
 I sound like a seven year old boy.
I had to cancel a pub visit later with my oldest friend Sue. She has the ponies and lost one recently on the road at the top of the village. The pub visit was supportive. I can’t go, I can’t speak 
We have rescheduled for Tuesday. 
Coincidentally her brother delivered a massive big of logs this morning. 
I couldn’t talk to him properly either . 
Usually I would have put them all under cover this afternoon but I haven’t the energy 
I went back to bed at 11am but couldn’t sleep.
Islwyn has felled the dead ash tree in the graveyard and his chainsaw has been noisy 
Storm Babet is expected , he said, and he’s fearful the ash could collapse on his churchyard shed.
I’m drinking lemsip now
I need to go out for an extra tutorial , the one I rescheduled from Monday. I’m covid free and will wear a mask but I need to go, no matter how stupid I sound. 
I missed university all day yesterday.
It’s not like me I’ve eaten nothing today.
Dorothy has made the day a lot worse.
She has an itchy bum and left a foot long skid mark on my white duvet cover.
I haven’t the inclination to strip the bed as yet


  1. Sounds like you're having quite the day so far. I hope that lemsip helps!

  2. Lemsip should be helpful for the sore throat . Also, a good batch of chicken soup would be good. Try to keep up your balanced nutrition.

    1. I need some Jewish penicillin

    2. I wish I could send you some matzoball soup from the kosher deli. It's a true comfort and cure.

    3. I’ve never tried it , but would love to

  3. Barbara Anne1:25 pm

    So sorry to feel so rotten and have no voice. What an annoying bother. Might you need to see the doctor in case it's strep throat or a treatable misery of some other sort?
    We take Thera-flu with lemon when we're sick like you are.

    Hugs from afar!

    1. I think it’s just the virus

    2. There are only Thursday and Friday in the working week, so perhaps you sould touch base with your doctor so you're not worse (for lack of tx) over the weekend. Just sayin' ...


  4. I must read more slowly, I read Islwyn fell dead, before I re-read it correctly! Sounds like you're having the day from hell. My husband swears by Lemsip, can't stand the stuff myself. I hope it works its miracle for you. Get well soon - that's an order! xx

  5. Yorkshire Liz2:37 pm

    Lemsip is indeed like Marmite. I feel it works for me, but to my daughter it is a devil's brew. Real honey and lemon, with hot water and a slug of alcohol, is probably the best. Try not to push yourself too hard - it only means it takes longer to get better. Time of year illness, I'm afraid. Get well soon.

  6. Anonymous2:48 pm

    Poor you.
    It sounds like Dorothy needs her anal glands emptying.

  7. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Your beard and tache look tidier than usual but what the hell are you wearing? Looks like something for a 6 year old.

    1. Charming
      What the fuck are u wearing

    2. Traveller7:33 pm

      At the moment my Kevin the Carrot pigmig top!

    3. Traveller8:21 pm

      And my Kevin the carrot pigmig bottoms underneath an old thin Etihad pigmig bottom.

  8. Anonymous2:54 pm

    Hope you feel better soon. Dogs, we cant live without them but sometimes….have an old boy with incontinence at the moment so sympathise. It’s horrible not to feel up to doing anything, look after yourself, hugs, noreen

  9. I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Well, lemonsip sounds nice. I changed SG's duvet cover today. The cats left skid marks. I'm sure they can't compare to Dorothy. Blech!

    1. Dorothy’s looks like runway one at Heathrow airport

  11. What a hellish day. I hope you feel much better soon.

    1. I’m going to have a day in bed tomorrow

  12. You do look great, groomed face hair and no funky glasses. I like the tee shirt. Sorry you feel bad, price to pay for crowds in theaters and trains.

    1. The glasses follow me everywhere I’m sure they were perched on the top of my head

  13. Anonymous5:42 pm

    Trimmed up beard looks much better. Hope you are on the up and up soon. I had the crud last month and it lasted for two weeks. I let everything slide and am only now getting caught up with laundry, plant watering, dusting etc. still feel quite tired. Look after yourself John.

    1. I’m on nights Thursday and Friday so fingers crossed

  14. weaver6:06 pm

    Which dog behind you? Love the beard - how white it has grown - very sexy

    1. It’s Mary , Roger is in the front

  15. I hadn't heard of Lemsip before but it sounds good for what ails you.

    1. A panacea for all ills combine with hot water, honey , fresh lemon juice and whiskey if u have some

    2. Anonymous6:09 am

      Lemsip also has paracetamol in it.

  16. I thought I looked rough

  17. Mary D8:20 pm

    Nice photo,you look good in it ! Hope you are feeling better soon

  18. I have never heard of lemsip. Does it work as well without the booze? I don't drink alcohol. Hope you fee better soon, John.

  19. Alcohol makes you feel better

  20. We LOVE Lemsip. I'm amazed it isn't sold in the states.

    Oh, Dorothy! Such terrible manners!

  21. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Tia Maria.

  22. Did you have your Flu jab?

  23. Anonymous5:45 am

    My tip: Fresh grated ginger mixed with fresh lemon juice. Make it up and keep it in a jar in the fridge. Couple of teaspoons every day mixed with hot water. Take from October to March/April. Hoping you feel better soon!

  24. Hope you are starting to feel better. I am struggling too at the moment with a horrible cold with the worst sneezing fits I've ever had. Negative covid test. Think I will try the suggested recipes.

  25. Oh Lord, animals living inside. Sooner or later it will involve poop where you don't want it. (We had many cats over the years when we had carpet, and burned up 3 or 4 steam cleaners!) Have a friend who calls this sort of illness "the flux" and it sure does sound like it! Be well, John!

  26. Anonymous11:48 am

    Love lemsip, and agreed it's even better with a slug of something alcoholic in it. Get well very soon x
    Alison in Wales x

  27. Rest and take care of yourself.


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