagging at the thought! xx

  3. Jealous. I've long wanted to go there. It looks lovely by candlelight.

    1. In the gloom and dark, without electric lights it was magical

  4. Barbara Anne4:57 pm

    The setting looks magical!
    Am glad you two had a good laugh about that long blonde hair but methinks I'd not have found it so funny. When I worked in a commercial kitchen, we were all required to wear hair nets, men included.


  5. Can't say I fancy a hairy bap.
    That is a beautiful house though.

    1. With a fascinating history

  6. Stunningly festive and beautiful, the house, not the hair.
    Sounds like you enjoyed your get-together.

    1. Neither of us have been feeling christmasy until today

  7. I think I would have become hysterical, too, although not with laughter, and I might not be able to eat a turkey bap again. (I still might not.)

  8. OMG they better have given that lunch to her for FREE after that transgression.

    1. Ruth waved it merrily at passing staff but we were too busy laughing

  9. Anonymous6:44 pm

    How gross! Glad you two thought it was funny, I had a sandwich shop and would have been upset if one of my girls had droped a hair while making a sandwich. I just hope the hair had been freshly washed. Gigi

    1. It was one of those moments that are simply slapstick funny

  10. I read that the house was never equipped with electricity. How odd in a building of that size. But I'm sure it WAS magical with all of those candles. Glad you did it.

    1. My sister visited the last “Yorke” and saw the house in the 1970s in ruins and with no electricity

  11. Loved Erddig. It would have been magical with the Christmas decorations. Thanks for sharing John.

    1. It was magical
      Magic so sorely needed by Ruth and myself today

  12. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Looking at your link I’m guessing your National Trust is a version of our
    “ The National Trust for Historic Preservation“
    Helped by historians and volunteers

    The house looks. Magnificent .



    1. It was rather understated and beautiful especially the kitchen

  13. The Christmas house tour sounds magnificent. Hair in the food makes me wonder what else might be in there.

  14. What a beautiful place and what a delightful outing with a dear friend! It's so great to laugh with someone!

  15. Anonymous2:50 am

    My sister and I visited Biltmore House here in US at Christmas one year and did an evening by candlelight tour. It was SO gorgeous. We ran upstairs at the last minute as they were closing and then walked out the front door like we lived there as we left! We nearly got hysterical laughing at ourselves! Kathy near Chicago

    1. I agree that Biltmore House is beautiful, but Erddig is 204 years older, having been built 1684.
      The house I grew up in here in north west England is 12 years older then Biltmore!

  16. Anonymous3:39 am

    What a magical to place to visit especially at Christmas time. I looks amazing. Pity about the hair; now that makes me cringe so badly!

    Jo in Auckland

  17. It does look magical in the candlelight and what an interesting history too. I would love to visit it. Just what is needed to feel good at Christmas!

  18. "Distal"? You've had me flying to my 'Chambers' - and by no means for the first time! Not that often when I find one of my blogpals enlarging my vocab! Ta!

  19. I'm glad you could see the funny side of it ... the sign or good mates having a great time that not even a hairy bap can put the dampers on. We never visited Erddig while we lived in Wales, we should perhaps try to pay a visit before we sell our flat in Llandudno, I've always wanted to visit.

  20. Our family love Erddig, we all have lifetime N.T. membership, and visit often. It's about a 30 minute drive for us.
    I started visiting with my parents when it first opened to the public, late seventies I think. I have many photographs of myself posing on the steps and by the canal dressed in seventies fashion, hideous!
    I once disturbed a pair of amorous toads in the canal by attempting to fish out what I thought was a leaf using a stick, but it was no leaf, it was a male toad!
    What an astonishing family the Yorkes were, with very advanced social ideas for their time, good people indeed!
    I particularly like the kitchens and attics, (the glass ball fire extinguishers fascinate me) as although they were servants quarters they make it obvious that it was a family home!
    I would not however, have been impressed with the long blonde hair! X


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