Mr Lu

 I’m sat I’m my underpants eating baked beans out of the tin. 
It’s just after 2 pm and I will be returning to bed shortly after the dogs have had a run and a wee.
It’s a lazy blog today,I’m sure you won’t mind, but( in my view) it’s an interesting one because it’s not all about me…lol 
Mr Lu posts regularly on tiktok. 
He’s a serious young Chinese man who lives in the sticks.
His simple videos are all about his life renovating an old Chinese farmhouse and a construction of a lagoon and traditional summerhouse in its grounds.
It’s an unhurried fascinating watch into a time sort of long gone and I’ve followed him for months now as the house has been transformed into a rustic, homemade piece of art. 


  1. Barbara Anne1:47 pm

    Thank you for sharing Mr Lu with us. His work and methods are so calming.
    Wising you well on this last night shift for a while. Hope all is calm and bright.


  2. I don't use Tik Tok, but I found him on Youtube; lovely segment of him scrubbing two funny wee puppies with a washing up brush :)

  3. I love the latch for the gate. It took me a while to see what he was making. Yes, this is great asmr watching. Such hard work, though.

  4. Mr. Lu does excellent work. Transforming a property is no easy task. I love Mr. Lu's old world methods of construction. His home and garden efforts are done with great care and love. His aesthetic is beautiful.

  5. Anonymous2:07 pm

    What time wasting things you find to watch! Do you watch such things when you're lonely? If you had a partner would you still spend hours looking at a screen watching stuff like that? You must waste hours and hours scrolling through rubbish to find something you think is worth watching.

    1. Oh just fuck off miserable cunt.

    2. And clearly you waste many hours with dick comments such as this. What a sad, miserable creature you are.

    3. Watching someone of talent and patience recreate something beautiful is never a waste
      It’s a joy

    4. Traveller5:44 pm

      Agree John. Watching an expert is a joy. Bricklayers, someone planing wood, wood turning, thrown a pot, making dumpling with the correct number of folds, sheep shearing, thatching a roof, the list is endless

    5. John, I don't know why you don't just remove that comment. It's pure nastiness.

    6. Anonymous1:09 pm

      Kirk he likes the reactions of the readers, that's why. Needs the "oh you're so wonderful John and anon is so nasty" kind of thing.

    7. Kirk it’s not nastiness it’s calculated and game playing the commentator is pretending to be nasty , they think they are doing me a favour

  6. Loved it! So good to see someone literally making their house. Thanks for introducing me to Mr Lu. xx

  7. Anonymous2:47 pm

    Life in the slow lane ❤️ … this triggered a need to see more of Mr Lu … not a TikTok watcher either but his whole journey is here on youtube …
    Gill (Canada)

    1. Thanks for the link. And, thanks, John, for the glimpse. It’s amazing what people can do and this talented young man is a fine example. I’ll check out the YouTube. He is motivational and inspiring in the TikTok clip. Have a good day.

  8. Your first line had me hooked! Mr Lu is an industrious young man. I enjoy finding out about people from different cultures. I sometimes watch the news channel NHK World Japan that features Japan Railway Journal, People's lives and work places, Tokyo's fresh food markets etc. I sound like a tourist guide!

  9. John, I want to thank you for sharing Mr Lu.

  10. One of my least favorite foods — baked beans. And straight out of the tin no less! SG loves them that way, too. Great video. I love these do-it-yourselfers.

    1. Traveller5:45 pm

      Same here….loathe baked beans but really like beans in chilli etc

  11. All those speeded-up bits detract from the zen-like quality of his videos. But to be fair, what's the alternative?

  12. He wore me out. 😄

  13. I'm hooked and I've only watched him for five minutes, thanks for the heads up John.

  14. Anonymous5:50 pm

    " I’m sat in my underpants eating baked beans out of the tin". That is hilarious! Now I am off to watch Mr. Lu. Jackie

  15. Loved watching Mr Lu and his gentle endeavors that gate latch is a simple masterpiece. I did note that there was not a lot of eye protection going on when he was removing cement from those breeze blocks nor any mask; clearly PC hasn't gone mad there at all.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. He has a lovely stylish and simple way of doing things

  16. Anonymous8:38 pm

    I've been watching Mr Lu for a few months too but on YouTube not TikTok. I think he's so hard working and talented. I found his first video when his grandfather's house was a wreck and have watched them all now. Ruth

  17. Goodness, I wonder where Mr. Lu learned to do all of those things. It is interesting to watch him work.
    Hope your week goes well, John.

  18. A nice watch but did Mr Lu really have to chop that tree down?

    1. There are lots around him to be fair YP

  19. Anonymous10:14 pm

    I take time everyday to watch a guy restoring a convent in France

  20. I can't get the video to play..but I can imagine him working..and the satisfaction of doing it, plus the results.

    1. I would recommend joining tiktok it’s a fascinating watch

  21. I can understand your enjoyment. Nice short videos too.

  22. That was so interesting. I found the speeded up bits strange at the beginning but soon got used to them.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes