Little Fuckers

 I was working in the library most of today.
A gaggle of 17 year old boys trapped me in the multisex toilet on the ground floor thinking I was a mate of theirs and all shouted Arrrhhh!!! When I finally managed to push it open, much to their horror. 
I did see the funny side but that was after bellowing a very loud “ YOU LITTLE FUCKERS!” In shock ( a shout that brought the librarians galloping down the stairs with red faces and heaving bosoms) 

I was down to work on Saturday but I brought in a favour and now have the night off. It’s casino night in the village which was a riot when held previously so me and a friend are going along

I’ve also organised a Japanese lunch out with another friend on Wednesday which should be fun and several more activities after that . 

Janet is also taking me to see Giselle which will be a real treat as long as the wili’s impress 
My ex gets remarried in a few days time , and I’m all a bit mixed up with things to be honest 
Best to keep busy

Fucking hell…I’m tired of these up and down emotions 
It’s like being an effin teenager in this house


  1. Barbara Anne6:01 pm

    Do you imagine those 17 yr old boys have learned a lesson?? Nah! You certainly startled them!!
    Nice plans for the upcoming days so have fun!
    As for that ex, you're a better man than he is, Gunga Din. Keep that in mind.


    1. Lol they were totally shocked and dismayed

  2. I deal with those "little fuckers" on a regular basis so I know just what you mean. I don't usually have a heaving bosom, though.

  3. Sorry, but I did laugh at the toilet incident. I can just imagine their faces when you burst out! You have some fun activities planned. Enjoy them all. As for the ex: deep breaths, hoick up those bra straps and put a smile on your face. Emotional soup isn't just for the young, you know! xx

  4. You could look at it as the last nail in a coffin darling man x

    1. And you are right as always deArheart

  5. It's good that you saw the humor in the scene at the library.Your plans for the week sound nice,enjoy them!The first time I saw my ex-husband with his new wife I managed to be as nice to him as I knew how to be,still it was awkward.Looking back now I'm glad I was kind, maturity has given me the capacity to understand that he was doing his best,and my life with very minimal contact with him has been far happier,
    Be good to yourself, Mary

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous6:55 pm

    John, I’m a recent reader of perhaps two years so am not familiar with the break-up details. Can I ask a couple of questions please, and happy if you don’t wish to disclose. Does your ex live close by and do you still have contact, only asking as I see you know he is remarrying. Thinking of you. Marie, Melbourne, Australia

    1. No and no
      We share a nephew who told me in passing

  7. Mary, I saw my exhusband at our daughter's wedding. I was there with my husband of 10 years. His wife would not come and did not want him to go either, but he did. He sat alone at a table. My extended family sat giving him dirty looks. The new inlaws had only heard about him by word of mouth and were avoiding him as well.

    I sat at my table with my friends and family, and I found myself just feeling compassion for him. He had come to a place alone, a place where he knew he would be watched with steely eyed judgement (he was the party at fault in our marriage, and it was an egregious fault indeed). He came because he knew that it was important to his daughter. He walked her down the aisle with my husband on the other side even though his new wife had expressly forbidden him to walk her down the aisle.

    What I felt was sorry for him. I got up and joined him at the table to visit. My husband came over as well. It was all very civilised and it was a good thing to know that after all the water under the bridge, we could give each other that: courtesy.

    15 years later, he's married to a far less demanding drama queen. We all get along fine. When they come into town, we always host them for a meal. We are gracious with each other.

    1. Debby,You should be proud to have taken the high road,Mary

    2. What a good example, it is what I aspire to.

    3. Rural Reads8:58 pm

      Well done, Debby!

  8. Anonymous7:11 pm

    Best way to cope with the wedding is you look on from the distance with a mere smile on your face, after all you have already lived this scenario and when it all goes tits up in the future then you can have the last laugh - Karma is all 🙏. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I feel what I week I’ll feel better

    2. Anonymous9:38 pm

      Exactly right. The only way through the feelings is to go through them. No way around it. But it does get easier as time goes by. I just had a heart to heart with the former man in my life who hasn't had time for me recently. He asked if I was angry with him, and I felt the time was right to respond honestly. Ended up being a good talk.

    3. As part of my counselling journey I have to embark on a series of therapy myself , perhaps it’s a proper time to put the feelings to bed

  9. Anonymous7:14 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. And the troll surfaces as usual, and again talks shite

  10. Have fun at casino night! Don't lose your shirt!

    It never bothers me when an ex-girlfriend moves on to a new partner. I always just think "Well, she's YOUR bloody problem now, you poor bastard!"

    1. A great outlook deArheart

    2. Ha Ha. YES! I get along great with my ex-husband now, and he lately has gotten into a habit of telling me how happy he is with his current wife and how he buys her all these expensive gifts and a new car and trips to exotic locales and I'm happy for him and for her, as they seem so good together. But I haven't forgotten the reasons I fell out of love with him. I just have to see him eating with his mouth open to be reminded. And that's only one example. I have no regrets.

  11. Anonymous8:14 pm

    Hugs John, it is only natural; just one foot in front of the other x Pattypanx

  12. Didn't he already get remarried once before? If so, good lord! You're well rid of him.

    1. I was thinking the same. Maybe we are just remembering an engagement.

    2. It’s the last I shall speak about it x

  13. Well, at least there ARE ups. Beats all downs.

  14. Glad you are keeping busy with fun things and friends. That will help you through. xx

  15. They're all shaggers - please excuse my French x

    1. I mean some people just cannot be trusted with our hearts - and those naughty boys are just rascals x

    2. Shaggers wasn’t quite the word

    3. Sorry to offend - it's something I say - maybe you can delete me x

    4. Anonymous5:12 pm

      That word definitely isn't French flis and can't be excused, it's downright vulgar.

  16. Anonymous9:53 pm

    Oh John
    I didn’t realise that was looming too.
    It sounds like this is the final hurdle in a long journey you didn’t choose for yourself .
    Your ex has happily moved on and will not care a jot where your grief has taken you.
    Time for you to bumble your way through the day, hug Nula closely and leave him as once he left you


  17. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Nicely phrased Keith, for what it’s worth I agree with you, but need to add just one thing.
    I applaud John
    Because he shares everything of himself l warts and all. The truth, the weaknesses and the teenage feelings which at 60 never go away.
    Thank you for being honest
    And thank you for make me blood laugh today when I have had a crap day in chemo

  18. Thank you to you both .
    Kind words

  19. Always take your phone in the bathroom and next timme call the police, or fire department. I have claustrophobia so I am not amused by their ''hijinks'' tho I love your busrt out with a roar.
    At one point in my marriage I thought I'd be devastated if my now ex found another woman. But as time went on, I realised: "Oh that poor woman [who remained elusive anyway], little does she know what lies ahead.'' Time is a great cure-all, I think.

    Casino night sounds so fun! Do you like to gamble, are you lucky?


    1. ''burst out with a roar" typo

    2. I should be lucky as I’m unlucky in love lol

    3. Good luck then at casino night!

    4. Lizzy, my ex hasn't remarried but he can't be alone, so after the one he cheated on me with, he's now with another woman who, by all accounts, is no fun at all. My only thoughts were thank God he's off my hands and "not my circus, not my monkeys"! I'm so glad he's gone!

    5. Treaders. Exactly.

  20. Feeling like an effin teenager? You little fucker!!! Sending hugs.

  21. Casino night sounds like good fun. The boys at the library should know better. Moving on all the time, regardless of circumstances, is important. Tomorrow will be a new day.

  22. Anonymous1:50 am

    Giselle is one of my favorite ballets! Enjoy and do any fun thing that presents itself as you continue the healing journey. Lynn Ewing

  23. The up and down of intense emotions are very wearying when we are no longer have the same energy as teenagers. I agree with the idea of just keeping busy to get through the negative thoughts.

  24. Anonymous10:16 am

    Onwards and upwards John 🌟🌟❤️

  25. Emotions are good- they prove you're still alive. Said to me by a very wise mental health nurse x

  26. When my ex got remarried his new wife re-wrote mine and his history and he started believing her lies ... he was obviously blinded by love!! Then she spent all the money he didn't have, re-mortgaging the house over and over and then she left him up to his ears in debt and ran off with another neighbour. She had been my husbands neighbour when they first got together. Me and ex-hubby are now back being friends and have a real laugh with each other, and my two hubbys even get on well with each other when we all meet up at family gatherings.

    Life is strange, but I guess we cope one way or another.

  27. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Remember, the past is the past, and don’t think of him again.

  28. Rural Reads9:06 pm

    A multisex toilet? In a library? I should think heaving bosoms we’re the least of it! 😲


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