Don Quixote


I have a new favourite ballet.
The joyous, warm, beautifully danced Don Quixote at the Royal Opera House
It’s a pure delight..and the leads Marianela Nuñez and Vadim Muntagirov were adorable
And I was in tears when the old knight rode off into the Spanish sunset on his donkey waved away by a score of cheerful villagers
Of course , my run of bad travel look couldn’t continue , and Janet and I arrived for supper at the Opera house dead on time. 
I adored booking the balcony restaurant as we had a place to go back to during intervals to sip a cocktail and to drink coffee.
It was lovely and the perfect backdrop, dinner and ballet for Janet to experience on her first visit.


  1. Traveller10:58 pm

    Sounds like a wonderful evening.

  2. Sounds lovely, and the dish looked delicious. Some operas make me weep too.

  3. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Happy you got to London on time to have a wonderful meal and great performance of Don Quixote. I do love ballet although I don’t go anymore. Gigi

  4. What a great date you are!

  5. Despite the train drama, all went perfectly for you and Janet. The performance sounds fantastic. Dinner-theater is always wonderful.

  6. Barbara Anne11:50 pm

    I'm glad to hear that the opera was wonderful and that you and Janet arrived on time. Whew! W What a glorious idea to have the restaurant booking. Perfect!!


  7. Nice to do it in style. What a lovely treat for your sister.

  8. Anonymous12:20 am

    What fun! Would love to know what was for dinner!


  9. That sounds truly wonderful. Good for you!

  10. Anonymous12:42 am

    It looks wonderful. Your sister looks lovely, beautiful outfit. Jean in Winnipeg.

  11. Sounds like the perfect outing!

  12. What a nice experience for you both!I saw Don
    Quixote the play on Broadway in New York City and found it to be very moving. . Mary

  13. Is one of the songs "The Impossible Dream"? Oh, wait, that wasn't an opera, but there WAS music.

    1. Yorkshire Liz6:27 am

      That was from the musical Man Of La Mancha. Same story, different version.

  14. That all sounds wonderful. Lucky you both.

  15. A wonderful evening! Sometimes, adding something extra special to the booking takes the whole experience to another level. Your sister looks lovely.

  16. Just had to google to find out who wrote the music. Turned out to have been one Ludwig Minkus - and first performed Moscow 1869. If I'd been asked that on any of my four appearances on Radio 4's 'Counterpoint' (1997 & 2001) I'd have been sunk. But you'd have seen the brand new production choreographed by Carlos Acosta, for which I've now turned green with envy. An occasion to be etched in your memory long-lasting. Well done!

  17. What a superb night - fabulous food, a great setting and a wonderful ballet. And the best of company. You did your sister proud. The drama of getting there will have made it even more special.
    I'm so happy for you both.

  18. Yorkshire Liz6:25 am

    Finally! Lovely photos, and all very atmospheric perfect memories of a memorable day. Doesn't your sister look wonderful? So pleased you both had such a super day; you both deserve it so much.

  19. So glad you made it and had a wonderful evening, despite the transport system trying it's best to mess it up.

  20. A perfect evening.

  21. Fabulous memories, and you'll both laugh about the transport chaos - one day! xx

  22. Glad to hear things went well,

  23. Anonymous11:44 am

    There should be a little Don Quixote in all of us! Gigi

  24. Anonymous11:58 am

    you take your nursing aide to the opera in london??? lucky woman

  25. Yorkshire Liz12:52 pm

    Hello Anonymous. You appear to be either on the wrong planet or the wrong blog. So off you pop.

    1. Anonymous5:36 pm

      Apart from her name John doesn't make it clear on this post who the woman is. There's no need for you to be so rude so off you pop too.

  26. I'm glad it worked out so well and you both had a wonderful time, John!

  27. This makes me so happy (but not as happy as you I'll bet). Janet has a GREAT face!

  28. wow, that all looks amazing. I'm glad your day improved.

  29. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful evening! Janet looks like she was enjoying herself to the fullest. So glad you & Janet had a marvelous time!

  30. Anonymous5:37 pm

    What's on the plate? It looks like slop!

  31. Polenta I do declare 🍛

    1. Anonymous1:33 pm

      just what we didn't need, input from flis

  32. This sounds so wonderful !
    Let there be cake !

  33. Anonymous8:10 am

    How lovely I went to see my first ballet concert last month,swan lake so lovely

  34. The only time I've seen this ballet was by a group of men in drag (I forget the name of the troupe, they were quite serious in their satire). The removed the character of Don Quixote explaining he tends to just get in the way most of the time.


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