Sod’s Law


The only straight through train to London was cancelled at the last minute.
We were on it. 
Managed to get to Crewe where we didn’t follow the crowds battling for the Euston trains and jumped on an empty delayed train which means we should get to the Opera house in time for supper
Hey fucking ho


  1. Yorkshire Liz2:59 pm

    This run of bad luck travelling is getting ridiculous and straining credibility. Have you thought of taking up long distance cycling to get round it? :D

  2. It's nice when your sister can also be your carer.

  3. Do you ever get the feeling that someone doesn't want you to travel? Bugger, bugger and damn! xx

  4. Argh! The trains are really a mess these days. Was this related to strike action?

  5. I hope you made it despite the help of public transportation.

  6. Anonymous4:34 pm

    You are very lucky to have your sister on hand to care for you just in case of accident or illness

  7. Hope you get there OK, and thanks for restoring black print!!

  8. Anonymous4:59 pm

    You’ve got to be kidding, not again. You seem to have the worst luck with transportation. I hope the alternate route got you there on time. I always heard British trains were so good. Is all this because of Brexit?

    1. Anonymous8:27 pm

      "I always heard British trains were so good"... Who on earth told you that!? Can't have been a recent traveller. Highly delay-prone and highly expensive (Andrew S.)

  9. After the transportation hassle, I hope you & your sister have a wonderful time at the theatre and enjoy your time in London.
    Be well, John dear.

  10. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Good luck with the rest of the journey. I was so frustrated with trains during July visit …worried about being stranded somewhere and not getting back to London. Jean in winnipeg

  11. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Your sister is the perfect florence nightingales for your day trips giving up her time to escort you and care for your needs on a special day out <3 <3 is she a trained carer?

  12. Barbara Anne6:30 pm

    Damnation! It's always something and that's just no fair.
    Hope you two got to the opera with time to spare.


  13. Hope the rest of your journey went smoothly and you have a great time x

  14. weaver6:37 pm

    Welcome back chickens you dear old (very by now) things.

  15. Damn... what is it with travel and you.... your luck surely must change shortly! I hope you made your Opera.

    Jo in Auckland

  16. What's with these trains? Reliability seems to have gone out the window.

  17. I like your new (blog) look!

  18. Anonymous9:58 pm

    I'm glad the chickens are back. They begin my day with a smile. Love from Gail in California USA

  19. You really do have the worst travel luck of anyone I've ever known. You might need to visit an exorcist to get whatever demon is causing all this to be cast from you.
    (You know I'm kidding, I hope.)

  20. The trains sure do have an awful “track” record. Nice you were in such good company.


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