Chicken Dinner

Facebook has been sending me some memory photos one taken 2 years ago one taken 5. This is how I like to see myself . It was taken when I was trying to publicise the closing of the church. A posh anorak and a cap cover a multitude of sins . 
I hate my photo being taken, but I do condone this one with my faraway look into middle distance

The next photo just makes me laugh. It was taken almost 5 years ago now  when fellow villager Ann and I were doing the zipwire .it was taken on a hairaising journey up the side of the Bethesda slate quarry in what only can be described as an army truck straight out of Tenko.
It was terrifying , and more more scary than the zip wire itself.

I’m pottering today. I’ve sorted all of my paperwork yesterday and have piles of home paperwork, university stuff, work stuff and Community Association  stuff.
I cooked a full roast chicken dinner yesterday and because I always make too much, I plated up a portion for Eirlys and took it round
She looks well but told me to slow down
I said I will and today I am
It’s Judgement at Nuremberg on dvd, a long video chat with Nigel and some homemade duck spring rolls by a lit fire as outside its gloomy and wet and a little chilly


  1. Yes that first picture is a good profile shot. You look confident.

    1. It’s what I call my “ nobility against the machine” look
      My publicity shot didn’t help stop the closure of the church

  2. The Chief US prosecuter at the Nuremburg trials was Robert Jackson. He was from a very rural part of our county called Spring Creek.

    1. The film was interesting. Intelligent and stopped short of the obvious

    2. I watched this on BBC just a week or two ago. Thought Judy Garland played a good part in it. Think I've mentioned this on here before, but our old GP was one of the doctors looking after the German prisoners at Nuremburg.

  3. That first shot is a nice one.
    Paperwork neatly organised..well done.
    I wish mine was sorted like that!

    1. My second hand text books were delivered today too

  4. Anonymous1:48 pm

    The first photo? Nah, too posed.

    1. I think it looks very Downton Abbey

    2. Anonymous2:16 pm

      No, it makes you look rather creepy.
      You say "this is how I like to see myself" but why not just be yourself instead of pretending to be somebody different?

    3. I was being myself , what a stupid comment

  5. Just reading about the zip-wire make me quake, although I could be persuaded if it was in a good cause. Just for fun? NEVER! Well done getting all your paperwork sorted. Now relax! xx

    1. I raised over 4 thousand pounds much of it donated by blog readers all for the Samaritans

  6. A zip wire is going above and beyond community service! I think I'll just stay with the paperwork.

    1. I needed to focus on something positive and exciting at that time

  7. I remember you doing the zipwire, full of admiration for you doing it ! I can't believe it's 2 years ago. Both photos are great, for different reasons . I have worked for 4 hours in the garding, sorting it out for winter, feet up now and watching Shine on Harvey Moon .

  8. weaver2:25 pm

    Gloomy and chilly here too John but not yet wet. Good advice to slow down. xx

    1. What else it there to do..? I picked a three hour movie on purpose

  9. That photo of you is a good one, Facebook memories is brilliant for throwing up little 'blasts from the past' isn't it.

    1. It can be painful too but I’m ok with those now

  10. I love both those photos. I'm glad you're getting organized but I'd need to finish with those stacks quickly. The sight of those would make me a little edgy. Enjoy the afternoon.

    1. My text books were delivered today as did box files etc…all sorted now

  11. I have never seen "Judgement at Nuremburg." I never feel quite up to it.

  12. Oh my god the zip wire pic is fab. I find that fear often manifests as funny, hence my giggling at the wrong moment! x

    1. That journey was totally more terrifying than the wire itself….being heavy meant I had a parachute to slow me down ..I came down the wire like the queen mary

    2. Now that is an image that will stay in my head lol! x

  13. The first photo is lovely but I like the second one as it shows a more natural happy you.

    1. My nephew has the same expression, often

  14. Anonymous3:55 pm

    I love both pics!! Carol in Atlanta

  15. Barbara Anne5:26 pm

    Wonderful photos of you, then you and Ann, and I cajust see Albert making a nest on your stackes of sorted papers!
    Am glad you're taking it easy and and have delightful plans for the icky weather day.


  16. Anonymous7:58 pm

    Nice when the paperwork gets all done.. we are having fantastic weather here in Toronto, sunny and 22C right now. I got busy, did laundry, got the vacuuming/ hoovering done, dishes done then got a call from my daughter who I have not seen since April, asking if I would take her to buy a duvet at a shop near me.. so she came we got the duvet, then she took me out for fish and greek salad. All and all a very nice day. Now time for a nap and feed my dog. Glad you are having a chill day too. I do like the first photo also the photo of you with a Touque/beanie pulled down over your head. Gigi

  17. That is a lot of paperwork. Always good to take it easy for the day. I made pickled beets today.

  18. Your a remarkable man, that you are John, You need to slow down a tad bit but you know that. You make me laugh and you make me cry and you sure as hell make me happy with your telling of your life and adventures. Thank you dear heart, thank you. Love those two pictures.

  19. Nice photos. Photo #1 definitely shows a man on a mission signaling, do not mess around. You are very well organized and that must serve you very well.

  20. Were you a novelist, that first picture would look great on the back cover.

  21. The photo with Ann is fun!

    I noticed your text book. I know nothing of counselling, but hope that there will be some sort of advice about how not to absorb into oneself too much of another's grief and worry. There must be a chance of that, if one is even slightly empathetic. Perhaps a way of strengthening oneself while remaining open and compassionate? It must be hard, as we all have some inner pain of our own and everyday problems as part of our lives. But as you have been a Samaritan already I think, then you probably have already had training in this. Glad you were able to have a restful day.


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