
Three night shifts this week ( now thankfully split thanks to a lovely colleague so I can make university tomorrow)
A night out in Liverpool, supper at Mowgli then a night with Grayson Perry at the Philharmonic
A short film studies course on Saturday lunchtime
And a trip to the cinema to see either Ken Loach’s The Old Oak or The Lesson ( depending on mood)
I feel back on course today.
The week is working for me which it wasn’t before
Which is an example of 
Sort things out yourself and not rely on anyone else


  1. Yes, if we wait for others to sort us out, we'll have a long wait! Glad you're back on track. It's not a nice feeling when things are off kilter. Enjoy Grayson Perry, should be a good evening. xx

  2. Your week's plan is good! I too believe in doing as much as I can for myself rather than rely on others. Particularly in trying to keep myself healthy and happy, physically and mentally. Life is all about balance in the end and so much is already out of our control and we sometimes help, or are helped by, others. Like in that lovely poem you posted yesterday.

    1. Yes I loved the simple metaphor
      And it helped to exorcise the ghosts of lockdown which was a very lonely time for me

  3. That's a lot on your plate, even if some of it is fun.

    1. There’s a lot of sleep time this week too matron xx

  4. Take care of yourself and have a little fun along the way.

  5. Nobody knows our personal needs better than us. Selectively bringing others (like Nu) in is always beneficial. True friends are a rare breed and Nu meets and exceeds all expectations. You are a lucky man. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you susan, I know I’m lucky , taking people for granted is one of my down points

  6. You seem to have such a busy life with so much working, community, friends, pets, social outings and seeing performances and films. Perhaps your life is not as busy as it sounds and you do take time to do nothing.

    1. I’ve just had a down weekend. It helped , as all I did was walk the dogs read and cook , but by 48 hours were past I was a little lonely

  7. Busy bee! Why not buy yourself an amber and black horizontally striped jumper? You can forego the wings on the back.

  8. You sound better than you have in a while, back in balance again. Good.

  9. You are one active puppy!

  10. Hope your week goes smoothly, John.

  11. weaver2:04 pm

    Go steady there young man. x

  12. Wow that's a lot to pack into one week... I don't know where you get the energy! Have fun. I'm not sure who Grayson Perry is... off to google right now.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. Please look him up, he’s a delightful character

  13. Ah Arts... that's why I had no idea. Looks a character for sure.

    Jo in Auckland


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