
 Reflective post yesterday 
Today it’s purely practical stuff at University
I’m off early to have some library time
Thank you all for your comments 
The validation was appreciated xx


  1. Anonymous7:40 am

    I wondered what had happened to humility when I read it.

    1. I went to a Convent School and I'm here to inform you none of our nuns were humble types wandering about in quiet corridors rattling rosary beads...they were extroverted opinionated and headstrong...producing gels like Germaine et moi
      ( yep fruit cakes)

    2. We were lucky. I enjoy your blog. I know this is none of my business but I think it would be great if you could meet and form a relationship with an Italian; I think the experience would transform your entire I do hope you will travel to Rome at a future date. Also I know you are very very busy but you might consider learning Italian and the piano at some stage when you complete your degree.

    3. Anonymous10:05 pm

      Me too …it sickening

  2. Sorry I missed yesterday's post (in bed with the lurgy) or I would have commented too.
    Just keep on keeping on x

    1. It was a bit of an emotional romp but that’s ok occasionally

  3. This post is too mundane for my liking.

    1. I’ll add jazz hands

    2. Anonymous10:31 pm

      Best reply ever!!!! Love it

  4. Enjoy your library time - I used to do more people watching than work ;)

  5. Joan (Devon)9:49 am

    I also missed last night's post as I went to bed early after a tiring day of painful struggling. I honestly don't know why I read your posts every day, but I keep coming back for more. Don't change John, I like you just as you are, kind, loyal, dependable, with many interests and many stories to tell.

    1. I hope the pain has deminished today

  6. Explore the mind today.

    1. Didn’t we just , the nightmares of IT

  7. Feed your mind and soul today, but don't forget to feed your belly, too! Lol. xx

    1. Leek and cheese pie with chips and gravy

  8. sillygirl12:32 pm

    I enjoy your blog because you share your honest self with me and also let me see life in your village. I am a married straight female, 80 years old in body but not in mind, supportive of all with different lifestyles and believe there is no "other" - we are all just "us". The last is the most important thing and I think you are of like mind. That is why I enjoy your blog.

  9. I missed yesterday's post and am sorry I didn't get to add my love to all the wonderful comments. I think you are terrific, John! xx

  10. Oh, the many, many years of my life spent in libraries!

  11. I seem to have missed yesterdays post, also, due to daily issues that needed to be addressed. Having read it today, and all of the comments, I, too, am relieved that you are going to continue to blog. I am inclined to agree with your many followers that the Welsh life and your pets, your friends, your neighbors and your career are all things of interest to me and I look forward to your posts every day and would miss them very much. I love your honesty and your writing style and although a cat lover, enjoy the various antics of each of your dogs and miss Albert very much. Ranee (MN) USA

    1. Renee, that’s very kind of you , and the validation , even though I asked for it, was much welcomed

  12. I've read your blog since almost the beginning. First captured by the animals and farming stories, like a daily James Herriot installment. Then as things evolved--14, 15? years of Going Gently!--reading each morning is like checking in w a dear [if imaginary] friend. A friend who is inspiring, intelligent, and usually kind. [sorry I missed your post last night].

    lizzy x

    1. Yes lizzy , you are one of the old guard , still with me, and I really appreciate it

    2. thank you John. I don't comment much now but read every day and care about you. best wishes, you'll be a wonderful counselor [is that the same as what we call a therapist? Will you specialize --grief, end of life issues, life in a tiny town?

  13. weaver3:43 pm

    Very best wishes and much love - enjoy every minute of student life!!

  14. It's your voice, John. Your writing voice. You share the details of a real life, warts and all (mostly "all!"), and your personality and character come through. It really is like reading a letter from a friend, not a sanitized version. Your blog is top of my revolving (in that it rises to the top whenever someone updates) directory list, and I'm always pleased to see a daily entry from you.

    1. I’m pleased with this, I always wanted the blog to sound chatty
      It’s that friendly chatter I love to read on others’ blogs

    2. Traveller9:54 pm


  15. Barbara anne5:26 pm

    I, too, missed yesterday's wonderful post so have just read it. I come back day after day for your wonderful humor, turn of phrase, experieces (some new to me, others - like nursing - are familiar) Up or down, flush or skint, you're a deliight! Wish I'd found you 17 years ago, but better late ...
    Enjoy today and every day that brings you a step closer to being a qualified counselor.
    New computer soon, so hope I'll be able to see what I'm writing!


  16. The only thing I would change on your blog - and I don't know how you manage to keep it endlessly fresh and entertaining - is the header. I am bored sick of the chickens. Roderick

    1. I’m trying to get a photo big enough

  17. Anonymous6:22 pm

    What a lovely photo of Roger. He really is adorable.

  18. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Oh no, the chickens are back! More Roger and your furry family please.

  19. weaver7:53 am

    Sorry John I can't read small print on black background - am having a cataract removed next Wed so hopefully better after that. And a tearful plea - where have my chickens gone - I looked forward to their perky faces every morning? x


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes