
 It’s Friday already and I’m working all day Saturday and Sunday so Christmas week is practically here.
I have another presentation to deliver on Tuesday at college but this is part of a group Ethical  presentation and only lasts five minutes so I have to write this up today, which will be pretty straightforward.

Shortly I’m taking Trendy Carol’s hubby Christmas Shopping and late afternoon I’m going to watch Godzilla minus one which is the Japanese movie reclaiming it’s own monster back
I think it will be fun .

Last night I hung my Christmas Cards, and they started to snake around the living room. With the cost of postage so high I’m not expecting the usual amount, but I’m secretly hoping I can fill the room.
It’s a tradition I got into when I moved into the cottage in 2005

My ex sent me a polite card, 
It’s up with the others.
I’ve bought my gifts, 
I found some rusting wrens online, the types you nail onto of a fence or on a tree branch and have sent them to friends
I think they are quite lovely and have bought one for myself 
My nephew sent me a beautifully wrapped gift, yesterday 
And I’ve had a few more with cards from bloggers which I’m very grateful for 

Mary has a sore foot which Dorothy is licking loudly in the kitchen reading chair
Everything in Wales feels damp


  1. Anonymous10:31 am

    LOVE the wrens. It’s early morning in San Francisco. The night is eerily gray. I have to say it was nice of Chris. When do your University courses end?

    1. This simester on Tuesday

    2. Anonymous11:47 am

      Nice. Another ominous gray night here

  2. With the weather we have been having over here, the rusting wren would certainly have no problem rusting even more.

  3. I love the Wrens, I've been sorely tempted to buy myself one but have resisted the urge up to now. I hope you can inspire Trendy Carols husband to buy her something wonderful.
    Oh and we're not feeling quite so damp in Lancashire today, thank goodness we've had a lot of damp days recently much to Suky's dismay as it makes her arthritis flare up painfully and she takes to her bed.

    1. Dear Sue, thank you for your support and your loyalty

  4. This short presentation should be a doddle! I love the wren. I bought a metal forget-me-not garden ornament from the Alzheimer's Society shop. Reminds me of all those I've lost to dementia, sadly too many. xx

  5. The rusty wren is adorable!

    1. Isn’t she , send me your address and I will send us one x

  6. We have three rusty birdies on our side fence, wren, blue tit, robin. In the back garden there are assorted wildlife, bee, cow, lizard, bear, squirrel, cat, turtle, koi, puffin etc!
    We're dry and sunny here this morning, a joy after yesterday when it seemed damp all day! X

  7. Anonymous12:18 pm

    I love the rusting wren - we have Carolina wrens here and they are so clever and perky. Your academic semester runs right up to Christmas - my children who work in universities are off as of today through mid to late January. As one of them says "my favorite parts of the job are December, January, June, July and August." Of course that time goes to reading and writing.....

    Good luck with the presentation - heavy subject!


    1. I’ve written it now and my reward was a lovely film

  8. I can agree about the Christmas cards. I've seen a big Decline and what we receive. And that's just there in the states. I suppose if postage keeps going up that will eventually put the Christmas card tradition out of business. Sadly.

    1. Darling man, tomorrow’s blog is just for u xx

  9. Anonymous12:39 pm

    We have been having very nice, dry weather around the freezing point, so easy to get around. I have never seen the rusty wren over here but I have a rusty robin, so cute on the fence. I did get one Christmas card from Scotland, containing both good and bad news, one death and one new baby, that’s how life goes on. Have a nice outing with trendy Carol’s hubby. My daughter , hubby and grandson are going to come and go along to the pub for Christmas dinner with me, a surprise as they usually go to her hubbies for Christmas day. Gigi

    1. You never send bad news in a Christmas card EVER

  10. It feels damp in Scotland too!
    My ex in-laws send me a polite card every year with just their names. No message, not even the word 'from' literally just their names. My kids and even my mum get one with nice messages. Why bother sending me one at all??

    1. I will never send one to my mother in law , never

  11. Cards are starting to arrive.

  12. I like that little wren, John.
    I hang my cards up on the woodwork in the living room. I have regulars that I send to and they always send to me too. My list isn't too long but it is just enough.

  13. I love that wren. There is a company called Cuffy and Sons, in Exeter. They do a wonderful kinetic swallow sculpture. I bought one for my daughter and son-in-law. I am afraid to say that my card will be late this year.

  14. It seems online cards are the latest thing. I've gotten a few that include family pictures. With postage costs, more people revert to online cards. Your wren card is beautiful.

    1. I’ve don’t the Boris card here but feel a bit guilty as bloggers are making a big effort to send one to me
      I’m very grateful for all cards sent . Very grateful

  15. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Love that Wren. Christmas cards is not my thing. It used to be when I was married, a kind of me being the dutiful housewife. These days not so much I have sent exactly two! Finally not damp here but considering it is supposed to be summer it's pretty overcast and miserable.

    Jo in Auckland


    1. I’m now thinking I will only send them to people I won’t see

  16. I do love the Wren. We too have noticed a decline in the number of cards we send and receive over the years, retirement and moving away from friends and co-workers will do that. Clear and cold (well relatively so) here in the desert SW.

    1. I love delivering cards by hand but will only take Roger with me as he follows me

  17. That's a very nice thought coming from your ex. You're the only person I know who still gets lots of snail-mail Christmas cards. We get two: One from one of my cousins and one from our portero (a reminder to give him his annual cash). I love that wrusty wren.

  18. It's feeling rather damp here in Scotland...we have a couple of dozen cards hanging on the wall...but we haven't done anything seasonal yet

  19. For the first time ever, perhaps, neither one of us is sending cards this year. So it goes. Merry Christmas, John.

    1. I’ve sent less this year my friend , and have felt guilty at it. I just can’t afford the postage this year

    2. Anonymous4:08 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Anonymous10:46 pm

      Why delete that comment? It was the truth, spend less on ornaments for yourself and you'll be able to buy stamps. Priorities dear chap, priorities.

  20. John, from what I have seen on tv about Wales,isn't it almost always damp?

  21. I love the wren. I have a rusty chicken outside my chicken run and it is also the header of my blog.


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