
 I miss laughing like I did when I was a child 
I think we all do
Laughing so much you cried
When a drunk Auntie Betty trapped herself on top of a child’s slide with a packet of chocolate buttons melting down her cleavage 
When Gran Fry got locked in the lavatory and was calling out for help
When one of the posh girls from Brynterion Close put on a dance show and shouted out “Crumbs” when she fell over
Great moments of pure humour.
Night Nurse Hysteria is a common phenomenon on busy wards.
It often occurs right at the end of shift and is culmination of over tiredness, stress, the need to debrief and realisation that you will have to do the whole thing again the next night.
Once I was sat at the end of my patient’s bed on Itu, totally knackered.
A domestic decided she was going to clean  the floor with a loud buffing machine and in a low voice I threatened to kill her with a drip stand if she didn’t stop 
The domestic knew me and knew I was joking but the nurses around me saw the funny side of the threat and started to laugh.
I remember laughing until I cried as they did the same, the Filipino nurses still polite , shielding their mouths with their hands 
And that morning all you could hear was the bleeps of the monitors and the strangled hysterical laughter of the staff


  1. In work the likes of which you do surely laughing is not only a release and relief but is essential to maintaining one's sanity. Laugh away with abandon - please!........ :-0

    1. There is something rather moving about watching someone really laughing

  2. Times when laughing wasn't the expected response to a situation, when it wasn't necessary to have anyone understand what I found funny,they understood it was a relief valve, we could either laugh together or cry alone,

    I am glad you had ones that understood laughing was a needful choice, rest well when you do,Mary

    1. Even today , hysteria will often surface around 6 am

  3. I'm a 'laugher'; big time. When I really get going I find it difficult to stop and all the family say "Off he goes again" etc. Still, I'd rather that than be miserable.

  4. As a long time rotating shift worker, I understand the hysteria. and rather dreadful black humour.
    The photo of you fourth down on you side bar is rather good.

    1. It’s good because it’s not me lol he’s a Latino actor from a zombie show

  5. I think I need to rethink my life, I can't remember the last time I laughed.

    1. Surely reading going gently x

    2. You make me smile and you brighten up my day but unfortunately I still cannot raise a laugh.

  6. I come from a family of great laughers and gigglers!
    I find humour in almost everything, particularly at the most
    inappropriate moments.
    Life's too short to be taken seriously! X

    1. Me too…I may not be handsome but I have a cracking sense of humour

  7. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine for the patient and the care giver.

    1. I agree…..I’m halfway through my email xx

  8. Oh, hysterical-pee-your-pants laughing is the best, especially in the middle of something dark! When my sister and I were in the midst of caring for our elderly dad, and SHIT got real, (Literal shit) one of us got the sillies about it, and next thing you know, we were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe, and all you could hear was our wheezing in between snorting! It made an awful scene bearable, and we got through it. Laughing like that is a work out and a release!

    1. I was telling my sister of how I collapsed at Heathrow , and described being surprised at seeing my green shoe flung across the floor…I just KNEW she would find that funny, and I was right, it was entertaining waiting her bite her cheek

  9. Anonymous11:51 am

    We were visiting my elderly mother in law in her care home on Xmas day.Our teenage children were with us and an old dear came out of the dining room holding on to her Zimmer frame wearing a pirate’s hat.That set them off and they just couldn’t stop!Barbara

    1. I love irony too, something the trolls here miss completely

  10. I try really hard not to laugh at the wrong time, But it usually pops out as a loud snort! Such a lady.....not. x

    1. Even better a good loud snort often gets everyone going

    2. But then I blush like a hot flush and do nervous giggles. I can't wait to grow up x

  11. Anonymous12:28 pm

    I got the giggles during my first wedding when sweat started dripping off the ministers nose. I should have left the room and run away then.. I laughed so hard during the movie “Up in Smoke” the first time watching, that I lay down on the floor rolling around, then everytime I remembered the scene, I started all over. Now that I’m alone I sometimes recall something and start laughing out loud. The dog thinks I’m nuts! It feels good to have a good laugh and also a good cry, which I never did till after my husband died four years ago, not even when my parents died. I guess I was just brought up to not show emotions. It is a good stress reliever to laugh or cry, but laughing till you pee yourself is the very best. Gigi

    1. I’ve never peed myself laughing but I have fallen overskipping which resulted in lying in the road in Sheffield sobbing with laughter

    2. I would pay money to see this! hehehe

  12. Anonymous12:41 pm

    This reminds me of one of my favorite movie scenes. In Steel Magnolias Sally Field is expressing anger at the death of her daughter when Clarrie grabs Ouiser and makes Sally laugh. Jackie

    1. Ouiser shouting to mlynn “ Slug her!!!!!”
      Olympia Dukakis best line

    2. Anonymous8:04 pm

      Yes!!!! Jackie

    3. Anonymous8:50 pm

      Oh yes….Dukakis was a class act and role model for me


  13. I worked nights for years and at 4am, everything is funny as fuck.

    1. Say this one to any nurse at 4 and cackling would follow

  14. I did love this story. Humans have been given the gifts of laughter and tears. Sometimes both happen at the same time. One of my absolute favorite memories happened within the last year when my grandson and I started laughing at the way I was reading one of his books- the voice I gave to a mother bird. We did literally laugh so hard we cried.

    1. It was a special moment lightened by the laughter , how lovely

  15. I love a good, uncontrollable laugh - good memories. My husband has been known actually to fall off his chair laughing.

  16. My family loves to laugh. We find humor at odd times but it helps to keep us going!

    1. In jokes within families are adorable
      I remember as a child sticking small stickers all over my grandmothers face and glasses in our parked car
      Her embarrassment when a young policeman looked through the window still makes me laugh ( and cry) some 55 years later

  17. And the worst kind of uncontrollable laughter is when it strikes you (and only you) in some solemn setting. Like at church during a sermon. That happened to me!

  18. In looking back we have all had those moments. That makes us humans, be it man or woman. No matter the country it is the same.

    1. Perhaps a few more jokes should be told in the UN

  19. Barbara anne2:54 pm

    Do I ever identify with that medical dark humor and the helpless laughter of bone tired fatigue.
    Wishng us all funny situations and people to laugh with.


  20. It is sometimes an absolute necessity to find something to laugh about. I could tell you a story about a clicking pen. Years later all I have to do is say 'click click' and my sister and I fall over laughing.

    I am sorry for any offense given yesterday. None was intended.

  21. I can't remember the last time I laughed till it hurt, but I do remember how good it felt. xx

    1. Watching Roger gleefully chasing bees around the garden

  22. We all need a good laugh. I do not remember the last time I laughed and cried. i remember it was great.

    1. I remember both ….gawd get a grip john lol

  23. Laughter is a stress reliever. The patients must have wondered what the heck was going on!

    1. They were all asleep on ventilators Steve lol

  24. John, all my life, since I was very young, I have always tried to make people around me laugh. Now that I'm a senior, particularly whilst going to various hospitals for treatments during Covid, it's made me feel even more upbeat and positive by joking around with people I meet. When I come and go, usually everyone waves and smiles. That's made dealing with the difficulties we all experience in life so much easier.

    1. I get that, because I too often feel it’s my responsibility to lighten a mood …I need to remember it’s not always my job

  25. The only person I really laugh easily with is my brother. It's like we are children again when we are together, and still annoys my sister who just doesn't get what makes us crease up.

    1. Children often have hidden meanings and a language all of their own

  26. I was only thinking that the other day. I miss laughing. Everyone is so serious and scared of saying the wrong thing. I also think younger people don't seem to have a funny bone anymore. They take everything as literal. There's no fun in life anymore. I want to laugh like a 7 year old!! I think that's the best age before they get serious.

    1. Anonymous7:23 pm

      I agree Dunham lass - that younger people don't seem to have a funny bone anymore. I'm sure some do but the ones I read about in newspapers and that my son knows seem very humourless.

    2. Anonymous7:23 pm

      That was my reply to Dunham lass - Ruth

    3. I remember having a lively debate with another nurse about something clinical . A patient in the room asked us to be quiet because he was “trying to die “
      And we all burst out laughing
      I loved that moment

  27. If we are at Church - all is quiet - You can hear a pin drop
    - the Priest solemn - I dare not glance at any of my cousins -Though they are most mature with responsible jobs we easily regress again to our childhood x 😂

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have a whole list of medical funnies, most I cannot repeat here

  29. I have never laughed like that, maybe a chuckle at a pugs on TikTok vid now and then. I wonder if it's cultural? Upbringing? My family never laughed. And I'd be very uncomfortable hearing my nurses laughing while in the hospital.

    1. I think that’s a shame , nurses need to laugh sometimes…at least on intensive care all of the patients were sedated and ventilated so could hear a thing

    2. I have been in ICU but not ventilated. Ended there bec of nurses' inattention. Was not up for laughing.

  30. I remember those fits of giggles and laughter. Can't remember the last time nor can I remember a specific one. I miss that.

  31. The laughter you can have as a child..not self conscious...yet...
    We all need to laugh more, it's a happiness and a relief

    1. I agree, we all need to laugh more

      Long, and loud
      And proud

    2. Anonymous9:59 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I don't remember the last time I laughed really hard but it's fairly frequent. I'll probably laugh a lot less when my daughters move out.
    I have a friend in hospital with sepsis right now and sent her a cookie monster get well. When she replied with "cookies" I felt she would make it

  33. What a wonderful advert John. I still see my old schoolfriends. One I was in the infants with and the other I stated Senior school with. We have spent over 65 years making memories together and had some very special times and we still laugh and laugh until we cry. The best medicine in the world. XXXX

  34. Anonymous11:52 pm

    Tina in west oz. Still get to do it when we have friends around the table for tabletop games. (Never Monopoly!) The sillier the better, though I do draw a line at the one where you throw a foam burrito at each other! It does the heart good!

  35. I find I laugh a lot more around people I like a lot. A really good group fit of laughter is great!

  36. I rarely see people laugh now. My Dad hasn't smiled or laughed for decades! (Due to constant ill health) I remember when the pair of us would crack up pulling ugly faces or he would say poiple for Purple and other silly things and we would snigger and chortle with a shared appreciation for each others humour.

  37. Anonymous3:25 pm

    I am a 70 yrs old woman. My husband has had really scary health issues in the last 18 months, between a 15 minute Dead ( passing dr and defibrillator saved the day) on Birmingham airport concourse, then an emergency toe amputation. It has been a hard time. Last weekend we flew to Glasgow to Husband’s nieces wedding. I was so excited to be back surrounded by family. The wine flowed freely. Very late on I left the function room to go to the loo, to find the bride tears streaming down her face surrounded by best mates ( bridesmaids) and I spotted he new husband lurking some distance away. I rushed forward all concerned and asked what was wrong. Her slurred speech between sobs, advised me that she wanted to go clubbing with her friends, not to her hotel with husband. I put my arms around her and guided her towards the exit, gently saying whatever words of comfort I could muster. I finally got her out of the building and said right off you go with your mates and I’ll go and have a shag with your lonely husband. Oops really inappropriate humour.


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