Joy Ride | Amazon Christmas Ad


  1. I love it! Never being a lover of cold I can't say the tobogganing would be my first choice, but climbing on the back of a horse (with a LOT of help, I might add, at my age) would fill me with that kind of joy as I would urge the animal into a canter or gallop (trotting would be far too hard on an old 82 year old body) Or may be on the back of a high cc Harley Davidson motorcycle behind a strong young man to control it - THAT would set me laughing with joy. So, you see, John, there is a lot you don't know about this old lady. I even took hang gliding lessons in my thirties, much to my then husband's horror - he was sure I would leave him to raise two children on his own after my demise.

  2. So you want to break your hips? X

  3. Ugh! Now I'm crying. Darn Amazon.

  4. Oh, how that resonated with me! Age is just a number, it's how you feel that counts. xx

  5. That is a cleaver ad. Leave it to Amazon. Multi-generational joy, snow sledding for all ages. You'd never see a Senior Center promoting an event like this. Maybe they should.

  6. All Christmas ads should have a feel-good factor. That one certainly does.

  7. When I first saw this on TV I was distracted and moved - almost to tears I might add - by the seemingly incongruous use of John Lennon's music in a way that does him full justice, and then even moreso with the echo of his lovely lyrics in one's head. Now I've watched it again I feel that overall it's one of the best Xmas ads I've ever.....

    1. Debbie3:35 pm

      I felt much the same Ray, when I first saw it on television I was so engaged by the music and watching it I didn't realise it was advertising Amazon.
      Have you seen the official video on You Tube for the recent Beatles song, Now and Then? The empty stage at the end brought tears. They were a huge part of my teenage years in the mid 60's.

    2. I did indeed see the video for 'Now and Then' , Debbie, though I've got to say, with some regret, that I find the song itself underwhelming, and this time it was that disappointment which got me distracted from the visuals. I'll have to watch it again and pay more attention to what it shows. I've heard the song now several times and it still does very little for me, unlike in the 90s when both 'Free as a Bird' and 'Real Love' quickly got me rating them both highly, the former stratospherically so, and with an entertaining spot-it-puzzle video to go with it.
      I've just watched 'Now and Then' again - a VERY clever video in which you can't make out the 'joins' even though we know where they are. The song still doesn't have the 'Wow' factor for me though. I'll keep looking for it.
      I could write a volume on the Beatles. Like for you, they were more than anyone else (and there were lots!) the soundtrack to my late teens-early 20s. That time 1965-69 when each single release left me plain stupified in sheer awe! No one in my books since has come close to equalling that.

  8. Anonymous8:22 am

    Memories can be wonderful.

  9. Best ad on TV this year

  10. I want to do it!!!

  11. weaver9:35 am

    Oh John - tears in my eyes - not sure I dare do that though.

  12. Anonymous10:01 am

    A. Beautiful gentle advert with lovely music. I’ve watched it several times now and it makes me smile every time. Catriona

  13. Not sure what made me more emotional, this ad, or the Budweiser Clydesdale ads with the dog and horses. Lovely.

  14. Anonymous11:55 am

    Love those ladies, I would love to have a go on the hill up the street but I wouldn’t be able to get down on to the sled or back off it at the bottom. We did it as kids and would stay out till our hands froze also our feet. Thanks for the memories. Gigi

  15. A word of warning. I did it as a child but one day I didn't miss the house at the bottom and smashed my arm in several places.

  16. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Please can I have a turn. My dream is to drive a tractor before I reach 80. (3 years to go). I am determined to do it.
    T ish x

  17. Do things that bring you joy.

  18. That's a sweet ad. I like the music.

  19. Anonymous2:13 pm

    That made me cry. In a good way. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Anonymous3:02 pm

    I wondered , why am I crying ? then read the comments . guess I'm normal ? Thank you John !

  21. i'm not a crier - but i cried....


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