Duvet Day

I’m in bed.
It’s cold and although I’ve lit the fire, Dorothy and I have returned to bed and have had an extra sleep. I’m on nights just for one shift tonight ( days and nights in the same week…yes I know) 
Now, I’m listening to Desert Island Discs with Patrick Grant which has proved to be a rather moving.listen whilst hiding under the duvet.
I’m looking a little like his side kick Esme Young with my Mr Motto glasses on.
Note to self order more reading glasses on Amazon.
It’s blustery outside and I ain’t going nowhere



  1. Blustery outside?
    The bed it is. And I love the glasses. Mr. Motto you said? I approve.


  2. Traveller3:33 pm

    It was a superb example of a DID. Only know him from the Great British Sewing Bee - had no idea about his background.

    Now do I remember reading about the washing of the skid mark 🤔

  3. Some days deserve more sleep.

  4. Day and night shifts in one week? No wonder you need to hide under the duvet! Snuggle up to your organic hot water bottle and relax. Hope the night shift flows smoothly. xx

  5. Anonymous3:36 pm

    You do like to punish yourself. I hope for a calmer Night Shift this time. Take care. Loved your blog on roger. Noreen

  6. It is a bit yucky out there. Duvet snuggling sounds like a good idea.

  7. weaver3:52 pm

    Horrible weather here too. Snug and warm - two of the most agreeable words in the English Language.

  8. Barbara Anne4:10 pm

    It sounds like the perfect way to spend so quality time on a blustery day before a night shift.
    Hope tonight's work is much more pleasnant that Monday night was.
    It's cold here, too iwth night's below freezing but the temperature Saturday is foecast to be 21*C.

  9. Wishing you a peaceful & quiet night shift. Stay safe, John dear.

  10. Rest well, my dear.

  11. Anonymous6:27 pm

    What else to do on a blustery day... enjoy the warmth and I hope the night shift is a more peaceful one. Don't understand the glasses reference but I like them.

    Jo in Auckland

  12. I love the glasses. Same kind of day for SG. A blustery 22. The heat was on and he was under the duvet.

  13. The top picture reminds me of "The Blair Witch Project".

  14. Oh no John - I thought for a moment the boggie man was in the corner x 👻

  15. I could never, even in my youth in the military, adjust to working at night. Back then it was preceded by working the day also, but even when it was scheduled, I couldn't adjust. Kind of why I got into the diagnostic side of the business, I'd get calls at night, but rarely a shift.

  16. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Sleeping with a dog, staying warm

  17. On a stormy cold night the duvet is essential. I also like the glasses. Let's hope for one easy night shift.

  18. You look cozy, but a bit spooked, too. Did you hear a noise? Probably just the wind.

  19. A miserable day here too yesterday, but we managed our walks without getting wet. I love your photo.

  20. A great way to spend a blustery day and just rest.

  21. It was like that here too. Terrible weather.


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