Revisiting Les Miserables

 Les Miserables was a class act, and believe me, I’m an expert on the show having seen it a score of times in the 1980s and early 1990s

Ok there are a few changes from the original. There is no revolving stage, there is no dramatic reconstruction of the barricades and the whole thing seems paced quicker than what I remember . Interestingly there is also some omissions of language including some anti Semitic references spoken by the nasty Thenardiers in the wedding scene .but the new version is a quality piece with some beautifully performed set pieces with universally beautiful singing

We had a fantastic meal at Soho Italian Meat Restaurant Macellaio beforehand and received some lovely treats from the delightfully attractive manager there who seemed to suddenly take a liking to us. 
He was very sweet and made a lovely evening even more lovely.


  1. Anonymous10:33 pm

    Swoon. I can hardly tear myself away from the food pictures.


  2. I'll pass on the food (I'm vegan) but glad you've both had a wonderful time. xx

  3. Oh, yes, the food. You were definitely not "the wretched" at dinner!

  4. Sure wish I could have been there for everything.

  5. Barbara Anne4:27 am

    What a glorious evening for you and Janet!! How perfect! Hope yoou each have magical and restful dreams.


  6. That plate of steak looks like heaven. This is why I could never be a vegan.

  7. Yorkshire Liz6:16 am

    Your meal looks delicious, and all in all, a wonderful weekend in London. You both deserved no less.
    So glad you enjoyed Les Mis: like you, I have watched it more often than healthy, and have watched the production pared back and back from the original to cut costs: on the other hand, CamMac would rather do that than close his favourite show. My first watch was the second preview, when it ran at almost four hours and was getting slagged off, sight unseen, for combining Shakespearean actors with pop stars in the same show; how times have changed! (Audience reaction never supported the sniffy critics attitude, apart from one, the irreplaceable Sheridan Morley; it was word of mouth that made that show in the beginning) Colm Wilkinson (Irish pop star)and Roger Allam, RSC stalwart who many people forget trained as an opera singer, were the original leads. Much as I have always loved Roger, for me the delectable Philip Quast remains the definitive Javert.

    1. Roger Allam
      Stole the show when I saw him in Les mis way back
      Colm Wilkinson was wonderful too as I recall
      But this new cast were just as good and really impressed me, which was lovely, I had a feeling that they wouldn’t

    2. Yorkshire Liz6:09 pm

      Roger steals any show he is in by his sheer fire power. Currently in a rather lovely elderly gay romance with Ian McKellan about to transfer into the west end.

  8. It sounds like an excellent performance.
    That food looks so good!

  9. It sounds wonderful and the food looks delicious.

  10. weaver9:42 am

    I'm glad your whole outing was such a success John - would make up in part for the Rome disaster. Food looks yummy (place looks too 'posh' for a humble Scotch Egg!)

  11. I have seen it some time ago already, loved the music and the story.


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