Check in on those around you | #WorldMentalHealthDay πŸ’›πŸ’š #youarenotalone


  1. Oh, John, you've made me cry again! For all those who didn't get help; for all the friends and families who feel guilt that they didn't know what was happening; for all the lonely people. Thank you for reminding me that it's not always obvious when someone is struggling. Just letting someone know you're there to listen is so important. xx

  2. A new image at the top too. My son Max is taking a slide backwards since the break up with his latest girlfriend. He is still looking for stability in others.

  3. My mental health would be much improved if you could change the colouring of the lettering in your new header picture. I love the Gormley "field" picture but I think the lettering would be better in white.

    1. I’m trying YP I’m trying

    2. Yes. You are very trying my friend! "Going Gently" in white looks much better - now please make the Margo Channing quote white too!

    3. I second those points

    4. Good! The quotation is now white and my mental health is back on an even keel!

    5. Now my mental health is up the swanee again as you are back to those bloody chickens and the white lettering no longer looks right. Stop messing with my mind man!

  4. off topic I loved the chickens, why are they gone? They were your blog identity, how sad.

    Mental health issues, still a stigma, I think, as are many illnesses and disabilities. Even normal life experiences like aging or being single/ loneliness are treated negatively. My opinion is from experience. Not saying that that is right or useful.


    1. Your blog, your choice, but just bec one reader said it was old hat doesn't mean that is the case. They always make me smile. Worse, the black ground is super hard to read even on my large monitor. fyi

    2. Love the header photo, they made me cry when I saw them fill a gallery floor. (Don't like white print on black background by the way.)

  5. So easy to hide it because most people don't truly look

  6. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Please no black background, very hard for old eyes to read. Like the chickens. Gigi

  7. It's hard to read white lettering on a colored background. Any chance this is only a temporary thing?

  8. Well I never saw that coming! Made me very teary as I lost a close family member to suicide and we would never have thought at the time that would happen either. Looking back the signs were there.... we just missed them.

    Jo in Auckland

  9. Just want to add my two pennies worth. Orange is my favourite colour but on the black it looks quite jarring. And I love the chooks too; more apt to village life. But then your new header picture screams of another side of you which is artsy... Your choice but harder to reconcile with village life.

    Jo in Auckland.

  10. Yes we can truly be "not waving but drowning". Heartbreaking.

  11. Anonymous6:19 am

    Fluorescent colours and black background are depression triggers

  12. That video brought a lump to my throat. I too loved the chicken header but am glad to see you still have the photo on your side bar. I too find the new colours harder to read. When I mentioned your chicken hat a few posts ago you replied asking if I remembered the incident with Trevor. That was the exact first post I read and I have followed every day since then.

  13. Anonymous7:52 am

    Oh my!

  14. Oh John that is SO much better. Easy to read once more and pleasing on the eye x

  15. Mental health issues are not a death sentence but they can be if left untreated. Those who I personally have reached out to in one way or another about mental health reacted much like I did when the subject was broached with me. I denied there was anything wrong for almost four years. It took the introduction of a proposal by the board of directors of my own company to have me removed as the president and chairman of the board of directors. To stop the proposal from being placed on the table for a vote I had to agree to see a psychiatrist and be evaluated and a report presented to the board. I hated the weekly sessions but something happened one day that deeply touched me. A man who I played Scrabble with every Wednesday evening for twenty plus years was found dead in his home. The cause was death by suicide. He was kind enough to leave a note which include a message for me. He apologized for missing our regular Scrabble game and that he hoped I would find someone soon to replace him. He went onto say that he was however very concerned that his death would send me into even a deeper depression than the one that I was already suffering from. Well, that sure as hell knocked the wind out of my sails. After being informed of what my friend had written to me I closed my office door and I immediately called my psychiatrist's emergency number. I guess I blurted out "Am I depressed? Do I need help? I can remember him saying "Oh thank God, I thought you would never ask!" At that point I was unraveling and not sure what I was happening to me. The doctor said to stay put in my office and he would meet me there in 20 minutes. My life changed drastically for the better because of the words a dead man had written in his suicide note. Today my depression is far less severe and unfortunately it will be with me for the rest of my life. I work at improving my depression by helping others to overcome theirs. Trigger now has a whole new meaning to me and I have learned what my triggers are. Mental health issues are often very complicated but you need not fear them. Ask your doctor or someone you feel you can trust "Am I depressed?" That simple question could save your life and possibly that of others you care about. For me mental health problems meant that I was admitting that I was crazy and would be abandoned by everyone I cared for. I thought it was a death sentence but it is not. There is help, free help, privacy protected help at your fingertips. I hope that my giving witness from my own experiences here in John's blog might help save someone who is having difficulty coping with life in general and don't realize what is wrong. Just say "I need help" like I did and help will find it's way to you.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. I suffered twice from post natal depression, and was scared to ask for help because I feared my babies would be taken from me. (The sensible part of my head told me that didn't happen nowadays, but the depressed part was irrational.) It took me over a year each time to find my way out of that dark tunnel into the light. I hope you step into the light for good, very soon. xx

    2. Barbaraa Anne1:31 pm

      Hugs from afar, Woody.

  16. I am not a fan of the changes to your blog page . It's your blog and for some reason you have decided that you need to make a change in it same as you are doing in your personal life. But to me and after all these years those chickens , those quirky, beautiful and inquisitive, funny birds are the essence of John Gray. A field of Gormley figures isn't and doesn't represent life in and about a Welsh village. It just ain't you and it is lacking alot. Personally it upset my vision and I got a migraine headache from trying to read it. I am just commenting because I agree with most of the other constructive comments that have been made. Ok back to lurking and peeping.

  17. WOW! That change to the background sure gave it a whole new feeling. Now back to bed and sleepy time for me.

  18. Yorkshire Liz10:40 am

    Sorry, John, have to agree with the others, the header pic looks like lumpy overcooked crumble and infers the blog is tribal and anonymous in a crowd rather than the quirky individuality we know and love.
    The black and orange and white type combine to be hard to read and is triggering.
    Aa for checking in on of the simplest things to do is just smile at others in the street. These days not enough people simply acknowledge others that come within their orbit, especially the elderly, who tend to feel invisible because of being treated as such.

  19. A nice compromise on the header/background/text thing. I thought my laptop was on the blink when I first saw the black background! I love the Gormley figures, but the chickens are more you. (Don't mean you're a chicken in any respect, just many of us associate you with your various animals.) xx

  20. Really meaningful post. Change the format and background however you want, the content is great.

  21. It's your blog so set it up the way you like! I'll keep coming back to it!

  22. That certainly was a powerful video. The ending pointed out things that people frequently miss. Thanks for posting it.

  23. Barbara Anne1:30 pm

    I love your blog, it's content, you,and the dogs and feel great afffection for many of your neighbors but I have to say the bazillion orange creatures onon the sidebars are jarring andd far, far too busy - IMHO, of course.


  24. Support systems around mental health are sorely needed. There should be no stigma. As friends and neighbors, acts of small kindness go a long way and are beneficial to all.

  25. But the blue was so right John x


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