The Same Boat - A Poem by Julie Sheldon.

I’ve wasted time a little today
I often do that on night shifts 
And I’m working nights until Thursday morning this week
Serve me for having so much time off.

I’ve daydreamed the morning away. Thoughts and ideas interrupted  by the thoughts and daydreams of others all hidden away on line. Sure I’ve walked the dogs and made the breakfast which is a much loved ritual of brewing coffee as long as it takes to poach eggs and make toast. 
I have the toast dripped in tahini too.
It adds, special to a mundane meal.

Roger and his pubescent little bark, alerts me to passers by.
And I walk out “nonchalantly” , tea towel in hand prepared and quietly eager to say hello to someone I may know . 
This morning is was designer North Faced Heulwen and Derek fresh from a London trip. 
Then Eirlys with my dinner plate wrapped inside a bag. The chicken dinner was delivered on her, 50th wedding anniversary to be.
A fortuitous coincidence which was nice for both of us.

Roger showed off as we talked over the kitchen wall, and ran around the garden swinging a wet pair of underpants which had been left too hopefully on the garden chairs to dry

I stopped day dreaming and made a Thai green prawn curry with half fat coconut milk and syphoned the soup off for lunch, the curry I will eat at work 

Nu texted me with a photo

Underneath simply read “table pour uno Juan Les Pins”
It was her way of encouraging my next trip, which was as sweet as it was subtle
Boats bumping together on a calmer sea

I will book something very soon 
Head up
Chest out


  1. Anonymous2:16 pm

    Keep on Swimming

    Like we all need to do

  2. Those bra straps are sturdy x

  3. Anonymous3:23 pm

    You have such an interesting life ! I love reading you everyday . From somewhere in PA , USA

  4. 'and ran around the garden swinging a wet pair of underpants which had been left too hopefully on the garden chairs to dry'

    That gave me a giggle this morning as I sat here catching up on your last few entries.

    I wish I were where you are cooking.


  5. Another trip sounds like a fine idea. Back on the horse!

  6. Did you get your money back on the aborted trip?

    I made Thai curry soup for the coming week's lunches.

  7. You are a gourmet exotic cook. The Thai curry looks outstanding and restaurant quality. Love the beach scene from Nu. To me, it says, breath, just breath.

  8. weaver3:46 pm

    Much love dear old friend.

  9. A reflective post, John. Love the poem. We all need a little support sometimes when the boat we're in hits rough seas. Nu's photo is glorious, and the message, one of encouragement. Hope the nights pass smoothly. xx

  10. Anonymous3:59 pm

    Enjoyed the poem. Would love to eat at your abode! Is that horse ready to ride? Soon I hope. Gigi

  11. Barbara Anne4:58 pm

    How perfect that your made dear Eirlys a surprise chickent on what would have been their 50th anniversary. The little inner nudge is never wrong!
    Wishing you well on this string of night shifts. May all be pleasant and serene.


  12. Anonymous5:04 pm

    Somehow you always encourage me to try harder. Truly amazing how many lives you touch....some you know, some you don't. Thank you, John. Love from Gail in California

  13. Thanks for everything you do.

  14. The image of Roger running around in the background with your underwear in his mouth as you had a respectable village chat. I love it. Your meals are so unusual and so gourmet. I'm in awe.

  15. You are such a great cook, John. I'm going to have to try slathering my toast with some tahini. And your curry looks scrumptious.

  16. Nice to have a relaxing day before your busy week begins. Hope you plan a lovely trip soon, John.

  17. Anonymous9:21 pm

    I love tahini but never tried it on toast, defnitely will now. Love the meals you cook, I’m not a good cook and would eat the same easy stuff every day. Nights are hard on the body, look after yourself and rest. Noreen

  18. Oh Roger!!
    A run of nights is better than dodging around different shifts.
    That is a photo to inspire you...well done Nu

  19. the cooking looks scrumptious

  20. Juan les Pins would suit me fine too!


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