The Andre Rieu of Blogging

Me and Nu in Kenmare 2018 my lowest ebb

Sometimes I wonder just what people get from Going Gently?
Some, I feel,  like it’s humour, and I get that, totally! 
For the most part, on line blogs can be generally dry and somewhat serious affairs .( with the exception of the gays and fag hag blogs who generally produce snatches of delightful bitchiness and entertaining asides) …you KNOW who you are !!!
For others, it’s the glimpse into the view, I delight to be a part of , and that is a positive, healthy, romanticised and generally honest view of a Welsh Village and it’s struggles to keep some sort of community identity in a world who seems intent of changing it into a housing estate in the country.
Of course we have the village characters ( all based on real people) and the animals which provide the anchor and the grounding of the blog.
Animals are the heart of a home
They, like children are honest and pure and real
And they alongside my village friends have seen me through some very dark days .
As you have , my readers and followers.
Going Gently has never changed in that respect for since 2006 it is my diary, my comfort and my old friend who has housed my thoughts and daily journal for seventeen years now.
Of happy days 
And sad ones
And of mundane ones too, devoid of political debate and world news and of highbrow thought and debate….I’m not an overly educated man. 
I’m a bright one, for sure, but I’m not an intellectual
I married one and even though I still love the man deeply, he wasn’t always a bag of laughs in real life. 
So Going Gently doesn’t discuss serious politics and the like
It remains touchy feely with a sense of arch.
And the trolls will always remind me of the arch.

I will never apologise for my occasional waspishness
For these are occasional and in my mind warranted and unlike some of my fellow bloggers I am not really quick to judge despite my words.
I am flawed , and emotive, and shallow at times.
But I’m emotionally intelligent too
And I know, despite my troll input , I will make a credible counsellor 
I know myself warts and all that’s how I know.

And so I will continue to blog
Sometimes about nothing….the sushi I made for tea  because it felt good
And then about the lonely day I spent not talking to anyone.
Of the bulldog Dorothy’s diva antics 
And the moment at work I felt like child in need of a hug when things went wrong 
Of the films I watched which allayed my loneliness 
And the friends I have that make life worthwhile again 

If you read Going Gently You read it for a reason 

And I’m grateful most of you seem to enjoy it
I am everyone here…..flawed and hopeful ….

Yes……and even hopeful


  1. Anonymous9:04 pm

    Well I keep coming to read it simply because I find it interesting. Perhaps not always in the way you might wish, perhaps not always entertaining, but always, I find, interesting. Andrew S.

  2. I'm not sure Andre Rieu is known for his eloquence.

    1. He’s popular though

    2. Josephine6:23 am

      Andre Rieux is a very kind man. He goes on making populair classical music because his orchester is depending on him for salary. So Andre cannot stop because of them. He doesnot need the money, he made enough already. He showed his home at dutch television, he is a nice guy.
      John, I read your blog as a window on the world since the start of Covid lock down. I live in a small Dutch town and cannot travel any more. So thank you for showing me the village life in Wales. I love your animals. So sorry about Albert’s passing.
      Thank you for your blog and please do not stop!
      Josephine from Deventer

  3. I read your blog because you portray real life - warts and all.
    It makes a refreshing change from other idealised blogs of people,s lives.

  4. My blog is my journal too. Whilst I don't post as often, it serves as the story of my life. I have enjoyed getting to know you and the Welsh village where you live. Blogging is good like that. Whenever I hear or read of something Welsh, I think of you. Keep writing.

    1. And you too( even if u married the wrong guy ) xx

  5. I held my breath as I read this post, and gratefully exhaled when I read "And so I will continue to blog"
    I read & enjoy your blog each day for many reasons, and will continue to do so although I may not comment each day.
    Stay safe & well, John dear.

  6. This is a comment on Facebook by an old friend Dan who is a long term follower of Going Gently
    Dan Hughes
    Thank you Dan , this moved me greatly

    “It’s the only blog I still read John. You are a wonderful voice with varied things to say. (It helps you post to Facebook too mind you - as I see it more easily here).
    More specifically it’s the same thing I used to get from Home Truths on radio 4. It’s the taking the time to talk about the everyday rhythms and stories of life in a gently humorous, poetic, and thoughtful way.
    Your blog is like a well taken photo. You may be just taking a picture of what’s going on - but you make decisions about how to frame it, what to include and what to not include (and what to alter a bit in photoshop). It’s a work of genuine grass roots art.
    Your blog nourishes me and improves my day. You should only ever keep going with these things for as long as the urge takes you. But I’ll be thankful for you writing it for as long as you continue”

    1. Dan , congratulations on your book , take care xxx

  7. Anonymous9:23 pm

    I adore your blog. You don’t need to actually write a book just collate and publish the best of your blog. Like David Sedaris whose books are snippets of his life. Xx curly club

  8. Anonymous9:25 pm

    Yes, you bare your soul, as much as you wish to....and share your life and days and insights with us..... it's *all* I need....and your honesty enlightens and nourishes my day every day. Keep on!
    Susan M/ Calif.

  9. I came across your blog by chance as I have a friend of 35 years who lives in Trelawnyd. He didn't direct me towards the blog (I'm not sure he reads it although is occasionally mentioned on here). Is its draw because sometimes it's a Welsh Archers? Certainly the cast of characters and village events can make it seem so - and it's far more entertaining than said radio programme. There's always something of interest - I enjoy your reviews, perspectives, your joys and catastrophes, the dogs (and latterly poor old Albert). I was concerned when you split with the Prof and whether you'd have to leave the cottage. I usually look in every day - I always read the comments too - even the trolls (I guess it can't all be light). I think most of all it's a draw because your humanity shines through John - and long may that continue.

    1. I love the fact you have a friend still in the village ( I’m bursting to know who) lol xxx

    2. Ps chic Eleanor sends her love xxx

  10. I think you captivate people, John, because you are honest, open and oh so very human, with a delightful writing style that conveys a great deal in just a few words or sentences. You are a true diarist -- brief, insightful, and never dull.

    1. And you Debra have been one of my biggest supporters and followers , I’m fully aware and very grateful for that …..thank you deArheart xxx thank u

  11. And I am so glad you are here xxx

  12. “Lee”
    who knows what motivations people have
    I give up trying to guess

  13. Anonymous9:54 pm

    Well, dear John, I don’t usually comment, but thoroughly enjoy your lovely, boring, lonely, happy, interesting life in your village. I am pretty sure you are my brother from another mother, hehe. Sharon in CO, USA

  14. Glad to know that I'm not the only person who can stil llove the man they divorced.

    Love comes in many shapes and forms, different to each and every one of us.

    Cherish your memories and keep aiming for new successes.

  15. Anonymous10:04 pm

    I don't usually comment but love reading your blog carol ludlow

  16. I read for the insights you give of a life very different from my own. It's a lovely journey.

  17. Anonymous10:13 pm

    I thoroughly enjoy your blog. It’s a slice of real life, each post is a surprise, will it be about your animals, the village, your friends, or what you are doing. I am happy to be sitting on the sidelines hearing about your life and wishing you happiness. I was interested in your college trip, I went to my university library the other day, and I am finding more and more books and journals are electronic versions versus hold in your hand books. I think you will be an excellent counsellor. Jean/Winnipeg

  18. I follow your blog because you give us a glimpse of the warm wonderful world of your little village. I love all the neighbors and your friends you have introduced us to. I have been to Ireland 3 times but have never made it to Wales and it is my loss. I love your sense of humor and your gentle heart that cares for the ill and dying. I would be so proud to call you my friend even though we are separated by many years and miles.

  19. I started reading a long time ago and I've stayed for the good writing and the variety. You might talk about every day things but you choose a different thing to focus on every day.
    I'm invested in your story

  20. I wander in here some days but don't always comment.
    I was surprised though that you don't know who has died. You give the impression it's a close knit community but that obviously isn't the case which is disappointing.

    1. The church graveyard is the final one in this part of the world which still has plots free..these can be used by villages nearby so there is not always a way of knowing who is getting buried
      I hope this answer disappoints you more you arse

  21. The quaint village lured me in, then the honesty, the humanity and the mood.

  22. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I find you and your blog/your life to be interesting, delightful and very human! I wish you lived next door to me!
    Take Care,

    1. With underpants on the wall on washday?

  23. John. I read your blog because you are a good person doing the best you can in your corner of the world. You understand community and your part of it. You are putting yourself forward towards a new career. You are not perfect, but it is silly that any one expects that of any human being, don't you think? You are yourself, and you don't hesitate to BE yourself. A rare thing in this world.

    1. Yes Debby, I don’t mind flawed
      Flawed is normal
      As long as I’m kind….
      Alongside being flawed

  24. Anonymous10:57 pm

    I enjoy your blog from Chicago. I don’t often comment because blogger wants to mess with my settings have a hard time commenting . You give us a beautiful view of your goings on!

  25. I have read your blog every day for so many years John. You are such an interesting man and I love to meet up with you In print. You and Weaver are true and honest people who I would love to have as face to face friends.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. I’m proud being associated with the goddess weaver

  26. Anonymous11:01 pm

    I read because you are real. Your life reflects mine except you have many more friends and people that love you. Reading your blog makes me feel so not alone.

    1. Having you follow me makes me feel less alone

  27. I was bored one day and was scrolling through the blog header going from one random blog to another and I found your blog. I have been hooked ever since. Back in the day the Ukranian village and Mary the poorly rabbit, Boris the Turkey and some runner ducks as I can sort of remember. Your blog is like reading a James Herriot book to me, not just for the animals but the way it portrays village life and the comings and goings of its characters. Aunty Glad and her scone recipe and her total acceptance of who you were in yourself without judgement. The flower show, the postcard competition. Your relationship with the Prof in happier times and then after when not. Your charity work... zip flying across the sky to raise money for the Hospice (?)supported by many blog readers and villagers. Your lovely doggos and my favourite internet Cat the late beloved Albert. What is not to love. I live my life vicariously through your travels; I'm not at traveller myself and not forgetting your trials and worthwhile wholehearted contribution through the Covid Pandemic. And now your new career that is taking you into the future.

    I'm hooked for as long as your write.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. What a lot of memories
      Mary the rabbit? Wasn’t she a darling?
      I miss those old days too sometimes

  28. You are on my daily read list even though I rarely comment. You make me laugh, cry and question things but I never come away without a kernel of wisdom or a new insight.

  29. Been reading for a few years; I like your honesty. Also your way with words - yesterday's will stay with me and I will quote it at any opportunity: "which in itself couldn’t be more French if it was wrapped in a baguette, covered in Fromage and buried in a pair of Edith Piaf’s knickers". Love from Scotland to you all :) x

    1. I added the knickers
      As if it needed more tickling

  30. I read your blog because it's like a chatty letter from a much-loved friend.. You tell it like it is, no sugar coating. You write the happy, sad, boring, funny and mundane. Your life, in that respect, is like all our lives, but you tell it so well! Thank you. xx

    1. I love you, as well some others have mentioned thtat my blogs are like a letter from a chatty friend

  31. For many reasons I will not get into today, I read because I have not travelled , and I find it soothing to read about folks in a different country and continent that are really not that much different , but interesting still .

  32. I've said it before, John. You elevate the ordinary with your writing.

  33. Anonymous12:21 am

    I am so far removed from your lovely little village, I might as well be on the moon. It enchants me and I'm so grateful that you love and share it with us. I love your writing - your life has so many facets, a wonderful kaleidoscope of activities that are so very different than mine. I also love dogs. Love from Gail in California USA.

    1. I don’t apologise for my portrayal of Trelawnyd
      Im not a documentary xx

  34. Anonymous12:57 am

    I think of you and Pat as dear friends. I can’t explain it but you are important to me and I value your friendship. Jackie

  35. I am a long time reader. Your blog helps me feel and care .....( and hope for the best for you.)
    Linda from Alabama

  36. John, I read your blog every day. It is a view into your world and the village you live in that I find myself drawn to. Your blog tells the story of a life very different than mine. I enjoy your descriptions of life in your village with all the characters that inhabit it. You write well, you're not afraid to talk about your highs and lows, in many ways it is like reading a letter from an old friend. You are lucky to live in a place that has a sense of community, something we lack here in the western US. You have an important role in nurturing that sense of community, because you give a lot of yourself to the village and that helps to make it a welcome place to live. My wife has been writing a blog since we retired in 2006, it is a record of our travels and ordinary things that we do, we use it as a reference for stuff we forget. I look forward to reading you for years to come.

    1. Anonymous7:19 am

      I’m with Jim
      But there are other reasons I’m here.
      I’m a semi closeted elderly gay man
      I wish I wasn’t.
      But I am.
      America is very different in attitudes to gay life, especially when you live away from the coasts.
      I dream I have your strength John.
      I dream that I can walk to the market, or go to Church and refer to my own gayness with the humor you add to everything.
      You remind me of that song in The Showman
      “ This Is Me”


    2. Jimbo
      That was sweet of you
      I’m so glad you visit

    3. Keith
      Thank you for sharing
      Thank u

  37. Anonymous1:35 am

    Years ago a blogger I followed commented about something (sorry I don't remember what) you posted and shared a link. I have been a follower since. I don't comment very often but I start my day here in North Carolina USA reading your blog. I am a 70 yr old great grandma that lives a boring life on our little homestead. In each post it's like I am a neighbor sitting enjoy a cup of coffee at your kitchen table. I can see the dogs nappingbin each of their favorite spots. I'm not worried or embarrassed I have spilt coffee down the front of my sweatshirt that I always seem to wear and is stained anyway. You take me away to a village and other places I will never visit in person but feels like I do everyday. Thank you for making my days brighter and for sharing your little piece of the world and parts of your life with us.

    1. Anonymous7:26 am

      I miss your old posts of chickens and turkeys and ducks , but I admire how you have had to change.
      I am proud of you too.
      You have been polite and dignified when talking about your ex husband and I applaud you for not using the blog as a stick to beat him with.

      Millie ( more old reader )

    2. Millie
      I don’t think he would agree but I think I have
      Thank u

    3. Anon,
      My next home based blog entry is just for you in your homestead …..

  38. I originally came by when Ann Marie (the dear!) recommended I do, when I asked her for bloggers I didn't know who were worth knowing. Now, how an AM be wrong on character? There are lots I like about you. I suppose what I admire most is your perseverance despite the ups and down you keep going - good for you! I feel honored to be among thems who admire you and your work here.

    1. You are my blog god ur-spo
      So I’m touched by this
      Thank u

  39. I give you a lot of credit doing a daily diary-type blog. If I tried such a thing it would just make me more self-conscious than I am, and I'm pretty self-conscious as it is. Really, my every waking moment, I'd be thinking "How will this play on my blog?" I might drive into a ditch just to give myself something to write about! Also, as I live down the street from both an Arby's and a McDonald's, and right across the street from a Sheetz gas station and a Drug Mart, well, that's not exactly a quaint Welsh village. Finally, I think there's a bit more quiet desperation in my life than yours, and I would just come across as whiny. In fact, THIS comment is starting to come across as whiny, so I'll just say happy anniver--wait, you didn't say it was that which prompted this post--just keep up the good work.

    1. “Finally, I think there's a bit more quiet desperation in my life than yours, and I would just come across as whiny. “
      That’s a brave and honest thing to share
      Thank you Kirk xx

  40. I read your blog because "knowing" you makes my life so much better. You exhibit traits that I admire: empathy, humor, curiosity, creativity ( love the art wall); I enjoy so many of the links you share. I have been glued to Mr. Lu all week, thanks to you! And now, several of my friends are watching him, too. That old "pebble in the water" works for ideas, too. Incidentally, I don't have nearly as many friends as you do, but they all know to whom I'm referring when I say something about John's blog.


    1. That’s such a sweet thing to say , I really do appreciate this comment

  41. I read you because you are brave.

  42. I started reading your blog because you had farm animals like I do. But I keep reading because it is fascinating in its topics and your wonderful depiction of your life. Thank you!

    1. I miss the animals , but not the exhaustion that goes with them

  43. Anonymous5:00 am

    Read you every day John keep on blogging?

    1. Sometimes I feel I’ve done enough but then I say NAWWWWW

  44. I started reading your blog because I love to hear about the animals. But it gradually changed and I have realised that I simply enjoy the glimpse of your life and the way you write. Highs and lows. I think everything I feel has been beautifully described by Dan and Fresca.

    Also I like the company of your followers who make it feel as if I have walked into the cottage and visited with friends.

    1. I miss the animals , they are lovely to write about

  45. You are a born writer John

    1. I’m a born storyteller more like x

  46. You are just great John, you teach us such a lot. xxx

  47. Jane from Dorset6:57 am

    I read your blog every morning and think of you as a kind friend who shares life’s ups and downs. You have a gift for capturing everything that life throws at us. Please keep writing, we lose too many friends as we get older.

    1. I seem to gain some, how lucky am I eh?

  48. I found you when I got a Welsh Terrier. I look forward to your posts because your style of writing is very enjoyable. You've caused me to cry with laughter and sadness. I'm very glad you share your thoughts with us. x

  49. You are you, you share honestly and help others.
    Just keep on keeping on x

    1. Oh I’m plodding along …always plodding along

  50. I have kept a chicken blog for about 12 years now. It's a diary of my chicken keeping journey which started out daily and has now become weekly. I found you when you were wearing your chicken hat and had your assortment of animals and from then I was hooked. I love the mundane and the ups and downs and the honesty and the friendship. I love all the comments and the feeling of belonging that I get from reading daily. I too don't always comment but always read. I loved joining in too with the flower show fruit and veg creations and the postcards. I hope you keep going as you would be very much missed.

    1. Oh I remember that chicken you remember when I told off the speeder down the lane when he nearly hit Trevor? And I was wearing that sodden hat at the time ?

    2. That is the very post, the first one of your's that I read. I have followed every day since then.

  51. i don't often comment but i read your blog everyday, it's the first one i look at every time, i love your honesty and i'm genuinely interested in your life xx

    1. I like this answer and I’m shallow enough to appreciate it x

  52. I love the little details; your gift of story telling; your gratitude; your vulnerability; your keen observations; your weakness for Scotch eggs; your familiarity with people like Andre Rieu; and the stories of a real, loving, and imperfect life. And Trelawnyd, which from this distance seems like a village from another time.

  53. Yours is the first blog I read every day. Love it. Jan Bxx

  54. Yorkshire Liz7:55 am

    Delighted to see so much John love in these comments. Because, at the end of the day, that is what we read for, and return for, and delight in. And it is simply called _ John Gray. Simples.

    1. Simply put, I needed this this evening

      Thank you

  55. Traveller8:28 am

    I read you blog because you are a good writer. As Jim said reading your blog is like reading a letter from an old friend. You find humour in the strangest of places, you share the highs and the lows. Your nursing recollections are fascinating and show me a world of which I know nothing.

    Most importantly you don’t take yourself too seriously and you, generally, let people comment

    And of course, the animals. I do miss Albert though, and am rather happy that as I type this, his photo is on the right on the page.

    1. Letters from old friends are often bitty, and written as though you are speaking to each other, so full of mistakes and shortcuts and in jokes

  56. Anonymous11:12 am

    John I love your blog for its humour and you are just real ! Having been a nurse all my life I can see how you too are touched by the humanity and sometimes the dignity of people . Life is not all glam and Botox . Some days are just boring painful and truly awful ! You don’t skip those . Long May you reign John ! C Bernie

  57. I like reading because we're both nurses, the same age, and your sense of humor. You also lay it all out, which is brave. You're a good writer John.

    1. I thank you for that, I’m not a good writer but I do write from the heart x

  58. Anonymous11:55 am

    I call you my friend from Wales. When we were in Grenada, one night at happy hour, two couples from Wales came down from the hotel that they were staying at and asked if they could join all us Yachties. Over the next week we got to know them and before they left they said “if you are ever in Wales look us up” Well three weeks later we decided to go and visit hubbies relatives in Scotland for Hogmanay. All the Yachties said while you are over there you should look up the two couples, who both owned shops in their village. They all wrote Christmas cards for us to deliver to the couples. We arrived at the fish and chip shop at lunchtime, walked in and handed over the cards. Our friend said bloody hell, its good to see you and after lunch hour took us to there home and insisted we stay with them for a Welsh Christmas! We ended up staying with them, going to the pub every night and really enjoying the village. The only thing she asked of me was to iron the aprons that her employees wore in the shop and to wrap her gifts. We became great friends and they came to Canada to stay with us and also came and stayed with us on our Catamaran in Grenada. They ended up selling the shop and moving to Portugal and we lost touch. I have a gay brother who is married and been with his partner for over 50 years, sometimes happily and sometimes not. I hope you will just keep on being the wonderful John Gray, worts and all, love you. Gigi

    1. What a lovely story…it sounds like the start of a romantic film

  59. Anonymous12:46 pm

    For me personally I love imagining the bucolic idyl of a small Welsh village and the idea that amongst it all there are men crushing daubing their manhoods with acrylic paint and proceeding to crush them on canvases

  60. I agree with every word you have said.

  61. You know, some blogs are extremely well-written but can be dry. Yours is well-written and never dry. I can feel your very essence in your words. You write in colors. Do you know what I mean? Always a pleasure to visit here. Always a tiny slice of the life of a very interesting man.

    1. Yes I get that. Sometimes it’s a control thing , many bloggers like their anonymity and that often leeches into blogs being sanitized

  62. You write from the heart with no ulterior motive. Most people respond in kind which is very lovely to be part of. Thank you for sharing your life stories, blogging about living in your beautiful village and all your adventures locally and abroad. Your future is bright.

    1. My future , I hope you are right xx

  63. Anonymous1:36 pm


  64. Anonymous2:38 pm

    John, do not ever change. Being emotionally intelligent you feel and love more than you should, sometimes a curse most of all a blessing. We all get through the best way we can and being so open helps others comes to terms with who they are. I think your new venture was made for you and I think you will be more than good at it. Hugs dear John, Hugs x Pattypanx

    1. Gemini people exhibit advanced empathy which can be a real curse

  65. Anonymous2:58 pm

    Your writer’s ‘voice’ on the page has developed a character I feel I know well. You don’t visit a friend because they are always amusing, or teach you something. You visit them because they are your unique friend. That’s how I feel about you and I visit every day but seldom comment. xo Suz from California

    1. Anonymous4:54 pm

      I’ve not met you but Steve Reed has , as I recall.
      I remember him writing on his blog that you were exactly like he imagined you would be
      Funny and warm

    2. Just how he was anon

  66. Helen3:21 pm

    What does "a sense of arch" mean? I only know 2 meanings of the word arch and they wouldn't be applicable here. (I'm not an intellectual either!)


    1. arch2
      adjective: arch; comparative adjective: archer; superlative adjective: archest
      deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing.
      "a somewhat arch tone of voice"

  67. Keep on trucking John, we love you and your honesty and humour.

  68. As the song goes "Don't go changing , just to please us, we love you just the way you are " , ok, cheesy , but very true xx

    1. Was that Billy?

  69. I too live in a small Welsh village and can associate with the people you mention, I too have dogs and I too love reading about your life. My blog is very impersonal, more a collection of things I want to keep but yours spreads feelings and empathy. I read it every day. x

    1. I’m a secret show off Lisa
      And a gobshite to boot

  70. weaver6:55 pm

    Dear, Dear John. Why do I read you first every day? Because I too live alone, I miss my dog and am too immobile to get another so live through the antics of yours. I too have loved and lost - twice. I really do believe losing a partner to dying is nothing like as hard as losing in the way you did. In both cases we loved until that last breath - to be discarded - as your were - is far harder to bear. I hope all of us regular readers of your blog played our part in helping you through it, in sharing your pain in so far as we could. You have certainly played a huge part in making my life now much richer and I look forward to many more posts to come. Much love dear old friend. Pat x

    1. Your writing has got better and better recently pat and you put me to shame
      Thank you for your support and friendship over the years

  71. That reminds me of that great photo on your blog today in the boat , unrehearsed and candid
    Quite lovely

  72. I read your blog because I enjoy it, I find it interesting and it helps me realise I'm not alone in having up and down days, that it's ok to share the good and the bad in life. Thank you for sharing a slice of your life.

  73. You are my friend, beer on zoom soon?🍺🍷🥂🍹🥃

  74. Lovely praise indeed
    Trolls please note….I am what I am here and in reality

  75. I tell you all what I feel
    And you are right
    But it’s how I feel and what I am

    I love the small bits of life in stories and blogs
    The little facts that move you and make people more human…

  76. Anonymous10:57 pm

    I've never ever commented on a blog before, but I read yours every day and love your attitude to life - I may not agree with everything you say but 99% is great. Long may you continue xx

    1. I don’t agree with everything I say

  77. I love the glimpse into your life and your village. Your blog makes me laugh and makes me cry other days. It also makes me feel not so alone. ♥

  78. Anonymous1:37 pm

    Long time reader, first time commenter. I have no clue how I came across your blog, but it’s been years ago and I try to check in every day.
    I come back here because you are absolutely precious, and I love hearing about your life across the pond.
    At times, I can almost feel your loneliness and I so wish we were friends in real life, but since we are not, here’s a giant virtual hug!
    Keep it up, YOU matter!

  79. Anonymous2:57 pm

    I read your blog most days John , I’m amazed at how much you pack in to your week . I find your writing insightful and you’re a good judge of character. As an ex nurse I like reading about your tales of nursing days . I trained many years ago and at times it was a very scary experience. We had a lot of responsibility placed on very young shoulders. Your animals delight me . Keep on giving us your lovely stories , you cheer me up !
    Sue E x

  80. Krayolakris3:29 pm

    I read it for so many reasons, primarily YOU and your outlook on things. And the animals. The arts. The villagers. Nature. Food. Hope. Kindness. And more. I’m crap at writing.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes