
 A few days ago I contacted Rachel to see if Israeli blogger Yael was ok. 
She told us that she was safe
I emailed a Yael myself too and have just got a message saying she was ok
It feels more real to hear from her in person
What an awful time


  1. Anonymous11:06 pm

    What an awful time . . .

  2. Anonymous12:17 am

    it IS awful, beyond belief...... for everyone. Breaks my heart...... glad your friend is safe
    Susan M/ Calif.

  3. Thank you for the update. I've been thinking about Yael every day and am glad to know she and her family are ok. The situation seems still pretty grim. I pray for things to get better soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you Yael.

  4. What a horrible time there, and getting worse it seems. Who knows what to do...both sides are intractable, neither take responsibility for the thousands of deaths, both blame the other.
    Blame is what a country, or person, does when they don't want to accept they have some responsibility...and here, both have that.
    I wish I could see an out for the thousands of innocents in Gaza, but I don't. It seems they are at the mercies of two groups who don't care if they live or die.

    1. I’ll never quite get my head around what is happening

  5. That whole situation is just horrific.

  6. Barbara anne3:40 am

    So sad for all and so very unnecessary if those cruel and evil people in Hamas would stay home and work to help their people.
    I'm glad to hear that Yael is still safe. May she stay safe.


  7. Am very glad your friend is still ok. These are terrible and terrifying times.

  8. Thanks John and everyone else showing their support. We are under missile attack all the time. I don't know how well the media describes the massacre and horror that Hamas has done here in many localities. They hurt babies, children and people in the most unimaginably cruel way. There are no equal sides here. It is important to understand that Hamas is ISIS and the danger is great not only for us. I hope I will get out of this safely. Me and my children and grandchildren who are very close to the line of fire. Thanks to everyone who expresses support and understands that this time is an unusual situation.

    1. I remember reading your blog... So glad to know you are safe.

    2. Thinking of you all and sending my love and heartfelt wishes for your safety and a speedy end to the horror. Stay safe. xxx

    3. Yael, barbaric acts are indeed being relayed onto our screens. Horrific. Thinking of you.

    4. I’m thankful you are ok Yael .I hope the conflict ends very soon
      Take care of yourself xxx

    5. Sending thoughts and hopes for a resolution soon x

    6. Anonymous11:52 am

      I also send love and good wishes to you all. MarisAna

  9. Not familiar with this blogger but glad she's safe.

    1. Kirk , Yael is a gentle, thoughtful blogger with a big heart

  10. It's got beyond anything we'd even feared might happen. Truly DREADFUL!!!

  11. Tracy8:00 am

    Glad to hear that you are safe Yael.

  12. Truly heart breaking. Wishing you safety and peace Yael x

  13. We're all thinking of Yael and hoping for the continued safety of her and her family. The situation is dreadful.

  14. Anonymous10:29 am

    Hope for continued safety for Yael and her friends and family. Its a truly horrible situation. Gigi

  15. Oh, good. I'm glad to hear it. I'd wondered about her too.

  16. weaver12:27 pm

    Dear John - thinking of others as usual. Good to hear of Yael - would that we could all live in peace.

  17. A few days before the initial attack I rewatched footage of 9/11. Seeing the fear and terror from back then I can't even imagine what Israel is going through now.

  18. Yael updates her blog when she can and it is most helpful to hear she is safe and what is going on there. It's a horrible situation. Here's her blog: http://yuliyamoreorless.blogspot.com/

  19. This is such a terrible thing. Michael's cousin, who he considers a sister, lives in Haifa. Michael has been worried sick. He has heard from her, and she's okay.

  20. Thank you for this very welcome message!


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