Drying Your Bra

 Small disasters often make a few days away, funny and memorable.
I thought our train cancellation was unfortunate and symbolic of the bad luck I’ve had all this year with travel plans but after some judicious train swaps we made our superb supper reservation at the Opera House with two minutes to spare.   
Our hotel was the bijou hotel Mimi’s in soho. 
It’s central, and much cheaper than even the basic travelogues, but the rooms are comfortable ( if small) and the coffee good.
My room resembled a small, very smart one berth caravan 
Janet’s room sprang a leak through the ceiling at 4 am and the leak soaked her suitcase .
Unbeknown to me she had organised a change of rooms and had spent a merry few hours drying her bra and knickers with a hairdryer ( a video I thankfully missed because I was fast asleep)

Janet’s not a complainer but I am and I managed to get back a hefty rebate on the room by an unsmiling manager who found Janet’s wet bra tales somewhat beneath him.

The restaurant I picked on speck last night was an Italian meat place called Macellaoi and that was made special by the off duty manager who sat next to us at the bar where we managed to wangle a pre show supper. He was working on his laptop but I think noticed that the waiter was more attentive over an Á La carte group of diners than us. He took our orders then substituted bits on the menu for more expensive articles even giving us a bottle of Italian wine cheaper because the one I ordered was out of stock.
Being looked after at a restaurant is a lovely treat, and I twittered my thanks to him this morning .

It’s been a lovely few days, made better, in some ways by the bra incident which was something to laugh about.
Laughter is something I don’t find hard with my sisters 
Even though their bras may be sodden


  1. There's nowt worse than a damp bra! Good on you for getting some money back.

    1. Apparently water was leaking through the light fittings

  2. Hmm.. drying your bra and knickers with a hairdryer at 4 a.m. needs a great sense of humour. The rebate was certainly deserved.

    1. If the manager was a woman perhaps the rebate would have been larger

  3. I'd say a rebate is well deserved! Was the leak from plumbing or from the outside? In any case, the manager will take it more seriously if it costs him income.

    1. Internal plumbing Steve…..👙

    2. After I read this post I spent some time looking at the Google reviews for Mimi's. It has...an uneven reputation, shall we say? :)

  4. You've enjoyed a lovely time with your sister, and a few giggles to boot, what could be nicer.

    1. Small dramas add to any holiday no matter how small

  5. If that had been me, I'd have gone without a bra and let it all hang (and I use the term advisedly) loose! xx

  6. Anonymous11:22 am

    What a lovely time you have had! I know people keep telling you this but you should really think about writing a book, if not a biography, a book of memoirs (of which you have a few!!) I am sure it would be a best seller. Ro (n.w. Italy)

  7. Glad you had a fun break away from the grind.

  8. It is so good to hear of a good restaurant experience and good to get a rebate too. What a great weekend you both seem to have had which is lovely.

    1. Janet doesn’t get to London much , so it was to see the ballet through her new eyes

  9. Anonymous12:20 pm

    I enjoyed hearing about your London excursion the shows and the meals and your adventures. I did sympathize with your sister-what an event. I saw Jersey Boys in London in July, I was seated next to a man from San Francisco and his 8 year old son. We chatted about London and the crowds out enjoying themselves (he was originally from the UK like me). He was enjoying the vibrant atmosphere in London contrasting it to SanFran. Which he felt hadn’t got its groove back after Covid.

    1. Anonymous12:28 pm

      Sorry left off Jean in Winnipeg

    2. I’ve said this before , but I’ve noticed in the west end, peoples’ need to enjoy themselves post covid

  10. Your sister is resourceful!

  11. It's good that your sister and you were able to ignore the few quirks of the trip and have a wonderful time. Helps to focus on the fun!

    1. And remember the fun, through the thought ten years hence “ do you remember that weekend my bra got soaked”

  12. Barbara Anne1:30 pm

    It's alwayss good to be resourceful when your suitcase is soaked! Good for Janet and thanks for the visuals. It IS always something! :)


  13. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures in London. The wet bra incident was hilarious. Good for you in getting back a rebate!

    1. He was quite pious so I wasn’t letting it go

  14. Definitely a hefty rebate was due. Your sister sounds like a hoot. Must be genetic.

    1. All the siblings have the same humour , including my brother who could recall a story much funnier than I ever could

  15. You and Janet are master improvisers; you with the trains and Janet with the leak and wet bra. Your restaurant experiences sound excellent too. Overall a great trip.

    1. Even though we walked 12 thousand steps yesterday , I’m now enjoying my rest on the couch with Dorothy licking my feet

    2. 15.5k to be exact

    3. No wonder I can’t walk today

  16. weaver1:46 pm

    Lovely story - you do manage at least one drama everywhere you go don;t you?

    1. Anonymous3:32 pm

      John can soon make up a drama to write about regardless of whether it's all entirely true or not.
      He's admitted in the past he adds embellishments to make a good story.

    2. Janet made the video ….so go figure

    3. I attract them like bees around a turd

    4. The last comment was for pat

    5. Anonymous7:31 pm

      We in the US would call someone like you a DOUCHBAG
      I’d call you a TRUMPLOVER


    6. Anonymous7:32 pm

      Sorry John Gray



    7. Always to my rescue deArheart x

    8. Anonymous7:39 pm

      Janet Parry
      Worked a treat (after rinsing it out first I might add )...and on 1 shoe and my best jacket too...all at 4.30am in the morning bleary eyed after trotting after the manager up 4 floors to a new room wearing my anorak over my nightie ..nailed it 🤣

    9. Janet had the last laugh and comment lol

    10. Bugger off annon

  17. That's the second hotel room fiasco story I've read in blog world today! Yes. Of course your sister deserved a rebate! I probably would have thrown the bra out, and gone without for the rest of the trip but I hate bras so there is that.
    The dinner sounds so lovely. Sigh.

    1. I think Janet and I don’t eat out very much ( as in posh grub) so we really appreciate the one out-of-the-blue blowout

  18. Your sister sounds a lot like her brother!

  19. Janet is as always very clever. I'll remember that the next time my bras get soaked in a hotel in London. P.S.: It shouldn't have been necessary for you to complain at the hotel. They should have immediately offered Janet a significant discount or even the night free.

    1. That’s what I thought…hence my quiet assertive chat

  20. Things going wrong make the best stories later - that is, as long as they are not life- threatening. Even your year of travel difficulties will EVENTUALLY be a great story, at least I hope it will become so. It is the same with any event. If everything goes perfectly, it's a little boring in the retelling. I used to break the ice with fellow wedding guests by asking them to tell us a story about their own wedding. I would lead off with our own snafu :)

  21. Anonymous7:42 pm

    A lovely , silly, emotional and oh so family orientated post

  22. Anonymous8:51 pm

    "cheaper than basic travelogues"... ? Tales about travel?

    1. Anonymous8:52 pm

      Oh... just got it. Travelodges.

  23. I feel for Janet, I'm currently stuck in the worst dump of a holiday cottage I have ever stayed in. Some water through the roof might actually clean the filthy tip!

  24. Thanks for the chuckle. :)

  25. Soho is a very different area now than it was when I lived in London. It used to be so seedy, rough, and dangerous; even so, I always enjoyed the pubs and clubs.

  26. I think it was handled very well by Janet and also by you. But really badly by the management who should have offered recompense at checkout without any prompting.

    The restaurant manager was the complete opposite. Wish I were able to visit to have a meal.

  27. Actually the night manager put towels on the floor ..took my wet jacket and hung it in the bathroom and turned to leave..I pointed out I wasnt going to get much sleep as it was dripping quite loudly and coming through the light fitting which worried me ,he then said I will look for another room for you...really don't think he was going to bother if I hadn't said that tbh

  28. I think it was badly handled simply because if there is a leak in the room overnight which resulted in wet clothes and the guest having to move rooms at about 4am then I would have expected myself to have an apology and some offer of remuneration when checking out. Without having to ask for it. If that is normal procedure then fair enough, as my experience of hotels is probably not as great as yours, but I still feel it was not well handled.

    1. Marisana take no notice of troll she’d pick a fight in a dark room

  29. I like your new wallpaper. There is an alternative title to that artwork - 'Things are Looking Up'.

    1. I’ve always adored the power of those little figures


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