

I’ve been asleep all day but after taking the dogs to Dyserth this morning I posted on the village website that the bends down the hill have been flooding fast .I’ve just checked the website and see flooding is more widespread. 43 of the closed schools in north Wales are in Flintshire ( my county) and closer to home Helen Papworth has posted that her and Ian may be cut off soon in their house down the lane from me.
I took this photo at 10 am to show how despressing and dark it was
The youth club has been cancelled too. 
I’m going to work, I cannot afford any more sick time and the worst of my cold is over. I tested negative for covid and will wear a mask tonight, but I’m sure that won’t stop my troll having a Stoke at the thought of it all.
It’s been a horrid week since Sunday, and I’ve not had a proper conversation for most of that time, horrible echos of lockdown haunt me today
I’m going to have another couple of hours in bed


  1. Don't know about a mask, you might need flippers and swimming goggles! Definitely one of those days that brings back the smell of wet gaberdine and wellies in the school cloakroom. Stay safe and I hope the lurgy starts to leave you alone. xx

  2. It is a depressing kind of day today. We seem to have missed the worst of the flooding over here but it has been dark and dismal all day. Our lights have been on just so that we can see to make tea/coffee. I am just over the Covid I brought home with me from our holiday so I sympathise with you on your bout of nastiness. Hope things perk up soon.

  3. The horrid weather on top of everything else certainly does not help. My favorite uncle always said: "This too will pass." Hold that thought.

  4. Anonymous3:36 pm

    Sending you lots of love and good wishes. I am sure your colleagues will be glad to see you back and being with other people will cheer you up. Keep warm and make sure you eat properly-comfort foods are the order of the day!I hope you aren't affected by the flooding.

  5. Barbara Anne3:38 pm

    It's good to hear you're on the mend but won't be surprised if you continue to be fatigued as that seems to be the norm.
    Hope none of the roads you use to get to an from work are flooded. It's a day to 'take the high road' indeed.


  6. Like happy hooker says, a swimming mask might be more appropriate. Better than the halloween one you were going to wear.

  7. I hope the flooding will not affect you. You have enough on your plate as it is, what with getting over that cold.

  8. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Maybe you need a row boat instead of Bluebell! Pace yourself tonight. Gigi

  9. I would probably be feeling like Job. "Oh god. And now this?"

  10. Krayolakris6:15 pm

    Wishing you rapid recovery. The gloomy weather is here too but not flooding. Seeing a few people wearing masks in the shops gives me pause and flashbacks of quarantine etc. World news is impossible anymore. So sending you virtual hugs and fishes and they say. You have lovely neighbors such as Trendy Carol, albeit no Russel Crowe.

  11. Anonymous6:17 pm

    Look out for the flooding John looks pretty bad out there,take care x

  12. This is my first time visiting with you and I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay. My parental grandfather's family came from Wales and my husband's ancestors came from Scotland. I like the picture on your sidebar that says "I heart Scotch Eggs"...it's something we have every Christmas morning...and our daughter has made it a part of her family's Christmas tradition. Praying for safety from the flooding there.

    1. Welcome Dianna nice to have you aboard xx

  13. Best hibernate while you can and stay safe. I didn't realise that North Wales was getting affected so much by the storm. We are on the Isle of Lewis at the moment and are mainly getting high winds

  14. Yorkshire Liz8:08 pm

    You know the weather is always grim when you are getting over something horrible, don't you? Weather also bad up here in West Yorkshire, non stop heavy rain for 15 hours, the sky as black as night all day, and three very disgusted dogs not wanting to leave the settee. Remember that old song (Mitch Murray) called Don Came The Rain...where the singer is almost hysterical by the end? That is the whole UK - but especially NE Scotland - today. Wellies best foot forward!

  15. weaver8:15 pm

    Don't go dashing about like a bull at a gate John - slow and steady wins the race you know. xx

  16. I thought that photo was of you in your Halloween costume! Sure scared me!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hoping you awakened feeling better, had a quiet night at work, and encountered no flooded roadways.
    Stay safe, John dear.

  19. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Holding a good thought for your safe travel to and from work and on-going recovery. Flannel sheets and a warm rice bag to heat up your bed might help too.


  20. Yes, take care of yourself. I hope the flooding in your area wasn't too severe.

  21. flis🚩🚩3:26 pm

    🚩John - Can you please find out who is stalking me - I am very concerned as today at 1.26 - They say they are looking into my firewalls - This is very frightening x


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