

Finally a day for just myself no work and no study.
I’m late with my Christmas Cards, and the sending of gifts so I will get those done today. Next week I’ve arranged to meet up with Gorgeous Dave on Monday and my family for a meal on Tuesday. Wednesday I am having supper with Chic Eleanor and there’s a party most of the TCA are going to on Thursday
I’m working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 


  1. It seems you're going to have a very full, but enjoyable week.
    How do you feel about working on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

    1. I’m hoping this will be the last Christmas I Will work
      I’ve put down for those shifts , we are short staffed and I’m happy to do them

  2. Anonymous11:19 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. So many things to do. Get some rest when you can.

    1. I had a siesta this afternoon too. , how wonderful

  4. I'm so happy to see someone else still uses a Filofax. The youngsters make fun of me for having one. I love the colour of yours. Hopefully there will be some festive vibes during your working Christmas. x

    1. I love my Filofax . I bought it 5 years ago

  5. I hope, with the postal service as it is, your cards get there in time. A full diary, but some lovely things to come. I hope the Christmas work shifts have a few bright moments and very few hard ones. xx

    1. Kind of you …I’ve worked my fair share of Christmases , I’m hoping this will be my very last one

  6. Replies
    1. I’m surprised I have so many this year

  7. One never knows what may arrive in your post these days!!!

  8. Sounds like fun ways to celebrate, John. Hope you have a wonderful time! xx

  9. Perhaps on Christmas Day you can do the drugs round dressed as Santa? Ho! Bloody - Ho!

    1. YP that is something I will NEVER do. Many years ago I saw a doctor dressed as a Christmas Pudding helping. With an arrest situation

    2. Were they arresting a nurse dressed as a turkey?

  10. Busy boy. Glad you're gainfully employed and, even more, that you're loved and appreciated.

  11. Enjoy all the holiday gatherings. Time to celebrate.

    1. It doesn’t hold the same joy as it used to

  12. I hope you get really good holiday pay!

  13. Volunteering to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas day is a very generous gift to your coworkers.

    1. I volunteered Christmas Eve as a young colleague missed having a night in with her was my pleasure

  14. Yorkshire Liz6:58 pm

    My kids are working the Christmas shift too. My husband and I used to work Christmas as well. Someone has to do it, and the difference from working "ordinary" days is a novelty in itself. You keep telling yourself! Happy Christmas, John.

    1. I’ve bought some gifts for my co workers today

  15. Anonymous7:15 pm

    Yay for a day off to yourself; I relish them too. Boo to working Christmas day. I don't mind Christmas Eve day but I always take Christmas Day and Boxing Day off. A few years ago if I didn't no one in my family would have a Christmas as I am the sole provider of treats in this house! However, now my offspring are adults it is a much more low key affair, we are on our own Christmas day and the kids come on Boxing Day. I still take Christmas and Boxing day off though.... but I work every other public holiday throughout the year. Sounds like you have an enjoyable but busy lead up to Christmas ...have you bought any gifts this year? I'm still toying with the idea being a bit of a scrooge myself.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I will work 12 hours xmas day and hopefully will be able to leave the hospice early at 7.30pm so I can pop to see my elder sister and family

  16. Enjoy! You've more than earned time for yourself, as well as time with friends & family.
    Be well, content, and at peace, John dear.

  17. Barbara Anne8:20 pm

    How glorious to have a day to yourself, to sleep in,, too catch up with things on your list, and to plan for the upcoming days or weeks!
    What lovely plans you have already.
    I, too, worked many Chrstmas Eves and Days but I got both days off when DS1 came on Christmas Eve morning in 1979. He was due on Valentine's day but was 6lb 2oz for all that he was early!


    1. It’s been a nice if lonely day babs x

  18. When you have residents, you need staff 24/7. My husband and myself have both worked either the Christmas shifts or New Year. We used to have our Christmas dinner with the residents in the hostel( Y.M.C.A.) Enjoyed it as we were still together and it was a good atmosphere.

    1. I will bring gifts for the staff that I am on with, and will let people go as early as I can

  19. Anonymous9:45 pm

    I have watched the vulture nasties circle john recently
    And I have have nothing but contempt for their behaviour .
    I was a psychologist ( I am one too even though I’ve retired)
    And it is this pack mentality bulling seen at its best.
    John is naivè
    Or he doesn’t really care about these mental games
    But they will continue if fed
    John..feed them not
    Commentators feed them not
    Damaged stage takers will go silent when the stage is removed

    My name is Susan

    1. I think u have commented before but anonymously

    2. Anonymous9:55 pm

      Several times lol


  20. Chic Eleanor for supper...? (swapsies? lol! ;)

  21. How good of you to offer to work both Christmas Eve and Day.The patients
    will likely be a bit sad because they aren't home with family. Your kind heart and experience- a gift they need to make the holiday special for them,Mary

  22. Anonymous11:43 pm

    I will be visiting my partner( who had a massive stroke a few weeks ago), in hospital on Christmas Day. That is a Christmas present enough for still have him with me and to give him a gentle hug. May people return the kindness that you show them John....Happy Christmas!

    1. So sorry to hear that your partner is in hospital so ill. Wishing you strength and love at Christmas.

  23. I have just finished my cards too as have been unwell and am now trying to catch up with things and get into the Christmas spirit finally. So my day was much like I see in your photo, along with some Christmas music.

    You have some good things to look forward to in the week and I hope you enjoy them very much.

  24. Weaver9:19 am

    I am glad you are workingat Christmas John - never a happy time for your patients and I know you will be a wonderful influence around the place. xx

  25. Anonymous1:15 pm

    When I was working in the NHS I worked Christmas Day alternate years. I quite liked it, if the rest of the day was a bit of an anticlimax, working felt like a positive. Have a good shift (s) when they come John x
    Alison in Wales x


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