Watching Roger

One blogger asked about this music on a previous post, so I thought I’d repost it. 
It is all rather beautiful .
It’s half term in University, but I have to write an essay so will be going into the local campus library to work. Trendy Carol’s Hubby has taken the dogs.
Work needs shifts covering but I couldn’t face another day like Monday

When I walked the dogs this morning great untidy V’s of honking Canada geese flew over to the west and Mary, Dorothy and I stopped to watch them for a while.
Roger hadn’t a clue where they were and looked vaguely around the field borders in the hope of finding the location of the noise.
He’s so sweetly dim

It’s colder and feels like Autumn

I got home after four, picking some shopping up for Trendy Carol’s hubby as I did so. 
I also bought some very strong cheese which I’m going to toast on hot buttered bread later as a treat. 
There is nothing better than a cup of tea with cheese on toast.

I thought I’d share this little Roger moment tonight. 
He was sat quietly in the Trendy’s Trendy conservatory when I called round
The girls were asleep on a couch, but he was standing guard watching a pair of blackbirds spar in the dusk gloom. 
I stood and watched him for a while, wondering what on Earth he was thinking and in that time he spied me standing there. 
He didn’t bark or jump up, or even wag his tail but he sort of nodded his head in recognition and although I couldn’t see his face clearly
I could tell that my dim sweet boy was smiling like a loon.


  1. Yorkshire Liz9:19 am

    There are far worse things than sweet but dim; and sometimes it is positively delightful and refreshing. There is always something mystical and emotive about a flight of geese above and migrating. And nothing indicates the change in the seasons so well. You sound as if you have managed to take a good few deep breaths and drop your shoulders again, finally. Good!

    1. Yes, I feel shoulders are drooping like my chins

  2. It is definitely colder here ... and very wet.

  3. Good to have somewhere to work that should be free from distractions....apart from all the books of course!

    You seem to have been covering for a lot of shifts lately?
    Autumn can be a breath of (rather) fresh air..a nice change.

  4. Anonymous10:17 am

    Ah Roger (I once had a boyfriend called Roger who was sweet but dim!). I adore Max Richter’s music which I discovered when he composed the music for Woolf Works - the quartet of ballets. About a year ago Max was Composer of the Week on Radio 3 and welcomed the presenter into his studio deep in the Oxfordshire countryside. It was a series of five one hour programmes so his work was covered in some depth and he came across as a solid grounded chap. We too see squadrons of honking migrant geese flying along the river Rother to settle on the Wildbrooks for the winter. When they finally glide silently onto the flooded marshes they suddenly come to life again with a cacophony of happy flapping and honking as they meet and greet their friends. Good luck with the essay writing. I studied for a MBA over three years while working full time and it was tough finding and making the time for study. Don’t forget there is a live feed of Carlos Acosta’s Don Quixote from the ROH next Tuesday 7th. Sarah in Sussex

    1. Thank u
      I will remind my sister that it’s on
      I too had a boyfriend ( for a short time) called Roger
      He was a twat

  5. Anonymous10:24 am

    I haven’t seen or heard the geese here yet but it just got cold a few days ago. We had an unusually warm autumn, so they will be gone soon. We call them shit hawks and one night when we were having dinner in the cockpit one let a load go. It splashed all over the cockpit like a bomb went off. Not a fan of geese. Hope your essay writing goes well today. That music was lovely but a bit too depressing for me, John. Gigi

    1. I had a delightful Canada goose called Camilla Parker Bowles she was a delight

  6. Anonymous10:37 am

    I'm just watching the local morning news on TV and see that about an hour north of me, roads are covered in snow. Yikes, it really seems too early in the season for snow! It has been a beautiful autumn and I hope this is just a quick glitch.

  7. Traveller10:40 am

    Got to love a dim animal. We used to have a cat who was concluded that my partner was her human and I was not even a poor substitute. My partner got a contract out of town so would fly out early Monday am and return Friday evening. When he got home Eric, the cat, had forgotten who he was - it wasn’t the cold shoulder, she didn’t know who he was. After a couple of hours the penny would drop and she would be all over him….until the next week. She was sweet but so incredibly dum.

    1. Lol….it’s the smell animals relate to first rather than sight

  8. Roger and Moose could be related. What's the essay on?

  9. Funny that it never occurred to Roger to look up! I suppose flying seems unimaginable to a dog.

  10. When I hear the geese migrating, I know winter is on its way. I hope there aren't too many distractions in the library and you quickly polish off that essay. Darling Roger. I can imagine the puzzled look on his face. xx

    1. Just seen your update. Roger has certainly landed on his paws with you, and he obviously knows it! Such a sweetie! xx

  11. We have geese flying over. Don't know if they're Canada Geese but they certainly make a heck of a noise. Love it when I see them flying across a winter sky.

    1. In the UK the Canada geese stay
      They do not migrate

  12. Replies
    1. Hopefully that’s a reference to the music

  13. That music is lovely but a little too sad for me. I need cheering up these days.
    We had snow yesterday but not too much!
    Stay well and happy, John. x

  14. I know people like Roger. As dim as eco-friendly light bulbs but at least they are alive. Well, just about.

    1. Stupid people can live a life devoid of stress

  15. Love the Richter piece and when we were still on the farm and had room for the dogs to actually run geese would fly over and they would chase them across the field like they really thought they could catch them

    1. I love the way the honk , almost joyously

  16. weaver2:48 pm

    Yes, I am afraid we have to face it - like it or not - it is VERY Autumnal.

  17. Barbara Anne3:30 pm

    Wishing you well in writing that essay so it will be finished and you can rest and play.
    There is a wonderful documentary titled 'Migration' that I hope is on some channel. It is magnificent.
    Bless Trendy Carol and her husband!


    1. I saw it advertised , but can’t find much on line about it niw

  18. The only dog I ever knew who loved to watch planes in the sky was adopted from a shelter right near San Diego airport! Her owner named her Diego, never mind that she was a female.

    1. Dogs naturally move with their heads down , so it’s rare to see any look up

  19. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Was this music or something like it used in “Shutter Island”? I feel as if I’ve heard it before but with a really heartbreaking setting. Very beautiful though.


    1. The music featured on the tv zombie show The last of us episode 3

  20. Thank you for the music! Wonderfully calming, almost sad.

  21. Dear sweet Roger. 😊
    Hope the essay writing went well and you're home, relaxing with the dogs in front of a cozy warm fire.

    1. I got nothing written but I planned the essay

  22. Our weather has shifted too and it is about 20 degrees colder than it should be. Time for winter coats!

    1. The fire has been lit every night but the bedroom windows are open( I have an organic hot water bottle in the shape of a. Bulldog

  23. Anonymous6:00 pm

    I'm a long time reader fromU.S. (never commented before). I'm not a troll or a bot. I have a concern about a cancer patient somewhat in your vicinity? May I have your email address?

  24. Anonymous6:07 pm

    I'm the Anonymous U.S. commenter. My name is Charlotte.

  25. The geese have been flying overhead for over a month now, when I hear their honking, it reminds me that another season has come to an end.
    I went back to University in my early forties, finishing my accounting degree, I was a bit out of my league, socially, but soon settled in as their motherhen.
    Beautiful music thank you for sharing.

    1. Our group is eclectic in age a
      Maybe 30 to 61 ( that’s me)

  26. Do dogs really smile like a loon? I'd have to see that.

    1. Certain dogs smile broadly
      Mostly it’s in the eyes but some like our old Dalmatian used to curl her lips too.
      Terriers are big smilers

    2. Golden Retrievers smile, and wag their whole bodies with delight. They make you feel so much better just being themselves.

    3. Yes they have an open mouthed smile

  27. At his age you too weren't so bright x

  28. I occasionally catch Billy being pensive. Usually he's in his bed looking very relaxed with his eyes wide open, looking into the far distance. I always wonder what he's thinking.

  29. Roger seems to have that very precious gift of being "in the moment" completely. He is so lovable.


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