Red Flag

Well surprise surprise
Patrick’s life turned out far too complicated for one Welshman to want to deal with . 
I’m not saying much more but suffice to say young children and a wife are involved.
I wished him well today, and he did the same to me
He wasn’t surprised 
This has happened before no doubt 
And I would suggest will happen again

Complicated always means someone eventually getting hurt
Don’t post platitudes about finding the right person please
I’m fine just slightly disappointed 

This video reminded myself of me
It’s a bad habit I’ve always done in pet stores
A red flag for some no doubt


  1. Barbara Anne1:55 pm

    Well, as you said, disappointing but on the other hand, you cound have a meet-for-lunch friend now. Maybe?
    What funny things you find onn-line!


  2. I agree, John. Recently come out, ex-wife, young kids -- too much sturm und drang. I always tried to avoid those situations too.

  3. Hahahahahah ..... that made me laugh ! I think I would like him .... he obviously has a great sense of humour !
    As for relationships, all part of it especially second/third//fourth relationships as they nearly always bring baggage which makes it all very difficult. XXXX

    1. It used to send my ex bananas when I did it

  4. Anonymous2:27 pm

    Close call John but onwards in your inimitable way. Some folks are too complicated!! Love to you and the dogs. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I think quite succinctly you have said exactly the right thing , some folks ARE just too complicated

  5. Sigh. Oh well. Good for you for letting that one go on his merry way. Life's too short for drama. xx

    1. Yes jennifer, I had a relationship once that centred around drama…it was addictive but exhausting

  6. Dating is like a job search or Russian Roulette. Spin the wheel and anything can happen. You learned all you need to know on date #2.

    1. Yes, and he was very accepting of it

  7. Does his wife know? (nothing to say she is an ex!). Why do some people behave like this?

    1. No blame here, just a little disappointment , some people lead complicated lives
      Too complicated for me to be a part of

  8. Hopefully one day one of his many attempted 'flings' will inform his wife. I know I would want to know and sooner rather than later. I'm not for one minute saying it has to be you, but someone has to speak up.

    My 'thing', and it was my Dad's too, is pressing all the 'Press Me' buttons on singing, dancing Christmas cuddlys. Now I'll be on the look out for squishy chickens to add to my repertoire. 😀

    1. I think he wife is aware he’s gay,.but she like many of us can fantasise things

    2. I wasn't so much thinking of the being gay part, more of his ongoing need to cheat on her. Perhaps though she can cope with both things. Everyone else's life is just that isn't it, theirs ... well until they try and bring other people into it as he did.

  9. Dating at our age always seems to come with baggage! And I'm not saying I have none!! Last guy I dated for a few months turned out to be bi polar (not an issue in itself as he was stable on his meds ) but he admitted he had stalked an ex partner and had been arrested for it. He disclosed this to me after going to 'have words' with his daughter's ex partner and that the police might come looking for him at my house! Too much drama for me!!!!!

    1. Yes, we all have baggage , I’d like to think I’m here because of something I didn’t do

  10. I like pressing buttons too but I've never tried hugging them all. I shall have to try that.

    1. Nor have I , I do like grabbing a selection of different tones at once

  11. I feel badly for you but also with him if he feels he has to live his life as a lie.

    1. Is it a lie? His wife knows he’s gay, it’s just a series of decisions , directions that not be most logical to me anyway

    2. Oh, well, hmmmm. Have no words for that!

    3. Karen9:50 pm

      Duplicitous is the word that comes to my mind. He KNEW what he was doing but chose to mislead you. Sorry to you, shame on him.

  12. You dodged a bullet John. Hey ho.

  13. Yorkshire Liz3:57 pm

    The older we get, sweetheart, the more we find life is full of rubber chickens. What more can I say?

    1. And me like Winnie loves a real rubber chicken

  14. Better to get out now than to get sucked into that vortex. What a shame. So, you're one of those people I always walk away from in pet stores. (Although, god would I love to do that!)

    1. I always weigh out decisions carefully . Sometimes I wish I could be more spontaneous…in this case I’m glad

  15. Anonymous4:30 pm

    So pleased he told you now and not later down the line. It enabled you to make an informed decision on what was right for you my friend. Disappointing but bra straps and all that. Onwards and upwards L X

  16. Sitting on the porch with Tim ..your October 29th post,I mentioned that I'd read about your life for years and thought you'd do well to adopt a cat,let that balance your life and then decide whether or not to begin a new relationship.
    Now I will add a bit of info you likely know
    Cats smell fear - in
    Patrick's situation he likely
    has felt afraid of being caught, I'm just wondering if a cat would have have given you a feeling that something wasn't right
    Anyway ,I wish you only happiness and peace going forward, Mary

  17. I admire you for letting the red flag(s) make things black and white for you, and getting out before shit happens. I've never had the sense to do that.

  18. Oh, bugger! But at least you found out before you'd invested too much time, energy and emotion. As for the video, sometimes the temptation is just TOO great to resist! xx

    1. I wish him well, but the whole situation is fraught

    2. Anonymous8:46 pm

      I hope you were kind to him

  19. Some of us are shit-magnets x

    1. Traveller5:47 pm

      Not sure what people are eating!

    2. Mave I’m worried that you maybe right

  20. Traveller5:50 pm

    Will resist the urge to order a huge number of those chickens

    1. Don’t ….I love that it of anarchy

  21. Yes, I think that must have been pretty much how you felt when he told you.

    1. Well snippets of self come in conversation, in this case they just built up

  22. Well dodged, Drama is best saved for a decent film or play x

    1. You question yourself and your own role in this potential disaster

    2. As all decent people would, But you can't make decisions about facts you don't know. How could this ever be your fault? Look after yourself x

  23. But at least he told you early on x

    1. Indeed,flis, you are right

    2. Anonymous4:57 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. WE do indeed all have baggage, especially at our age. The secret is to make your baggage a matching Gucci set! ;-)

    1. Nicely put, the best reply of the night

  25. I think he was as honest as he could manage. Told you enough to know it's not on. Sounds okay to me.

    I do wonder why people assume his wife isn't aware. Some people have open marriages. She might also be just as complicated as he! anyway,good decision on your part.

    1. Yes, I think she does but who. Knows to what extent
      I now don’t need to worry about it

  26. How sad for all concerned.
    At least you knew sooner rather than later.
    Ho hum...onwards and upwards xx

    1. Indeed….I think I shall be content to be a spinster of the parish

    2. An honest caring one

    3. But one nevertheless x

  27. Anonymous8:44 pm

    I was closeted until I was 60 and I hurt too many people
    I am proud of you john for your honesty
    Honesty to yourself



    1. I’m being selfish and at 61 that’s cool

  28. Sorry it didn't work out, John. Glad he was honest with you and you were honest with him.

  29. Love the chicken clip lol My one was pressing all the test doorbells in B&Q............... ding dong

  30. Anonymous10:20 pm

    I was just thinking the other day, if a man doesn't drink milk with his cookies, I might walk away. ;)

  31. Anonymous10:26 pm

    What the fuck

  32. Oh you guys and your store conduct! 😂

  33. Anonymous11:25 pm

    Tina from West Oz. Listening to one of the "from the closet" podcasts and something that struck me was when they said, in answer to a question, that no queer or gay person who has their shit together will let you drag them back into the closet by wanting to hide a relationship in public or slot you in behind a hetero one, because it hurts too much. I know you've been there before, but not this time. You're growing and you have your shit together, John. No more hiding for you. May the next possible be equally as smart and funny, and happy to shout his love to the rooftops even louder than a bunch of rubber chickens! Xxx

    1. Wow, that is a very interesting thought. It is selfish.

  34. Oh dear... he's a long way to go before he will be at his point of balance and ready for an honest-longterm relationship. I had a cousin whose husband told her he was gay when their youngest child was about 6 (3 older kids) and he agreed to stay until the boy was older. When he finally left she was a mess. You don't need that mess.

  35. I've never understood anyone (regardless of sexual orientation) who attempts to begin a relationship while they are already in one. If they are not honest enough to own who they are to their significant other, you can expect that they will be just as duplicitous with you. You were right to walk away from that. I know it is disappointing, but Tina is dead right on this one.

  36. Anonymous5:42 am

    Of course you were absolutely right to back off and end it. He very well may love his kids too much to rock his particular boat of family man , no guarantee how wife will react if he moved on.

  37. I'm sorry it didn't work out but very glad he told you before you became emotionally more involved.

  38. I agree with everyone else. It's a shame but best to know straight away.

  39. Sorry to hear that, but I think you made the right choice. And yes, why not get a cat?

  40. Avoiding platitudes, there are always rubber chickens to squeeze.

  41. Well, that's not cool. Disappointed for you. Thanks for the morning laugh on the chickens though! Reminds me of when Tickle Me Elmo was big. Nothing better than zipping down the aisle and getting every one of those fuzzy red monsters going!

  42. Anonymous12:32 pm

    Patrick is a selfish man, he needs to decide to be a man and make a decision, stay with wife and kids or get out of the closet. It hurts too many people to stay on the fence. You can’t have it both ways, like you said it makes everything too complicated. Good on you for avoiding that mess. You deserve better. Gigi

    1. I agree and don't care if his wife knows. They are not living their true lives.

  43. Childish. Perhaps somebody needs to grow up.

  44. Ohhh
    Yep. Red flag. Been there. Done them.
    And I cackled at your decision of maybe becoming the town's spinster! LOL


  45. That's a shame. Although, better to find out now. Xx

  46. Since I can't think of anything but platitudes for the first part of your post, I'll just say I enjoyed the TikTok video.

  47. I'm sorry about that, but you know, you don't want to get involved with anyone who's leading a double life. If he's done it before he'll do it again.

  48. Anonymous7:19 pm

    For all those saying "he's selfish" and "he should get out of the closet" they obviously haven't had that problem themselves. Even John knows it's not that easy, he didn't emerge from the closet for quite some time. It takes a lot of courage to let your loved ones know.

    1. Anonymous11:39 pm

      Tina in west oz here, absolutely agree and never called him selfish or said he should come out, just that I'd heard advice to a closeted person from other queer people that an out person will likely not want to be in relationship with you if they've done it before because it hurts too much for a relationship to be hidden by someone who loves you. Actually I'm sad for Patrick. John was a catch that he missed out on.

  49. You are correct that I have never been in the position of coming out but I do somewhat think i understand how difficult it is. It is selfish however to have a wife and still pursue other unsuspecting gays. As anon said above: no queer or gay person who has their shit together will let you drag them back into the closet by wanting to hide a relationship in public or slot you in behind a hetero one, because it hurts too much.

  50. Anonymous10:12 am

    Good for you for walking away 👍❤️


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